Title: Naruto - Nanaya Legacy
Author: Newfiespaceman
Crossover: Naruto/Tsukihime/Bleach
December 18, 2008
December 24, 2008
December 27, 2008
Naruto is written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto.
Tsukihime, Lunar Legend was created by Type-Moon
Bleach is written and illustrated by Tite Kubo
I don't own anything. This is a work of fan fiction for non-profit entertainment purposes only. No Infringement or Offense intended.
A/N: This will be a mix of canon events and fictional crossover events.
Chapter 6
Konohagakure no Sato, Hi no Kuni
(Village Hidden in the Leaves, Land of Fire)
Chunin Exam Finals - Round 6 - Sabaku no Gaara vs Neji Hyuuga
Neji Hyuuga stares at his opponent and tenses. Neji may possess confidence in his own abilities and the pride of the Hyuuga, but there is something seriously wrong with Sabaku no Gaara. It's not only in his movements and past interactions with others, but a strange chakra that flows through him and the gourd on his back.
"Mother wants your blood." says Gaara.
"The Hyuuga want yours." counters Neji, "Do you believe in Fate and Destiny?"
"I believe in Survival!"
The match begins and Gaara's sand explodes from his gourd and lunges at Neji, who jumps back using his Gai-trained speed and chakra control for traction. The sand splits into five tentacles that strike separately, but Neji intercepts each one with a Juken strike. Disrupting the flow of chakra in the sand causes it to collapse and half of each tentacle dissolves with each blow.
"Sabaku Kyuu!" (Desert Coffin!)
Neji tries to escape, but it's too fast. Pillars of sand shoot upward the ground and connect above his hand, before twisting around his body.
"Kaiten!" (Heavenly Spin!)
Neji spins, while releasing chakra from his tenketsu. This creates a field of chakra, like a force field around him. The pressure and spin of chakra tears the layer of collapsing sand apart and blows it away from Neji. When Neji stops spinning, he leaps back several times, then lands on the back wall using his chakra to stick to the stone surface. Gaara sends his Gourd sand and the sand he created from the underground across the field and up the wall after his victim.
Suddenly, Neji leaps off the wall while releasing chakra from his feet. This creates a rocket jump to those who can see chakra and propels Neji directly at the shocked .Gaara. Gaara sends what remains of his sand towards Neji, but Neji does something that shocks the Main House.
"Kaiten!" (Heavenly Spin!)
Neji does a kaiten in midair and the spinning ball of chakra deflects the sand before striking Gaara. Gaara is thrown back by the blow as Neji comes out of his spin and rushes forward.
"Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou!"
(Eight Divination Signs, One Hundred Twenty Eight Palms of the Hand)
"Two Strikes!" Two strikes are blocked by the sand.
"Four Strikes!" Four strikes pierce the sand and strike Gaara.
"Eight Strikes!" Eight strikes hit the armor of sand.
"Sixteen Strikes!" Sixteen strikes crack the armor of sand.
"Thirty Two Strikes!" Thirty two strikes break off pieces of the sand.
"Sixty Four Strikes!" Sixty Four strikes shatter part of the armor.
"One Hundred Twenty Eight Strikes!"
Gaara is thrown back, but his armor of sand protected him from most of the Juken strikes. His response is to form a hand seal and growl out
"Sabaku Tsunami!" (Desert Tsunami!)
The mass of sand near the wall moves like a wave towards Neji and Gaara, growing in size and power as it moves. Neji knows he can't stop the sand because it's no longer controlled by chakra, but its own mass and momentum. Gaara sinks into the Earth as the wave washes over Neji.
Neji tried to block with another Kaiten, but there is too much sand and he's lost too much chakra from the battle. All he manages to do his keep his upper body out of the sand and now struggles to break free. Neji's Byakugan eyes widen when he sees Gaara rise from the sand with a crazed grin on his face.
"Sabaku Sousou!" (Desert Funeral!)
Neji cries out in pain as his legs are crushed by the sand. He can feel his femurs, tibias, and fibias each break in a dozen places, and he can even feel his petellas (knee caps) shatter. He can also feel his pelvis nearly implode.
"Winner, Gaara!"
