Chapter 2

by Wolfic

A/N: To be completely truthful, this file has been on my hard drive for sometime. I never uploaded it because no matter how much I edited it, it just never felt right. However, I have now decided to upload it anyways, and will made edits however necessary due to the responses I receive. I look forward to any criticisms.

There was a certain level of difficulty in determining who was far more shocked at that moment. While Gwendolyn certainly had the right, as she was now suddenly introduced to yet another hidden offspring of her father's, Mercedes too was greatly affected. Her husband, a man with shadowy origins of which she was gradually learning of, had suddenly revealed to be of relations to Odin's Witch, one of her accursed enemies.

"What did you say, Ingway!"

Apparently Mercedes was quicker to respond.

"I am Odin's only son." An air of indifference coated his words.

As Mercedes, with her curiosity unbound, proceeded to assail her husband with hundreds of questions, the soft voice of Velvet finally drifted in.

"Ingway? Gwendolyn?"

Appearing from behind a rock, Velvet regarded the strange gathering with question clear in her beautiful shimmering eyes. "What are you all doing here?"

"You!" Mercedes shouted as she pointed a finger. "You're Ingway's sister?"

"Mercedes, must you shout at everyone you meet?" There was a hint of tired annoyance in Ingway's strained tone.

"She was the thief that broke into my kingdom and stole the ring Titrel!"

"No, if I can recall from your earlier accusation, Gwendolyn did that."

"They both did."

Slowly, Ingway turned his head towards his sister, accusatory inquiry beheld in his gaze.

"Fairy Queen," Velvet bowed slightly, "What brings you to this place?"

"She is with me Velvet." Ingway quickly stood in front of his wife, "I forgot to mention I was married didn't I? This is my bride."

"Your bride?" Apparently shocked confusion was quite the common response on this day. "I always knew you had relations with the fairy kingdom, but to marry the fairy royalty?"

"Enough Velvet." Ingway cut in. "We are here to congratulate you about your wedding to the Prince of Titania, not about my relations."

"Very well then, Ingway." And though she turned to walk away, the intent was clear for the group to follow her.

"Fairy Queen," she spoke without turning around, "Now that we are in relation by marriage, I apologize for my thievery, but do understand it was necessary due to the present events that had transpired."

As Ingway and Mercedes followed Velvet, Oswald walked beside Gwendolyn at the end of the group.

"Did he say your sister was married to the prince of Titania?"

"Yes, Prince Cornelius of Titania." Gwendolyn answered, her face puzzled at Oswald's interest.

"Gallon told me just before he died that I am the son of Edgar, brother of Edmund the late king of Titania. So that would make Cornelius my cousin. What type of man is he?"

"I do not know. I only heard mention of him when my father contemplated marrying me off to him."

"I see…." Oswald weakly replied as the conversation drifted off into silence. As they entered into the Pooka village through a blue glowing portal they were suddenly greeted by the sight of a bustling city.

"Cornelius is off on an errand, he should be back shortly." Velvet explained softly over her shoulder as she directed them into her house. The house was actually quite large for something located in the Pooka village. Obviously the residents spared no expenses at ensuring the comfort of the village's married royalty.

Now that they were in a more suitable environment, the conversation was soon brought to life once more. Mercedes began to mercilessly interrogate Ingway while Velvet properly greeted Gwendolyn and was introduced to Oswald.

"Velvet, if I may ask, what type of person is your husband?" Oswald questioned.

"What type of person is Cornelius?" she repeated, clearly stunned by the sudden question from Oswald. "Well," she began, "he's–"

"–a horrible person. You don't want to meet him." Ingway cut in as he evaded his wife.

"Ingway!" Velvet exclaimed, "Why must you treat Cornelius with such disdain?"

"Well he is, isn't he? Courting you in the forests and then suddenly vanishing without a word, leaving you behind full of worry. If he truly cared for you would he not have informed you about his whereabouts?"

"You should understand his predicament far more intimately than anyone else. Were you not the one who placed him in that grievous situation?"

"Can you blame me, dear Velvet? How could I, as you brother allow some stranger to court you? Do I not have the right to disagree?"

"Well certainly you could have voiced your discontent. However placing a curse on him was a bit overdone, wouldn't you agree?

"You did what?" Mercedes now intruded upon the tiny argument.

Ingway did have a shadowy past indeed.

"Now Mercedes," Ingway tried to quell his wife's curiosity. "I'd rather not talk about that topic."

And amid the verbal conflicts, the wooden door opened gently, allowing a tiny form to enter the room unseen.

In his tiny furry paws was a basket full of foodstuffs, which he quietly set down.

"Velvet? I was unaware we were expecting guests."

Voices calmed mid sentence as they turned to regard the new presence.

"Cornelius." Velvet walked towards her husband. "I wasn't aware of it either. They showed up to congratulate our marriage."

Cornelius walked towards the four guests, all of which regarded this furry rabbit liked figure that was wedded to Velvet.

Ingway's expression was unreadable. He coolly rested his gaze on his brother-in-law, though it was hard to tell if it was begrudging acceptance or angry disgust that nestled in his eyes.

Mercedes however jabbed a stiff finger forwards that seemed to be quite the common action for her to take on this day of reunion.

"You're Velvet's husband?"

And Gwendolyn, while gently surprised, could not rival her husband's surprise.

Oswald gave a tentative step forward. Scrutinizing Cornelius, he turned his head so that his gaze was towards his wife. His scarlet eyes clearly beheld a troubled confusion.

"My cousin is a rabbit?"