Hi everybody!!!! My name is Ray and I hope you enjoy my story!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, I don't own the characters and I don't own Bakura's cloak, although I wish I did!!

Rating: M for mild language, gore, and a lemon later on

Pairings: Malik (who I'm calling Marik) and Thief Bakura

Summary: Marik's life is thrown upside down when a thief rescues him from his prison and helps him discover what it means to trust.

Chapter 1

Marik awoke with a start as a muscled arm wrapped around his neck and violently yanked him from his bed. He tried to scream, but his cry was stifled by a calloused hand. The blonde's thoughts were racing inside his mind, 'What's going on?!' 'Where is my sister?!'

"Show me the millennium rod and tauk, slave," An accented baritone voice commanded, pushing Marik in the direction of the deepest part of the tomb.

Although Marik was frightened, his fear did not paralyze him. Marik sank his devilishly sharp teeth into the mans hand and was hurled into the adjacent wall. He barely had enough time to recover before the man's fist closed around his robe, pulling him up to gaze into crimson eyes and snow white hair.

You're a hell of a lot braver than your father and brother were.", the albino spat cruelly before throwing the blonde from his room into the tomb's main corridor.

What Marik saw next tore the air from his lungs and froze the blood in his veins. His father, lying dead on the stone floor, blood pooling around his limp body, his eyes gauged from his skull. His stepbrother Odeon's body, lying broken and bruised, all of the life stolen from it.

"W-where i-is m-y s-sister," Marik forced the words to form as best he could, although he felt as if his voice would disappear at any moment. Marik was not as shaken by the death of his father and brother as he probably should have been. They had been the bane of his existence since birth.

"That wench? I let her go, I don't waste my time killing women.", the thief's eyes flickered for a moment, before narrowing once more on his current victim.

"Enough talk!," the thief shouted angrily as Marik stood once more, "bring me the millennium items!"

Marik felt a sharp blade nip at the flesh of his back, causing his legs to move forward without his mind's consent. Down the torch lit corridor the two men walked, until Marik stopped abruptly in front of a large, jewel encrusted shrine. That was where the items should have been, laying neatly in the linens in front of the statue of Ra.

"They're gone……," Marik whispered, his mind already registering what had happened.

"WHERE ARE THEY!," The thief bellowed and once again Marik was lifted off of the ground by his hair, "………. Damn!!!"

Marik remained silent, but from the look on the albino's face, it didn't matter.

"The wench," the thief's face contorted into an unsettling smile, " your sister took them, didn't she? Obviously, I should never have underestimated her." The albino then lifted an object in front of the blonde's eyes: a beautiful, jewel encrusted dagger.

"Are you going to kill me, thief?", Marik was terrified, but he refused to show his fear of death, especially to such a vulgar criminal.

The albino brought his ghostly white hand up to cup Marik's chin, bringing the blondes face only inches from his own.

"Not yet.", the thief whispered almost sweetly before bringing the hilt of his dagger up to bash against Marik's skull.