Gaara doesn't care and tries to crush the other half of the Hyuuga, but before he can Neji vanishes in a flash. Gaara and everyone else search the field for the Hyuuga, when they see him on stretcher next to the Medics. The Medic-Nins don't know how the half-mangled boy got to them, but the fact that Naruto Uzumaki is standing next to him could be the reason.
"Uzumaki..?" asks Neji, his face sweating and contorted with pain.
"You rest, I'll handle him." says Naruto with his fox grin.
"How... How could a dead last...?? Fate..."
"Fate says I should be a loser or crazy like Gaara. I defy Fate by living my life, my way." says Naruto, "When the world tries to put me in a cage, I shatter the cage."
Neji has the image of two birds in cages. A white bird in a gold cage and a yellow-and-orange one in a silver cage. Suddenly, the silver cage breaks open and the bird flies out. The white bird stares at the lock with pale eyes. The image comforts Neji as he finally passes out.
Chunin Exam Finals - Round 7 - Naruto Uzumaki vs. Akuma Kon
Akuma slowly walks towards the center of the sand-blasted field. As he moves, the Jonin and higher level ninjas can feel the monster's energy rapidly rise. A faint wind blows around Akuma, blowing away the sand and small pieces of debris near his legs.
"It is time, Naruto."
"This is Great-Grandfather's test?"
"Good. You found out the purpose. These exams are the perfect place to see if you've earned the title of Shinigami. Are you ready to fight me with everything you've got Naruto?"
Naruto's eyes flash under his goggles. For a split second, the sclera (whites) of the eyes glow blue and his blue irises glow red as the Chokushi no Magan flares.
"Believe it!"
Naruto draws his Zanpakuto, Toushi Musouka, and gets into a stance, while Akuma's body glows with a faint purplish-blue aura and emits the occasional spark.
"Begin!" yells the Proctor
Naruto and Akuma vanish in front of the eyes of the tournament audience. Only the taijutsu experts and higher level ninja can see blurred figures moving back and forth across the field. The effects of the superhumanly fast fight can be scene, as the clashing of blades creates flashes and sparks that illuminates there images for less than a second. It also creates off formations in the swirling sand left from Gaara's attack.
Suddenly, Akuma appears on the ground deflecting a shower of shuriken and kunai, with a pair of long spikes. The kunai and shuriken poof to reveal them to be henged Kage Bunshin.
"BUNSHIN BAKUHA!" (Clone Explosion!)
The Kage Bunshin detonate like bombs, blasting Akuma into the air, where three more Kage Bunshin are waiting for him. They are in the same position for the Naruto Rendan, but instead they explode when their kicks connects with Kon. The explosion sends Akuma into the ground at an extremely high speed. Akuma makes a deep impression in the earth and isn't slowed by the sand because his aura blew most of it away before the fight began.
Naruto appears behind Akuma as he gets up and tries to slice the monster's head off, but is blocked by an arm. What makes the block amazing is the arm also appears to be broken in three places, with the elbow bent in the opposite direction. Akuma snaps his other arm back in place and delivers a punch covered in lightning.
"Raiton: Raihadouken!" (Lightning Release: Lightning Surge Fist!)
Naruto is sent flying back covered in a shocking electrical field. As he lands on the ground, he feels a massive surge of pain as the electricity discharges into the ground.
"Raiton: Kaminari Iki!" (Lightning Release: Thunder Breath)
Akuma exhales and releases a monstrous blast of glowing plasma and lightning. The blue-white blast shoots towards the near paralyzed Naruto. Naruto concentrates and at the last millisecond vanishes before the lightning blast can strike him. The white beam of energy continues for several meters and strikes the far wall causing a huge explosion and leaving a man sized hole with smoking edges.
A tired Naruto appears with shaking legs on another part of the field. His firm grip on his sword doesn't change in the slightest.
"Impressive. You pulled off a Shunpo(flash step), even with your nervous system disrupted. It hurt you in the process though." says Akuma forming hand seals, "Good bye, Naruto. RAITON: NANARYUHA! (Lightning Release: Nine Dragon Wave!)"
