Sorry it's taken so long!! I did finish this part a while ago but I think It will be to long so I'll just make It into two chapters instead. Plus that way you guys get to read some more lol.

"It's a fair?"

"Yup" Leon smiled and moved to stand in front his male company. "I thought it would be something fun for us to do, specially since there's not a lot to do around here."

"You mean there's not a lot to do around here that doesn't cost a fortune." Cloud quirked a slim eyebrow and folded his arms across his built chest.

"Yep, exactly that" Leon replied with a cheeky grin, "C'mon it'll be fun" the brunette clasped his hands together "Please?"

Cloud rolled his eyes and gave the taller male next time him a questioning look.

"I see no harm in it, and Leon is right, it's something to do at least." Vincent said, glad that Cloud had turned to him for approval.

"Great!" Leon smiled and began walking towards the entrance of the fairground.

"I take it he likes the fair?" Vincent turned to the blonde.

Cloud looked at Vincent briefly before looking back to the fair ground and beginning to traipse after the brunette. Vincent rubbed the back of his head. 'I guess he's still a little uncomfortable around me, how long is this going to last?' He heaved a sigh lowering his gaze to the ground.

"Don't you wanna go anymore?"

Vincent's crimson eyes shot up. Cloud had stopped a few feet ahead of him and was giving Vincent a questioning look, seemingly waiting for the other to move.

"Uh, of course" the raven haired man smiled at the younger and began making his way towards him.


"Apparently it's pretty busy today" Vincent spoke aloud to himself, trying to manoeuvre his way around a young woman with a pram without knocking over an old lady browsing a nearby stall.

"Oops! Sorry about that" Vincent turned to the OAP he hadn't successfully managed to avoid. She glared at him through her tired eyes before hobbling away whilst grumbling obscenities about 'today's reckless youth'.

Vincent watched her go in disbelief. He'd said he was sorry what more did she want? Besides if Cloud hadn't darted in front of him he wouldn't have pushed her into the stall in the first place. Actually, why had Cloud sped across him?

He surveyed the area, using his height as an advantage to see over the hectic crowd. Recognising unmistakable spiky locks, he began to make his way over to the fenced region Cloud had subsided by.

The raven haired man managed to ease his way through the audience surrounding the paddock. He stepped next to the blonde. "What's going on?"

Cloud turned to the taller man, his eyes beaming with happiness and excitement for what Vincent felt had to be the first time. The darker haired man stared slightly in astonishment. He'd never seen Cloud with that expression before, needless to say, it was pretty damn cute.

"It's a Chocobo pen!" The Shorter male seemed to bounce slightly at his exclamation, continuing to beam at Vincent.

'To cute.' .Vincent couldn't hold back his smile.

From nowhere, Leon strode over and stopped beside them both, easily ruining the moment in Vincent's opinion. "It says we can enter the area for a small fee."

Cloud turned to the brunette with that same look of excitement, until slowly his face dropped and his blue eyes saddened.

"Cloud?" Leon questioned, seeing the blondes change in expression.

"I ain't brought my wallet, if I'da known we were coming here then I would have…" He lowered his gaze to the ground and slumped his arms to his sides.

Vincent had never seen the blonde get so happy about something before. He new Cloud had kept Chocobo's once but had no idea he had such a fondness for the feathered creature.

"Well that's not so bad, it would have been silly if you brought another ticket after I'd already brought three." Smirking, Leon produced the said tickets from behind his leather jacket.

The blonde's mako blue eyes were once again ecstatic. Cloud half smiled, seeing as that type of smile was the most Cloud could ever seem to conjure up, and happily took his ticket from Leon.

"Your coming to stretch" Leon lazily waved his arm in a gesture for Vincent to follow as him and Cloud made their way over to the pen entrance.

But Vincent didn't begin to follow immediately, he was to busy burning daggers into the back of the brunettes big head.

He was going to offer Cloud the money for the tickets, he was going to bring that adorable smile back to Clouds face and most importantly he was going to be the hero. But no, good guy Leon had already beat him to it. Not only did he beat him to it by buying the tickets but he hadn't even given Vincent the chance to offer to buy them and now Cloud would never know that he would have.

Why did that guy have to be so…so… smooth…

"Are you coming or are you scared?"

Vincent was woken from his thoughts by said smooth guys question, Cloud and him were stood at the entrance waiting for the raven haired man.

'How dare he! Who does he think he is to even assume that I would be afraid of such a dim-witted, obtuse, ignorant creature!'

"Don't be absurd. It's nothing like that, although I'm not going to deny the fact that I don't have a particular like or interest for Chocobo's"

"You don't like Chocobo's?"

Cloud raised his slim eyebrows, giving Vincent an astonished yet slightly disappointed look, as if the very thought of not liking Chocobo's was insane.


"Well no, it's not that I don't like Chocobo's I just don't particularly like them either…" Vincent himself was confused at his statement let alone how confusing it must have been for Cloud and Leon.

"Yeh…O-K" Leon smirked at Vincent before turning and entering the area. The blonde however gave Vincent one last look of depressing puzzlement before following the brunette.

For some reason Vincent couldn't help but feel like the acclamation that he didn't particularly like the giant birds was almost as if, what he was really saying, was that he didn't particularly like Cloud either. Or at least that's what he felt Cloud heard it as.

'Oh for goodness sake! Cant I do anything right today?'

Vincent stomped on a discarded piece of rubbish in frustration, only to find out that it was the wrapper of some chewing gum, but not just the wrapper, someone had instead put their used chewing gum back in the packaging before littering the ground with it.

The raven haired mans crimson eyes flashed with fury.


