Disclaimer: Although many of us would absolutely die for the harry potter characters, we don't. Everything here is j.k Rowling's, except from the plot, which is my own invention.

Yes!! This has been revised!!

Harry Potter and the abusive Dursleys

chapter one

Harry stood gazing out of his Bedroom window, expecting Hedwig to return soon. He had let Hedwig out little over two days ago when uncle Vernon had started to beat Harry up. He thought this was because all the magical interference, since Dumbledore had sent a few letters to the Dursleys saying a boy was murdered in the same tournament Harry had been in. All uncle Vernon said was "Too bad it wasn't you, boy!".

Harry sat on his bed, holding his stomach, as he hadn't eaten for over a good week or so. Harry put his hand on the window sill where he gasped for pain as his wrist was absolutely killing him. This was because his brutal uncle Vernon (not that you can really call him family) had kicked him down the stairs.

Harry continued to think about these injury's he had, when he saw in the distance a small white object coming this way. As it was pretty late, he couldn't quite be sure what it was, until it hit him (not literally) that it was Hedwig. She came soaring through the window and perched herself on Harry's desk.

Harry took the letter tied around her foot. He unstrapped it and then read:


I wondered what you owl was doing back here so soon with out a letter. I was just writing to see if everything was okay with you at the Dursleys. I hope it is, as I am having a lovely time at the burrow with Hermione. They all say 'hi' aswell. well, since Hermione's family went to France for a break she was allowed to stay with us. Hope you are doing well.

- Ron

He just wished they knew what he was going through back at the Dursleys house in private drive. But by doing so he would get them hurt by, none other than, Vernon Dursley. Harry began to stand up, and wobbled slightly. He thought his ankle just had a bad sprain, but now could see that it was probably broken.

He looked down his leg and saw a huge cut running from his knee down to the bottom of his shin. He remembered this, it was only 3 days ago. When uncle Vernon shouted at harry in the morning because he heard Hedwig screech in the night, disturbing his sleep.

The day after Harry had gotten a knife cut down his leg he was being made to write a letter to Ron and Hermione to tell them that he was fine and that the Dursleys had not been mean at all. Harry, of course, was being watched closely so as not to tell his friends that he needed them.

Harry cleared his mind of those thoughts and began to think about how uncle Vernon would react knowing he had to watched Harry to write another letter similar to the last one. Harry thought that perhaps his uncle was sleeping, as it was getting quite late. Harry steadily made his way to his desk and brought forward a piece of parchment, he was going to write to Ron without the Dursleys knowing.

Ron Had just sent a letter back to Harry, asking what his owl was doing without a letter. He pondered on this question whilst heading to tell his mother and father and Hermione the weird news.

"Hey, you are never going to get what just happened upstairs. Harry sent his owl over to me." Ron said, waiting for answers. But the others didn't seem it strange at all.

"well of course he is Ronnie, You send messages to each other all summer. " Mrs. Weasley said to Ron as he frowned at her.

"No! I mean, there was no letter attached to it. Do you think he is o.k?" Ron asked, worryingly.

"I think Ron has a fair point here Mrs.Weasley." Hermione said. "Harry has said nothing but how he was doing fine. Maybe I should send him an owl aswell.?!"

Harry had just finished writing his letter to Ron. When he looked round at Uncle Vernon behind him. Harry thought it was impossible o go that color of dark purple, but didn't dare question. Harry knew what was coming before it had even happened.


Before Harry could defend himself at all, he was lying on the ground. Uncle Vernon kicking harry in the stomach and then jumping on his ankles. Harry gave a yell and wriggled as he heard a very unpleasant crack in the bottom of his leg. All he wanted now was to be at the burrow with Ron and Hermione.

Uncle Vernon carried on beating Harry, until something caught his eye on on Harry's desk. Vernon thought then: 'of course, his friends are going to be expecting a reply soon, i will have to keep the boy conscious to finish of his letter'. And with that he gave Harry one last kicked on his elbow, making yet another deep cut, and pulled the boy to his feet.

Harry's uncle pushed him into his seat and through a pen on the desk. "WRITE, NOW!" spoke uncle Vernon. Harry then began his letter to Ron like this:


Things are fine here with me, hope you are having a good time with Hermione. Hope to hear from you again soon,


Harry knew that his letter was short and useless, but hopefully he thought that maybe he could read between the lines or something. Vernon bent over and looked at Harry's letter then nodded.

Harry was then whacked round the head violently, making his nose bleed. Uncle Vernon then took away Harry's pen so that e could no longer write. There was then a bang on the door, making Vernon go to see who was outside Harry's bedroom.

A spot of his blood stained on the sheet of parchment he had used to write Ron's letter. Uncle Vernon was still out the room with Harry's pen. Harry hoped Ron would spot the blood, but then again it was fairly small. So harry turned over the parchment (as his stomach grunted) and he put his hand to his nose and got blood on his fingers. He found the far bottom hand corner.

He put his fingers to the parchment and wrote in the neatest he could:


Before Uncle Vernon had come back into the room properly Harry had already attached the letter to Hedwig and walked as quick as his broken ankle would carry him to the window. He pushed her out slowly, and she took of just as Uncle Vernon had turned round. He had already figured out what Harry's was up to as he saw the blood on Harry's fingers. Vernon gave Harry a beating round the head that made him feel dizzy as he collapsed to the floor. Then uncle Vernon started kicking harry in his ribs, making sure at least three were broken. When he was satisfied he left the room and locked the door.

Harry just heard the door click before he became unconcious lying in his blood on the floor. How long would that message get to Rons place. Hopefully in the next hour or so. As he lay there, he dift further and further away into unconciousness. Would Ron find him alive??

Woowoo! "All is fair in love and war"- In my story it isn't!

Review please!

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