A sphere of light and chakra forms around Akuma. Nine dragons composed of blue flames emerge from the surface of the sphere and orbit it before launching themselves at Naruto from nine different directions. As the dragons flow off the sphere, they absorb its energy causing the bubble of power to fade into nothing.
"Kiai! Toushi Musouka!" (Cry! Fighting Spirit Dreamer!)
There is a massive explosion that nearly fills the entire arena with fire and many of Naruto's friends wonder if they have witnessed his death. The Proctor is about to announce Akuma Kon the winner when the smoke and flames are blown away to reveal a familiar figure in the center of a molten glass crater.
Naruto, his clothing tattered, kneels in the center of the smoking crater with his soul-slicing sword Fighting Spirit Dreamer in the ground. The blade of the sword is as clear as crystal and shines with a strange light. The ground beneath Naruto is still sand and as the smoke blows an invisible air barrier is revealed.
Naruto pulls the sword from the ground and rises, collapsing the bubble. He then does a horizontal slash with his now fiercely glowing blade
"Zankairisen!" (Ocean Slicing Flash!)
A wave of blue-white energy and wind explodes from the blade and grows as it moves away from Naruto. Its power is immense, enough to slice a tsunami in half and when it hits the drained Akuma he has no chance. Akuma is lifted off the ground and torn to pieces, before the wave is cancelled by Naruto to prevent injuring the audience.
"Shinigami, you have won." says the severed head of Akuma before the light fades from his eyes.
Chunin Exam Finals - Round 8 - Naruto Uzumaki vs. Gigi Kon
There is only a five minute break before the Proctor asks if Naruto Uzumaki can continue. Naruto walks back onto the field with a few bandages covering his rapidly healing injuries and his massive chakra reserves have already refilled by half. The younger generation of Konoha and the few people who know Naruto cheer for him. The older generation is divided with one group wanting Naruto maimed worse than Sasuke for being the Kyubi, one group wanting Naruto to get revenge for the last Uchiha, and a third slowly growing group wanting to give Naruto a chance.
"Congrats, Naruto-kun!" yells Gigi, "You're a Soul Reaper!"
As the Proctor says begin and runs for his life, Gigi jumps into the air. She does several back flips before landing several meters away and pulling a giant scroll from a seal tattoo on her back. She opens the scroll and it hangs in the air forming an arc of scroll paper. The paper glows with chakra as Gigi whips her hand in an arc releasing blood from her fingertips and smearing the inside of the arc.
"KUCHIYOSE: GOSEI KAISHOU!" (Summoning: Five Star Sweeping Victory!)
There is a massive explosion of smoke and when it clears, Gigi is standing on the back of a giant lizard puppet surrounded by giant puppets of a Toad, a Snake, a Centipede, and a Scorpion. The Fourth Generation Centipede is the largest with a black exoskeleton edged with tin-color spikes. The Scorpion has a black and bone white exoskeleton with silver edges. The massive Toad is black and red with copper eyes. The Snake is a mix of black, blue, and green, with iron-colored fangs and an iron rattle on the tail tip. The Lizard has black skin edged with gold.
"Now show me the Nanaya Legacy!"
Naruto pulls off his goggles and runs towards the puppets with his Zanpakuto.
The massive Toad opens its mouth and releases dozens of fire balls. The fire balls are composed of a burning gel which splatters and release burning gases upon impact. Naruto may not be using Shunpo (flash steps) like before but he proves fast and agile enough to avoid the balls of burning death. He leaps at the Toad with his sword held high, only to be torn in half by the giant toad's barbed tongue.
The dead Naruto explodes into the smoke of a Bunshin, as the real Naruto pieces the stomach with his zanpakuto causing the entire Puppet to collapse into pieces.
The snake lunges at Naruto releasing lightning needles from its mouth, but the Nanaya Shinigami spins, blocking the needles with a wind barrier before slicing the snake head apart. The sword blade cuts from the corners of the mouth out of the back of the head, leaving the remainder to collapse. A burst of energy from his sword shatters the snake's spine to make sure Gigi can't animate the puppet.
