Disclaimer: n. - the act of disclaiming; the renouncing, repudiating, or denying of a claim; disavowal. (More or less; a statement to cover ones own ass)
Hello any amazing readers who have actually waited for the new version of my fic to come out. I know I said summer of last year but I moved and my life got swept away with the wind. Hopefully it is better than it was and I didn't waste my time and yours. I'm happier with it this way and I hope you will be too. And now without further ado:
Welcome to Home Makeover: FANFIC EDITION! This story occurs three years after the time skip making Temari 21, Kankuro 20, Gai's team 19 and the rookies and Gaara 18.
* Head Bong*
The Kazekage drummed his fingers against the thick oak table while he stared absent-mindedly at the wall as his mind wondered. The council members continued to drone on about the upcoming visit to Konoha to reassess the treaty papers. They had been discussing the same thing for the last hour and a half completely ignorant, or at least ignoring, their young Kazekage's boredom. Gaara had to do this twice a year and he hated it with every fibre of his being. It wasn't as if he planned on changing his mind and declaring war on Konoha, or anybody else for that matter. And the real onion, as far as he was concerned at least, was that if either he or Tsunade ever wanted to change anything concerning the treaty they didn't even have to wait for these stupid meetings to do so. What purpose did these gatherings actually serve than? Baki had futilely tried to defend them under the guise that they were supposed to show a strong allied front to the citizens of Konoha and Suna as well as their enemy countries. What he didn't understand was why he was forced to participate in the meetings if their true purpose was just for him to visit the other village and attend mundane functions. Gaara had than discovered their real purpose. The old farts he called his council used them as a time to haggle over the inane issues they felt exceptionally important with the Konoha elders. Neither he or Tsunade ever actually listened during the meetings. The only thing he got from them was a headache and a lousy vacation.
"Gaara, did you catch that?" Kankuro asked, leaning over to him from his right. As Gaara's second in command, he had to attend the treaty meetings too. Something they shared in common concerning the meetings, aside from mandatory attendance, was great unadulterated hatred for them.
"Hmm?" Gaara barely acknowledged his brother before he began to zone out again.
"What's got you off in the clouds?" asked Kankuro prodding Gaara in the ribs. Even if Gaara never listened to the councilmen he usually feigned the appearance of interest.
Temari was on his left popping her gum rather obnoxiously, openly interrupting and not caring if she did. As Suna's ambassador to Konoha her presence was also demanded, but she had no say in anything until they were actually in Konoha and discussing trade disputes. The three siblings were desperately trying to find something to engage themselves with so that they wouldn't fall asleep. All while ignoring the hairy eyeball they were getting from Baki and a few of the other council members. Baki had ordered, not requested, but ordered that they be on their best behaviour so that when they arrived in Konoha in three days they would be up to date with the changes the council wanted to see in the treaties. Unfortunately for their previous team leader; none of them cared, not even a little bit. They hadn't even pretended to be interested in the meetings over the last three years since discovering how useless the first one was. No sort of unspeakable wrath had fallen upon them for being inattentive yet and until it did they weren't about to change their outlook on them. Besides it wasn't as if Tsunade was horribly affronted by their complete indifference. The Hokage was either not present, sleeping, or so drunk she eventually passed out anyways.
"Is this stupid thing almost over?" Temari asked in a barely hushed voice as she leaned forward on the table and rested her head in her palm.
"It should be in a few of minutes, why?" Kankuro answered with a sly smirk. "Did you finally find some unfortunate bastard to emasculate?"
"Don't be so foolish Kankuro;" Gaara said with a straight face. Temari was about to thank him before he continued. Finally breaking eye contact with the wall to turn to his brother, "She isn't actually going to go all the way to Konoha just so she can continue to hack away at Shikamaru's diminishing manhood."
"God Temari we'll be there in three days; or can you not keep your libido in check that long?" Kankuro laughed.
Temari stomped her foot causing a gust of wind to topple Kankuro's chair. Gaara 's lips turned upwards in a small smile as all of the council members turned to glare at Kankuro. Offering his apologizes for the disruption he righted his chair and took his seat. Gaara's face returned to its mask and he continued the meeting before anyone else fell victim to his elder sister's infamous wrath.
"I had planned a date with a punching bag." She replied as the meeting continued on. "Unless you'd rather it was you."
The meeting wrapped up and all the council members stood and filed out of the room. Rising and stretching Kankuro said "I'm going to have to pass. No offence sis, but I find incest a little creepy. Plus you are totally not my type." Gaara left the room laughing and shaking his head as his brother dodged Temari's fan and skipped out of the meeting room after him.
Yanking the window open Temari unfolded her fan with a snap and jumped out. She floated across the village admiring Suna as the last rays of the setting sun glinted through the sandy buildings. She set down on the training grounds and began her usual exercise routine.
