I am so so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while.

As you may have seen with all my spelling errors (lol I am horrible at spelling never have been good at it) I really need a beta so please anyone can be my beta just tell me please.

I know that I had "twin telepathy' but as a thought about it I think that its kinda stupid and I know that I also had for something when people talk to animals, but I thought about it again and its stupid cause the person who I was going to have talk to animals was Bella and she 'eats' the animals so it would be stupid to have her talk to them, but I think that she will be able to talk to magical animals, cause the Cullens won't 'eat' them cause there magical. But idk yet. Please give me your ideas.

Oh, and as a warning, Harry is OOC because I'm not J.K Rowling. Hope that you like it!!

This is what I use for the speech:

Thinking inside someone's head and when Bella and Edward talk to each other.


The Cullens' House

Bella and Edward ran into the House, with Bella holding an almost dead Harry Potter, savior of the Wizarding World (although Bella and Edward didn't know that yet). They ran around the house trying to find Carlisle and finally they found him in his room helping Esme unpack some of their things.

As soon as they rushed into the room Carlisle looked up and smelt blood. "Kids take this young man up and into your room because it is on the top floor of the house and we don't want Jasper to smell the blood and come into any room. Up there we will hear him coming up the stairs first." Carlisle ordered at vampire speed.

Without waiting Bella ran up to their room and gently laid Harry onto the bed. Edward then rushed up the stairs with Carlisle with his medical bag in hand. He went over to Harry, after Bella telling him what the boy's name was and he started to assess Harry's condition. After a couple of seconds because he was working at vampire speed he looked up.

He was just about to open his mouth to tell Edward and Bella what was wrong with Harry, when he felt something rush by his head. The next thing that they saw was Bella standing over Harry with her eyes a dark black, filled with hunger. Edward and Carlisle went to go and try to stop Bella, but before they could take a step they felt as though they were bound with something, but when they looked down they saw nothing there. They could only watch helplessly and Bella bent down and pierced Harry's skin.

Harry let out a scream as Bella bit him. Edward started yelling out to Bella trying to get her to stop.

"Bella please stop. I know that you really don't want to do this. This boy Harry probably has a family that loves him. Why would you do that to him?" Edward screamed as Bella hoping to get her to stop drinking his blood.

Bella stopped after she heard Edward scream at her because he had never yelled at her before. Bella looked at Harry and gasped. In her surprise she let Edward and Carlisle go from the invisible ropes that had them bound. Edward ran over to Bella and she started to sob into Edward's chest.

"Edward what happened to me? I can't believe that I did that how could I do that to anyone. Poor Harry" Bella dry sobbed.

She then looked over at Carlisle, hoping that the venom could still be sucked out like Edward had done with Bella when she was bit by James. Knowing what Bella was thinking, Carlisle shook his head.

"Bella, I'm sorry, the venom was in his system too long, it cannot be sucked out." Carlisle told Bella sadly.

"I cannot believe what I did. In the shock of what happened with Harry, I forgot to block the scent of his blood out and I took a deep breath, and I smelt his blood and it was like nothing I had ever smelt before. It was so good. I kinda let my instincts take over and then I remember Edward yelling at me, and he has never yelled at me before, and then I came back to myself and then realized what I was doing. I can't believe that I did it. I feel so stupid" Bella said between sobs.

"It's ok Bella; we all had a slip up. But you should be proud of yourself. I even think that his blood smells good and I have had a century's worth of control. You are just getting golden eyes. They still have some red in them. You were able to stop. When I was a newborn like you I know that I wouldn't be able to stop if I was sucking a human's blood out" Said Edward in a calming voice.

Bella started to relax, when the screaming started. Bella rushed over to Harry and started to talk to him.

"I am so sorry. It's my entire fault I hope that you will forgive me. I couldn't handle the smell of all the blood."

Harry was screaming so hard that no one knew how much that he actually heard. Bella sat by his side and kept talking to him in a calming voice. After about an hour of constant screaming he stopped and looked at Bella.

"The fire, it burns…..I think that I'm dead. Please help put out the fire." Harry spoke out in a whisper while cringing from the pain and his voice was almost horse.