The centipede fires jets of poisoned water from valves on its back, legs, and mandibles. It's not just the paralyzing skin-absorbed toxin in the water, but the speed of the jets makes them as hard as steel rebar. The jets try to pierce Naruto only for him to explode into smoke. The Centipede tilts its head up to destroy the ninja falling from the sky, but a burst of wind chakra increases Naruto's speed so he can strike first. The zanpakuto strikes the armored forehead and continues. In less than three seconds, the Centipede is cut nearly completely in half.
The Scorpion fires slicing wind jets from its claws and poisonous needles from its tail at Mach Five, but the Naruto near the centipede explodes into Bunshin smoke. The Scorpion then turns and strikes with its stinger and impales Naruto. The second Naruto doesn't release a spray of blood; instead it explodes like a large bomb.
"Bunshin Daibakuha!" (Clone Great Explosion!)
Naruto lands on the Scorpion's back, no longer worried about the badly damaged stinger. He thrusts his sword into the creature's "head". As he pierces the spot he can see with his Magan, cracks spread through the entire puppet and the machine shatters into lifeless rubble.
Gigi Kon forms a hand seal and the Lizard puppet releases a spray of golden liquid from its mouth into the air. As the liquid comes in contact with the air, it steams and hardens into a crystalline substance. The ground is coated in yellow crystal and the liquid raining down becomes a rain of sharp crystal needles.
Naruto stands in the golden field using a burnt tree stump as a barrier from the needle barrage.
The Lizard's neck inflates slightly before release huge yellow crystals from its mouth. The massive crystals, each larger than Naruto, have immense kinetic energy and shatter the burnt log into tiny splinters and make large holes in the arena wall.
Suddenly, Naruto slashes downwards with his transformed sword.
"Zanchisan!" (Earth-Slicing Flash!)
The blade releases a vertical arc of energy and wind that digs a massive trench in the ground. It also slices one of the giant crystal projectiles in half before shattering it, then slices through the lizard and its rider. The energy blades not only cut through the physical matter and flows of chakra, but the lines of Destiny Naruto's Nanaya eyes can see.
The entire puppet shatters into lifeless yellow and black fragments, as Gigi's torn in half body falls to the ground. Naruto walks over to her broken form, which consists of her upper body minus an arm.
"Did I pass, Gigi?"
"You... combined them... You can... now strike the... lines from a distance."
Gigi moves her remaining hand and the tail of the Lizard shoots towards Naruto's back like a missile. Naruto turns and slices the entire tail in half from tip to base. He then spins and drives his sword through Gigi's chest cracking the pill-like Gikongan in her chest.
"Now... You are... Nanaya."
The light in Gigi's eyes fades completely.
Chunin Exam Finals - Round 9 - Sabaku no Gaara vs. Naruto Uzumaki
Five minutes later. A large portion of Konoha is now cheering for Naruto, including the stoic Hyuugas. The foreign daimyos are also impressed by the blond Konoha ninja and his bloodlines.
The members of Team Gai, Team Asuma, Team Kurenai, and even Team Kakashi are shocked at Naruto's stamina. He's fought two extremely powerful opponents, yet he's still willing to fight what may be the strongest opponent in the tournament.
Sabaku no Gaara's eyes are filled with a madness and blood lust.
"You took my prey Uzumaki! Now you are my prey!"
"Bring it on, Tanuki-Otoko (Raccoon dog boy)!"
The Proctor barely avoids being sliced in half by the flesh-grinding waves of sand. Naruto moves with superhuman speed and avoids the sand and crosses his fingers.
"Taijuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" (Mass Shadow Clone Technique)
In a burst of smoke every surface of the arena is covered in shadow clones. The audience is so shocked by the sheer number, that even the Jonins have dropped jaws. There are at least five hundred clones surrounding Gaara and as one they begin to move around him in circles and spirals.
Gaara's shoulder is suddenly cut by a Zanpakuto, which cuts through the chakra-enhanced sand like a hot knife through soft butter. Gaara for the first time in his life knows physical pain.
Gaara's rage and fear begin to grow and taps into his power as a Jinchuriki. The sand wraps around his right arm creating a massive demonic arm with blue markings. Half his face is covered in sand to create the face of a monster with one yellow eye filled with an inhuman thirst for blood, death, and destruction. Gaara whips his monstrous arm around and releases bursts of high velocity sand that destroy a hundred clones, but the other clones close in. Gaara's mutated sand monster body grows, so the Suna Ninja is now a mutated arm on the three meter tall monster. He fires blasts of wind from his mouth that annihilate another hundred clones before the other Naruto clones can get close.
