Why Kiba
T'is Redone.
Summary: Naruto mourns after his friend, his love, dies after a mission, then takes Drastic measures to get him back.
Disclaimer:I does not own Naruto. Maybe someday…>>;;
Why'd you do it Kiba? Why did you take that mission, why'd you get Hinata to come, even after she refused? Why'd you have to come up with this…devastating plan to take away your pain? Everyone's asked, but nobody knows, not even your sister, who said you told her everything since…Him.
I curse that name. I curse him to hell and back, with his goddamn bugs too. He took something from you Kiba. He took it and you were never the same. When you finally left that bastard, after all those months of torment, you were only a fraction of what you were before.
Then you came to me. I remember the day you came to my doorstep, tears running down your face. The day you said you loved me. I knew it wasn't true, but I prayed to god that I was wrong. It seems they were unanswered. I remember those times, remember them like it was yesterday, and god I wish it was.
That's all I have of you now Kiba. Memories. Memories of our first date, the first time we slept together. God Kiba. Didn't you think of everything you'd leave behind? Your friends? Family? …Me? Didn't you think of me Kiba when you…
No. Stop Naruto. You can't think of that. I can't afford another sleepless night full of years, another foodless day without you. Everyone has noticed that I'm different. My smiled no longer have their happiness, that died a long time ago…with you, my body has started to fall apart, and I'm becoming weaker everyday. I won't even accept ramen anymore. Nothing seems to take my mind off you, even Sasuke is worrying about me.
Though I have a plan Kiba, so don't worry. I can't take another day without you so…I have to do this. This plan is sure to work. Even Kyuubi can't heal wounds fast enough for this. So don't fret Kiba, even as I prepare everything, the note, kunai, and the special poison, I just have one thing to say.
"I'll be with you shortly Dog-Boy"
No! The Story is not the note. Well, hopefully you liked it, if it sucks, I blame the 3 am time here.
I'm dead, but I don't think I'd be able to sleep unless I wrote this.
I hate that feeling.
Oh Well. R&R please