Vincent hopped for a moment before hastily grabbing hold of his foot to inspect the bottom.

"What is that! WHAT IS THAT!"

He continued to glare at the soul of his shoe, if glares really could scold then the gum would have most definitely been singed off.

After his ferocious outburst, and after receiving some very strange glances, his pale slender hand reached for a random stick on the floor to scrape the chewy substance from his boot.

"This day could not get any worse." he grumbled whilst relieving his shoe of it's sticky confines before finally heading to catch up with his company.


"Aww I think he likes you Cloud."

Leon smiled as his silvery blue eyes watched the blonde continue to stroke the feathered beast. The brunette was glad to have brought some happiness into the smaller males dramatic life, even if just for the few hours that they'd be there for. He'd known Cloud for about a year now, and it was honestly quite painful for him to watch how, more often then not, Cloud was upset and depressed rather than happy.

He understood why of course. Cloud had gotten more relaxed around him after a few months and at one point confided in him about his loss of a man named Zack. Leon had never heard of the man before then, and definitely had no idea that him and Cloud had once been lovers.

It was heart braking for Leon to hear about the turmoil the blonde had gone through as a child; but when the younger man had told him about the tragic death of the one person Cloud had ever opened up to enough to love, it had just about pushed Leon over the edge and he couldn't help but find himself trying to fight back tears for his friend that very night.

For Leon, what he had found most upsetting about it was the way Cloud had told him the story. His voice had been monotone and had held no emotion, almost as if he had no tears left to cry about it; either that or perhaps the emotion in Cloud had died along with Zack.

He honestly didn't know how Cloud was still here, semi-smiling with him today. He was thank full, sure, but Leon new all to well in himself that if it had been him to go through everything that the blonde had, by now he would have-

"It's about time, where the hell ya been?"

Clouds question thankfully pulled Leon from his thoughts. He turned to face where the blondes blue-green eyes were looking and saw Vincent finally making his way towards them. He was limping slightly and definitely didn't look very happy.

Leon chuckled slightly at the taller mans fiery expression. He had to admit that he liked the guy, he generally seemed like a nice enough bloke and if Cloud liked him then hell Leon liked him too.

"Yes I'm finally here" Vincent flung his arms up whilst continuing his way towards the two. "After traipsing across this stupid gigantic field where everything looks the same, after twisting my ankle from stumbling into some kind of a demented ditch and after narrowly avoiding being attacked by an enormous bird chasing me half way across the plains! I am finally here O.K!"

Leon chuckled again at the anger emitting from the man. "The guy at the gate did say to be careful since the female Chocobo's are laying eggs around this time of year, he said they get a little protective of them." he placed a hand on his hip, still smirking at Vincent.

Vincent had to sarcastically spit out a laugh at that. He was not in the mood to put up with Leon's 'too cool for school' attitude right now. "I think I'm fully aware that they might be a bit protective of their eggs Leon!" he spat.

"I don't need you of all people to-"


He stopped mid sentence as all three young men's faces dropped.

Slowly, Vincent looked down to find the source of the dreadful sound they had all just heard. As soon as he laid eyes on the reason for it he wished he hadn't. He lifted his foot out of the gooey contents of the shell, the gangly substance hanging from his leg as he did so. He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Is that…"

"Did you just…"

"You trod on a Chocobo egg!" Cloud cried with a horrified face.

The spiky headed youth ran over to Vincent and stopped in front of the broken shell. He slowly looked up at Vincent frowning sadly, his big blue eyes staring intently at him like a hurt puppies. Even at a time like this Vincent couldn't help but think about how cute Cloud looked with that expression.

"You've killed it." the blonde pouted.

"I… I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I… I wasn't looking where I was going and…"

Vincent managed to splutter. His anger had disappeared now, replaced with remorse.

'This is awful! I can't stand that look, he looks so upset'

Vincent stared back, his mouth agape, unable to say anything to help himself.

"Hey we should move on before someone comes by, we've been here for almost all the forty minutes we were aloud anyway." Leon's deep voice broke through the silence as he stepped towards them both. He gave Clouds shoulder a little squeeze. "Accidents happen Cloud." he gave him a reassuring yet sympathetic smile.

"Come on, lets go check out what else there is ay?" he steered a reluctant Cloud away from the mini murder scene and ushered him in the direction of the exit. The brunette glanced over his muscular shoulder and frowned accusingly at Vincent. "Come on."

Today was working out to be one of the worst days of Vincent's life. And that's saying a lot considering he had previously fallen in love with a woman that was already married, not just married, no, she had to be married to the very mad man that made him the thing he considered himself to be today. That, and the fact he had spent 30 years of his eternal life in a coffin placed in the basement of a haunting old mansion were all sorts of nightmares began.

He hung his head sadly, his raven bangs falling to shape his pale slender face. Well, there was no point going home now. As much as he would love to just go home, curl up on the sofa and watch some lame soap operas until sleep took him, he refused to throw in the towel. Why make himself look childish by storming of? Or rather why, after all that had already happened, leave Cloud alone with Leon now? Vincent was never one for excepting defeat and he certainly wasn't giving up on Cloud after only a few days. Be it a few bad days sure, but still…

Vincent's crimson eyes turned up to Leon's retreating back with a new look of determination. 'I better get there fast before HE sucks up to him any further' Vincent smirked at his unknowing rival and began to jog his long legs over the distance between them. He had to try make things right again, and if that meant removing Leon from the picture for a little while then so be it.

Hope you guys like! please review! I love getting feedback and it inspires me to write more because that way I know I have readers to bother writing for XD R.I.P chocobo TT