"NARUTO SENHYAKU BAKU RENDAN!" (Naruto Three Hundred Explosive Combo!)
The first hundred clones kick Gaara into the air and explode to launch him higher. Another hundred clones are launched into the air by a hundred clones on the ground. They get above Gaara and collide with him, exploding like a hundred bombs. As Gaara falls, the remaining hundred clones jump on him and detonate when they hit the ground.
Gaara lies at the bottom of the crater surrounded by sand and glass droplets. His sand armor, which covers his skin, is covered in cracks and falling apart. His shoulder is now soaked with his own blood. He's still awake and is now ranting.
"I will not die. My existence will not end. I WILL KILL YOU!"
As sand explodes from the ground like a geyser, white feathers begin to fall around the arena.
The Suna-Oto Invasion has begun.
The Invasion - Orochimaru vs Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi
In the Kage Tower, a purple barrier generate by four elite sound ninja keeps their master and the Hokage inside while keeping the other Konoha ninja outside.
The battle between Orochimaru and Sandaime Hokage is fast and furious. Orochimaru, who was disguised as Yondaime Kazekage, uses shurinken and his serpents. Sandaime uses many Earth techniques including a river of mud, a fire breathing mud dragon, and the yellow tiles of the roof they are fighting on.
"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!" (Summoning: Resurrection to the Impure World)
Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei is a Ninjutsu technique which had been forbidden because of its dark nature. The technique involves the summoning of dead souls from the afterlife back into the real world. Normally Kuchiyose (summoning) involves the use of the caster's blood as compensation for summoning but Edo Tensei is different. The ninja will first sacrifice a living person to provide the vessel that the dead soul will inhabit. The dead body will then be encased in ash and dirt to resemble the soul of the person that was resurrected.
When the ninja wishes to recall the souls, a portal will open in the ground and the caskets holding the bodies will appear. When the caskets open the bodies will be grey and in a state of minor decay. At this point the dead souls are able to remember their past life, but they are at the command of the one who summoned them. One final act will fully wipe out their conscious and make them fully under the command of the one who summoned them. The ninja will place a fuda (charm/tag) of some form into the head of the body. This will then give vitality back to the body and make it a pure killing machine.
Orochimaru used this evil technique to summon Shodaime Hokage Hishirama Senju and Nidaime Hokage Tobirama.
Shodaime Hokage, the man who founded Konoha with Madara Uchiha and later fought both Madara and the Kyubi no Kitsune at the Valley of the End. The absolute master of the Senju Kekkai Genkai (advance bloodline limit) Mokuton (Wood Release), which allows him to create giant plants and manipulate pillars of wood using a combination of Earth and Water chakra.
Nidaime Hokage, Shodaime's younger brother and master of Suiton (water) techniques. A man who could generate massive water attacks without a large water source, creating the attacks from thin air.
Orochimaru also tried to summon Yondaime Hokage, Konoha's Yellow Flash, Minato Namikaze, but due to the Shiki Fuujin (Corpse Spirit Sealing Method) used to seal the Kyubi no Kitsune, his soul is unavailable and the summoning of the Fourth fails.
The battle gets far more dangerous and destructive as Sandaime blocks Nidaime's water attacks with his own Earth techniques and counters the animated trees of Shodaime with the help of his summoned partner Emma in his Nyoibo staff form.
Sarutobi summons two Kage Bunshin and is about to make the ultimate sacrifice and use Shiki Fuujin to destroy the two near-indestructible zombies and Orochimaru, when he feels a massive spiritual force. The force is so intense, it nearly causes him, Orochimaru, and the two zombie Hokages to collapse. Even the four sound ninja generating the Shishi Enjin (Four Violet Flames Battle Formation) are affected by the growing pressure. Hiruzen Sarutobi would later compare the pressure to the overwhelming killing intent and power of the Kyubi's chakra
The Invasion - Sabaku no Gaara vs Naruto Uzumaki End
"Tanukineiri no Jutsu!" (Feigning Sleep Technique)
Gaara refused to obey his sibling or his teacher and retreat. Instead, he tossed his sister Temari and brother Kankuro into the stands and crushed his sensei Baki's legs before tossing him into the stands as well. He swallowed a soldier pill he stole from his sensei and then tapped into the chakra of Ichibi no Shukuku, the one tailed tanuki of the nine tailed beasts.