Bella felt miserable because she knew that it was all her fault for Harry's pain. The pain must have subsided somewhat because Harry had stopped screaming and Bella, Edward and Carlisle could hear uneven ragged breathing, but it was like Harry had fallen asleep, for however short a time.

Bella went over and sat on the edge of the enormous bed that Harry was sleeping on. She concentrated on making a cool towel appear in her hands and started wiping the sweat off his forehead because she felt so helpless because she thought that this was her fault and it was really the only thing that she could do. Bella started talking to Harry in a soothing voice, and telling him how sorry she was for all the pain that he was in. Bella must have sat there on the edge of the bed for an hour before Harry woke up and started screaming again. Bella felt really helpless because she could only sit and watch while Harry was in so much pain.

The pain that Harry was in started to subside near the middle of the third day. Bella was still mad at herself that she actually bit Harry. Edward was with Bella throughout Harry's transformation. As the pain started to subside for Harry, Edward knew and he told Bella that Harry was nearing the end of the three days.

"Edward, it's all my fault if I had had better control, or was using my power this never would have happened. Now he's probably going to hate me for like a century." Dry sobbed Bella into Edward's shoulder.

Edward pulled her off his shoulder and looked Bella in the eyes. "Bella please stop this this really isn't your fault. You are a 5 month newborn and you were able to sit in an airplane filled with people and not want to kill anyone. You should know this, but Jasper was even having trouble with controlling his thirst. And yes I know that that is one of your powers but, still that is amazing, to be on that plane for hours and have to constantly remember for it to keep blocking the scent. And then in the airport you were able to keep Jasper from killing anyone and also yourself, oh, and you were listening to that guy's thoughts too. I am so proud of you." And with that Edward kissed Bella on the lips.

"But he didn't need to be bitten. Couldn't Carlisle fix him? He didn't look that bad."

"That's what I came up to tell you, Carlisle told me that he needed to bite Harry, or he was going to die because of blood loss. So can you please stop worrying about it and help me tell him what he is when he wakes up because Alice just told me that he would wake up in about an hour."

"Thank you, you always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you so much." And with that Bella leaned in and kissed Edward again.

Bella and Edward sat on the edge of the bed, with Edward's arms wrapped around Bella watching Harry as he squirmed a few more times and then was still.

Is he done with the transformation yet? Edward asked Bella.

How am I supposed to know? Bella replied

Well why don't you use Alice's power, love and figure it out?

Oh, yea I could do that.

Bella focused on Harry and she got a vision.

The transformation is over now and will open his eyes in about 30 seconds. Bella told Edward.

Edward and Bella watched as Harry sat up at a speed that he could never achieve as a human and looked around and gasped. They watched as Harry looked around and he took off his glasses, and then put them on then took them off.

Edward chuckled and Bella giggled at what Harry was doing. It was when they had laughed that Harry looked around at noticed them sitting on the edge of the bed.

Wow, they are like inhumanly beautiful, especially the girl, wow is she hot. Harry thought.

Edward hearing what Harry was thinking about Bella, growled. Bella slapped him.

That was kinda weird; I wonder why he growled I wonder…wait he growled? That's kinda weird cause people aren't supposed to growl. Harry wondered

Bella giggled again.

I really like that sound, almost like bells. Her laugh matches her cause she is so hot. Harry thought

Edward growled again and went to open his mouth but then closed it again like he didn't know what he wanted to say.

What is it with this guy, people aren't supposed to growl. What is he like part dog or something? Harry wondered.

At this both Bella and Edward broke out in laughter. Harry thought that they were insane. Because he had no idea what they were laughing at.

"I can assure you that we are not insane and trust me, Edward is not a dog." Bella said.

"Um...Ok then, I think that I'm just going to go now because I have no idea what is happening, and its kinda weird." Harry said and he was surprised because he voice was smooth and velvety just like the girl's was.

As soon as he had said this, a girl that was inhumanly beautiful just like the people in the room, she had spiky black hair, and was on the shorter side bounced into the room and sat on the edge of the bed with the other two.

