
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, or any of its characters.

If you only knew: Prologue

It's been four years since her best friend realized just how much of a "player" he could be. He's gone through so many girls that she just couldn't keep track. He's dated all of her friends, and she couldn't help but wonder when it was going to be her turn. But after four years, it seemed like that opportunity would never come.

No matter what she was always there for him. She would cover for him when his current
girlfriend couldn't track him down, even though he was really after a new conquest. She would listen to him describe his new interest in the most vulgar and sexist way possible, almost forgetting she was a girl too. She would even supply him ideas for romantic dates to ensure him a partner in bed, when his lack of originality was quite pathetic.

She did everything a girl in love with her best friend would do, as long as he didn't know.

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