When he uses the Feigning Sleep Technique, he forces himself into a false sleep to allow Shukaku complete control. This also increases the size of the tanuki-shaped sand monster to the size of a movie daikaiju (giant monster).
"YAHOO!" yells the excited and psychotic Shukaku, whose personality is based on a demented sand priest who it had as its first host. The giant Tanuki sees Naruto on the ground and suddenly senses something he hasn't since he and the other Bijuu appeared on this world. In fear, he attacks at full power.
"RENKUUDAN! RENKUUDAN!! RENKUUDAN!!!" (Drilling Air Projectile! x 3)
Naruto uses Shunpo despite the damage he's doing to his legs and the massive blasts of compressed air from Shukaku's mouth shatters the ground into countless fragments. Naruto doesn't pull off the technique correctly and lands near a shattered wall with many minor injuries.
He raises his hand from a bloody cut on his forehead, then clenches his fist and narrows his glowing eyes. He rams his palm into the battle ground and releases an immense amount of chakra.
"KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!" (Summoning Technique!)
There is huge cloud of smoke and when it disperses Naruto stands on immense red toad dressed like a yakuza oyabun with a dark hakama and a small (for the giant toad) tanto.
"Do you need Glasses!?"
Shukaku fires another series of Drilling Air Projectiles, which Gamabunta counters with water projectiles. This causes a heavy rain to fall inside the arena, heavier than Amegakure no Sato's (Hidden Rain Village's) worst weather.
"How do I stop it, Boss Toad?!"
"Let's do it! Konbo Henge (Combo Transformation!)"
Shukaku lunges at the giant Toad, when Gamabunta is covered in smoke. When the smoke clears, the Toad has become a nine-tailed white fox. Unlike the dark kyubi no kitsune that nearly destroyed the village years ago, this fox possesses as aura of light that somehow gives the Konoha ninjas hope. It also fills the heart of Shukaku will fear as the claws and fangs of the fox grip its body.
Naruto jumps into the air and uses his Shinigami ability to jump again while already in the air to go higher. As he reaches the peak of his air jump, he draws his zanpakuto once more.
"Kiai! Toushi Musouka!" (Cry! Fighting Spirit Dreamer!)
When the sword has reached its shikai form he slashes downward on the diagonal with his glowing blade while still in the air.
"Zansorasen!" (Sky-Slicing Flash!)
Naruto releases a wave of spiritual energy and wind that twists itself into a spiral blast. The spiral blast strikes the sleeping Gaara and smashes him through Shukaku's sand body. The Bijuu doesn't have a chance to complain about the shortness of his freedom as the entire body shatters into a mountain of falling sand and dust.
Naruto lands next to Gaara and kicks Temari away when she tries to defend her brother, smashing her new battle fan in the process.
Naruto stares down at Gaara's fear-filled eyes as his own Magan glow brightly. His Nanaya blood demands the destruction of the demon, but as Naruto looks into Gaara's eyes he sees himself.
There is an image in Naruto's mind.
He stands in front of a full length mirror, but it's Gaara that is the reflection. He turns and sees Iruka-sensei, Hokage-jisan, Ero-Sennin, and his other friends behind him and the image of the Kyubi no Kitsune fading away into nothing. He looks into the mirror and sees no one behind Gaara. There are faint image of Temari and Kankuro, but they vanish into the shadows. The image of Ichibi no Shukaku grows and its two claws close around a crying child.
Naruto awakens to find his zanpakuto through Gaara's shoulder and Gaara's soul floating behind his body still attached by the Chain of Fate. The larger crimson soul of Shukaku floats next to Gaara, its broken crimson-colored chain wrapped around Gaara's chain like a parasite. Shukaku roars, but has trouble moving as a ghost.