Alice looked at Harry and said "You can't leave, I'm sorry."

Then she looked at Bella and Edward, He can't leave this house or smell outside because if he does, I had a vision that we would kill like half the block before we would be able to stop him. And then the volturi would come. Oh, and Carlisle said that you need to tell Harry about him being a vampire soon because Harry needs blood before he smells humans and goes out on a killing spree.

And with that Alice bounced out of the room.

Edward turned toward Harry "Do you have any questions?" He asked.

Harry looked at him and then said "Who are you and who was that?"

"My name it Edward Cullen" He pointed to Bella "And this is my darling wife Bella Cullen. And the person who just bounced out of the room was Alice Cullen, my sister."

"And…er…what what are you because you, Bella and Alice are all inhumanly beautiful."

"We are vampires" Bella answered for Edward.

Harry jumped off the bed and started backing away. Then after looking back and forth from Edward and Bella a couple of times he started to laugh.

"You, probably the two most beautiful people that I have seen in my life and you are seriously telling me that you are vampires? Ha-ha yea right."

Bella and Edward looked at each other. And Harry thought that it looked like they were having their own privet conversation, but Harry knew that that was like impossible. But in all actuality they were.

Why doesn't he believe us? Did you read his mind? He was thinking of the Hollywood movie vampires like they were real. There is something really weird about that kid. I wonder why he thinks that. Bella said to Edward

I really don't know why he doesn't believe us and why he is comparing him to the, using your word, Hollywood vampires. That's really weird Emmett, Rose and Esme believed Carlisle and I the first time when we told him that they were a vampire. Edward replied to Bella.

I think that we should just let him find out by himself. I think I know what to do.

"Ok, think whatever you want to think." Bella told Harry.

Bella walked over and picked up something that was on the dresser and started looking at it. Then all of a sudden she threw it with all of her vampire speed at Harry's head. Harry, at vampire speed reached up and grabbed the thing out of the air before it hit his head (not like it would have hurt anyway.)

"What the heck was that for!?" Harry said loudly.

"Did you even see how fast that that moved or how quickly you caught that?" Bella replied.

"Um…no…why would I? It's not like I moved at super-human speed."

"Ok, whatever you want to think. Do you still think that you aren't a vampire?"

"Yea totally, there is no reason why I would even think myself a vampire."

"Ok, if you really think that, follow me" Bella replied.

And with that Bella led Harry out of the room. Edward got off the bed and started following her because he had a feeling of what she was trying to do and she needed all the help she could get if something went wrong.

She went down the stairs and before she reached the living room where the rest of the Cullens were hanging out she all sent them a telepathic message.

I am going to bring Harry outside so he could smell humans. Then as soon as he tries to go after one I will turn on my power so Harry will then be able to resist the scent of human blood. It's the only think 

that I could think of; because he won't believe anything that I try and tell him. He really doesn't think that he is a vampire. Bella thought to her family.

If that's what you really think will work Bella, I will let you try it because he really needs to know that he is a vampire so he doesn't go outside and kill people. But I just want you to take Emmett outside with you because he will restrain him somewhat. Carlisle told Bella

Yea I was planning to take him anyway. And I will try and make him invisible so that he won't be seen by anyone because now he probably presumed dead.

Bella finished the conversation in a matter of seconds, because they were all talking a vampire speed.

Bella then went into the living room and Bella, having already told Emmett that he had to come with them; he got up and followed Edward out of the house.

"I want you to follow after Emmett ok, Harry?" Bella told him.

"K" Harry replied.

Bella went out the front door first and Edward and Emmett followed. She concentrated and willed Harry to go invisible so only Edward, Emmett and herself could see him.

Harry walked out of the house and immediately became over come with many new smells. He could hear everything. One smell stood out the most. It was something that he had never smelled before, but he knew he had to have it. It smelled better than anything better than he had ever tasted. He crouched, just like he did this a million times. And as he was about to spring and race toward the closest smell, all of a sudden the wonderful, delicious smell that he smelled was cut off.

Harry looked around, confused.

"What happened?" Harry said.