*Head Bong*
Temari yawned as she walked up the outer staircase to the living levels of the Kazekage tower it was closer to midnight and she had had another early and active day. Gaara was in his personal office reading over some papers while Kankuro tinkered with his puppets at their massive dining room table. The kitchen staff had long ago retired for the evening which suited her just fine. She liked to cook; it was one of the few domestic traits she was actually fond of. Fixing herself some dinner she threw the dishes in the sink for someone else to deal with tomorrow.
"Night!" she called to her brothers as she walked passed Gaara's study and began climbing the stairs up to the bedrooms.
"Good night!" Kankuro yelled back from the dinning room.
Stopping as Gaara asked her to come back down she thought back to anything she had done recently that would warrant his speaking to her on business affairs. Leaning against the door frame to his office she regarded her little brother with a smile. How he had grown up in the last, what had it been, six years? Surely not, it felt like a lifetime ago. She couldn't even imagine her life now without her brothers. As cheesy as it sounded they were her best friends.
"Don't forget to pack tonight we'll be heading to Konoha early tomorrow." Gaara said only looking up from his work for a second. "Also, I've given all the staff the next two weeks off starting tomorrow so if you could make breakfast tomorrow Kankuro and I will most likely love you forever." He said with a smile, not that he'd ever admitted it but he enjoyed Temari's cooking over all of the fancy chefs they'd employed.
"I vote for French toast." Kankuro piped in as Temari pulled him into a head lock and tickling his neck. What were big sisters for after all?
"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" she asked easing up on her hold.
"I'd like to be out of here by five." Gaara said pushing a few papers around his desk ignoring his siblings as they simultaneously stuck their tongues out at him immaturely.
Temari trudged back up the stairs thinking of what she had to pack. She had never been one of those girls that really cared what they looked like but she still had to look decent and be able to fight. She threw a couple of kimonos in her bag. As well as a pair of sweat pants and a tank top to sleep in. A couple pairs of shorts and T-shirts, her swim suit and she was done. She went to her private bathroom with her bag and threw in the essentials.
'I hope I've got everything.' she thought to herself, 'Whatever, it's not as if I can't just go and buy anything I might need.'
With that settled she walked back into her room and dropped her bag on the floor. Flopping into bed she thought about what the next two weeks might bring her and hoped they weren't really as dreadful as her imagination had proposed. She tossed and turned till about one before her day finally caught up to her and she fell into a nice solid sleep.
Three hours later her alarm blared through the room jarring her from her dreams. God, she thought, three hours of sleep definitely wasn't as relaxing in hindsight. Rolling out of bed she donned her usual outfit before heading down stairs to start breakfast.
*Head Bong*
Kankuro woke up to the wondrous smells of French toast and freshly ground coffee. Quickly showering and getting dressed he packed what little he would need for their upcoming trip. Forgoing his traditional face paint he headed downstairs. He was met by the largest stack of French toast in the history of mankind and Temari and Gaara already digging into it. Settling into his seat at the massive dining table he began piling the mouth watering food on to the plate set out in front of him.
"Good?" Temari asked smirking as she watched her brothers practically inhale the food; maybe she should do the cooking more often, she pondered.
"Great." This came out more like: "Greamph." as Kankuro's mouth was full of toast and maple syrup.
"Chew, swallow than commence speech." Temari said laughing as her brother train wrecked her. "Delicious."
"It's excellent." Gaara answered after swallowing and taking a drink of water like a gentleman.
After Temari cleared the table and coerced Kankuro into cleaning up the kitchen they left. Even in the early morning the streets of Suna were busy and bubbling with life. The day market was getting ready to open and vendors were already setting up the goods they had procured to sell. The siblings stopped at one of the fruit stands and purchased some extra food for their trip. They were going to be pushing hard with as few pit stops as possible. To Kankuro's great dismay that meant they were not to stop in the hot spring resort that was on the way like they usually did when travelling on official business.
The three of them were to head to Konoha a week in ahead of the council. Hopefully by the time the old goons arrived they would already have the documents drawn up complete with the changes discussed at last night's meeting which Baki had sent Gaara afterwards knowing that none of his former students had been taking notes. Then his council would get there argue with the Konoha elders and after another week of the completely wasteful meetings they would come back to an almost identical version of the original treaty just like they had. Just like every other year. During that week he would be forced to appear at all sorts of ridiculous functions and then they could come home. Well at least he had a routine, Gaara thought, he didn't like surprises.
Gaara shuddered as he thought about all of the pushy mothers shoving their "eligible" daughters on him at those functions. He really needed to find himself a girlfriend or at least start spreading rumours around that he was gay, it was getting that out of hand. As he contemplated how the council would take their most unorthodox Kazekage coming out of the proverbial closet he picked up his pace. The air was still chilled from the desert night and he hoped almost be out of the desert by the time the burning afternoon sun reached its apex.
*Head Bong*
For better or worse?
I think I read somewhere once that it was a three day journey from Suna to Konoha if that isn't correct could someone please let me know? Thank you.
Xxx's and Ooo's. Please review.