Naruto reaches out and grabs the chain with his left hand infusing Gaara's chain with spiritual energy. He then uses his Magan and Zanpakuto to pierce Shukaku's soul. He drives the spiritual weapon into a single tiny dot on the Tanuki's soul and destroys it. Shukaku's destiny and existence ends, his tailed beast immortality no match for one who could literally kill a god with a kunai.
The red chain of fate shatters into nothing and causes Gaara's own chain to crack, but the energy Naruto injects makes it strong to enough to survive and repair itself. Naruto then pulls Gaara's soul back into his body causing him to awaken.
"Gaara! What did you do??" says Temari holding her bruised ribs.
"Shukaku is gone, but Gaara lives. I kill monsters, but I'm giving Gaara a chance to be human."
"Why??" says Gaara sounding very tired and weak.
"I was once like you. A Jinchuriki. I contained the worst of the worst and people thought the worst of me. I was alone and lost in darkness as you were. Then I found my precious people. Sandaime. Iruka. Hinata. People who made the loneliness go away and pulled me from the darkness. They gave me my strength and I fight for them and to protect our futures."
"Precious people?" says Gaara, as memories of his uncle and siblings flash through his mind. "That's true strength. Love?"
"It's the Will of Fire." says Naruto, then senses something, "I have to go. Take care of him, Temari. He might turn out to be a good brother."
Naruto vanishes using Konoha Shunshin no Jutsu (Leaf Body Flicker Technique), meaning he covers himself with swirling leaves and disappears when the leaves fall back to the ground.
The Invasion - SHINIGAMI
He stands five foot eleven, a hundred forty three pounds with cold blue eyes and long dark red hair done in spiky locks. He's dressed in a white kosode (short-sleeved under-kimono), a black kimono and hakama, and a white obi sash. He looks like a noble lord, but the air is filled with an aura of power like in the presence of a powerful fighter.
"Who are you!?" hisses Orochimaru
"I am Seiun Uzumaki. Father of Sora Uzumaki of Uzu no Kuni. Grandfather of Kushina Uzumaki of Uzu no Kuni and Konoha. Great Grandfather of Naruto Uzumaki."
Sandaime's eyes widen at the man's words. Orochimaru wonders how the man could be so young, but claim to be as old as he and Sandaime.
"I can't allow the old man to die." says Seiun, "Naruto would be upset to lose one his precious people and I do owe him for having my Kon family destroy the Uchiha."
"You!!" hisses Orochimaru, enraged at the memory of his future vessel's condition.
"I won't allow Madara's Legacy to exist," says Seiun drawing his zanpakuto."I celebrated the clan's death years ago, but I was upset that Itachi had left his brother alive and possesses the Mangekyo. Madara gained Eternal Mangekyo when he stole his brother Izuna's eyes to save his own sight and I will not allow another to be created."
Orochimaru is interested in the possibility of an Eternal Mangekyo, but is then scared by a surge of power that nearly blows him and the two zombie Hokages into the purple flame wall.
"Tatakikowasu Igna no Kusari, Ankoseiun!" (Shatter the Chains of Fate, Dark Nebula)
There is a monstrous surge of pressure that shakes the damaged building. The sword's blade turns pitch black like the rest of the sword, then it shatters completely into a hundred million pieces. These thin black fragments multiply, link together, and transform into metal links. This creates a mass of long thin chains made of black metal surrounded by thick dark mist. The chains swirl around Seiun like a dark spiral galaxy, but Orochimaru, Sandaime, and even the zombies can sense the power and danger in every link.
"Kokuangyou no Jutsu!" (Journey into Black Darkness Technique)
One of the zombie Hokages casts a Genjutsu (illusion technique) which causes the ninja's opponent to be enveloped in total darkness. Seiun doesn't move, but the illusion soon fades revealing a sight that shocks Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.
Shodaime Hokage Hishirama Senju, Nidaime Hokage Tobirama Senju, and the Snake Sennin Orochimaru are caught in the web of endless chains. The chains have barbed edges which not only dig deep into their physical bodies, but into their souls as well.
"What is this!? It burns! It burns!" screams Orochimaru, as the two zombies begin to decay.
"You may not have summoned your Shinigami (Death God), Hiruzen, but you do have the help of a Soul Reaper" says Seiun, "These chains are beyond the physical world and cut the spiritual. My soul cleaving blade can send good souls to heaven, cleanse corrupted souls, and send evil souls to hell."
Lord Seiun raises his open palms and closes his fists hard.
"KONSO!" (Soul Burial!)
The chains around the Senju brothers contract and their bodies shatter into dust. Their visible souls say a couple of parting words.
"Good-bye, Old Monkey." says Shodaime
"Sorry about the trouble." says Nidaime
The Senju souls are pulled downward and are consumed by a white light as they pass on to the next spiritual level.
Orochimaru panics and tries to escape, giving a silent command to his Sound Four to drop the Shishi Enjin (Four Violet Flames Battle Formation). Seiun has a sadistic smile as he points his open right palm towards Orochimaru and closes it into a fist.
"GOUMON!" (Hell Gate!)
A huge dark double-door gate appears with two skeletons positioned to hold the doors. The gates shudder, then violently open nearly breaking their chains. Inside the gate is endless fiery light and the web of chain vanishes, except for the chains attached to Orochimaru.
Orochimaru struggles as the heavy chains are pulled into the gate as if grabbed by powerful electromagnets or the gravity of a black hole. Orochimaru struggles and strains to save his faux-immortal life. He feels himself moving forward away from the gate and feels some success, then he feels unimaginable pain as his arms are torn off and pulled into the gate. He continues to try to escape death, only for one of his legs to be torn off.
Orochimaru discards his body transforming into his true form, a mass of white snakes with a humanoid face and tries to leap into one of the bodies of his Sound Four, but they too fall. The red-haired sound kunoichi Takuya allows herself to fall off the damaged roof to escape the Hell Gate, but the four souls of the others - Kidoumaru, Jiroubou, Sakon, and Ukon are torn from their bodies and pulled into Hell.
Orochimaru continues to struggle and slither away, until the last black chain comes down and slices his head from the remaining mass. The severed head and body collapse into a cloud of snakes and falls into the depths of hell. When the last snake has been devoured, the gate closes and shatters like glass leaving no trace.
"Why?" asks Sandaime.
"Why did I save you, Old Monkey? As I said, it's for Naruto. I want him to grow stronger and losing you would distract him." says Seiun, re-sheathing his zanpakuto, "You need a replacement like the Slug woman or the perverted Toad. You're too old for this crap!"
Seiun vanishes without a sound and Hiruzen Sarutobi stares for a moment, then begins to laugh.
The Invasion - End: Search for Tsunade Senju
Naruto awakens in a hospital bed next to Hinata, Sandaime, and Jiraiya
"Hinata-chan? Oyagi? Ero-Sennin?"
"I told you not to call me that!"
"You call yourself a super pervert, but can't handle pervert sage?"
"I have news, Naruto." says Sandaime, "After you passed out, your Great Grandfather helped me fight Orochimaru. He saved my life and literally sent the snake sennin to hell."
"What? I guess it's his way of repaying what he did to Sasuke." says Naruto, slowly getting up.
"Sasuke?" asks Hinata
"The Kons, Hinata. The Kons work for him." says Naruto.
"Apparently he has problems with the Uchihas going back to the founder Madara Uchiha." adds Sandaime.
"He also made a valid point before vanishing." says Sandaime, looking at Naruto, "I want you to go with Jiraiya to find my other student Tsunade and bring her back to Konoha. She's the world's greatest medic ninja and Konoha needs her."
"The Greatest? Could she help Neji-anisan?" asks Hinata
"If anyone can, it would be her." say Sandaime.
"Can Hinata come with us?" asks Naruto
Jiraiya thinks about for a full four minutes, before nodding.
"There one more thing, I have to tell you, Gaki" says Jiraiya as he points to a nearby table.
On the table is a Chunin Flak Jacket.
End of Chapter 6
Happy Holidays and Sorry about taking so Long.
I'm still working on my Halloween World stories and my computer is giving me problems. I think it has a dirty fan. I'll try to post again in another few months. Hope sooner.