The person on the street must have heard something and looked around the spot around were Harry was. Bella and Edward started to read his mind to see if that he really did see Harry.

Was that…no I think that I was just imagining things. Dumbledore told the whole Order that he had died. I really need to sleep. I am starting to imagine things, like Harry talking. Merlin, I miss that kid, I wish that something had happened differently. Dumbledore told us that he was captured by Death Eaters. Harry was probably tortured till he died. I wish that I could just see him for another minute. Why are those people at that house looking at me? That's kinda creepy. They are really beautiful, but they smell unlike other humans. I should ask them if they saw what happened to Harry. They are new on the street so I wonder….The person who Bella, by looking through his thoughts using some of Edward's and Aro's power, she found out that he was Lupin and he taught Harry and his friends Hermione and Ron their third year.

Edward, we need to go into the house like NOW.

Bella, Edward, Emmett, and an invisible Harry ran into the house using vampire speed when the man was looking the other way. When they got into the safety of the house Bella took the spell that was on him and making him invisible.

Carlisle was waiting at the door with a mug that everyone (besides Harry) realized was warm deer blood. Carlisle handed it to Harry and he took it and chugged it down just like any newborn would do.

"Harry, I'm sorry that we can't let you go hunt by yourself right now, but you can't go back outside until probably tomorrow." Carlisle told Harry.

"What? Oh, yea I guess I'm a vampire now, and of course I need blood." Harry said with a sigh.

"We are sorry, but if we never bit you and turned you, you would have died, and I try not and have anyone die if I will prevent it. But I am sorry." Carlisle said.

"That's ok. I always knew Uncle Vernon would go too far one day. He was always blamed me because I was magical."

Everyone besides Edward and Bella looked at him weird. Bella, while Harry was going through the transformation looked at all of his memories, and thoughts to see why that man was beating up on him. Bella probably knew more about Harry and his life, than Harry did himself. And as Bella was finding everything about Harry, she was relaying it to Edward as she was finding it out. So as Harry was telling his life story about how he was the boy-who-lived and his time at Hogwarts Bella was telling Edward about what she found out about Lupin.

Edward, did you listen to what that man was thinking at that moment when he heard Harry? Bella asked.

Yes honey, I did. What about it?

Well, that person who looked over at the sound of Harry's voice. And, guess what? That person was Lupin.


Be quiet Edward. I'm telling you. Anyway he was one of Harry's parents' best friends when they were at Hogwarts. They were each an animagus, well we know that. But I guess when I was searching through Harry's memories, I must have missed Lupin. But I think that Harry just forgot him really early on in the transformation. Well he was a werewolf, but not like Jake. He only changes at the full moon. That's why he had such a keen sense of smell and could smell that we were different. And that's also why and the Order meeting he smelled different. And I think that there is another kind of vampire, the magical kind. Because Lupin was also thinking on how we also kind of smelled like a vampire but, as he said 'we didn't have the right characteristics' of I guess being the kind of vampire that was in Harry's world.

I kinda feel bad for him; cause Harry doesn't even remember him. I think that I'm going to try and place all the memories of Lupin back into Harry's head because Lupin was a sort of a big part of Harry's life. Then I think that we could invite Lupin to see Harry because since he is a werewolf, and we are vampires he can't tell anyone because he is a mythical creature too and I don't think that he would want us to tell 

Jake and the other werewolves that there is another species of them out there cause I think that Sam would have his pack hunt them down or something. And if that doesn't work I could always cast a spell on him to make sure that he doesn't tell other people about us.

And I guess that Harry and Lupin was really close. He is really sad because he thinks Harry is dead. He is about to go home and kill himself because he thought that he heard Harry's voice and Harry is calling him, or something weird like that. I couldn't quite understand it. Bella finished telling Edward and waited for him to say something on the subject.

Yea I think that we could do that. I agree with everything that you said. And if you think that you could try and implant the memories into Harry's head before we go and find this, Lupin. I'm going to have to ask Carlisle about the other types of vampires and werewolves. I do not think that he knew that there were other kinds out there. And we still have to find the right time to tell him about you being a witch. Edward said.

Do we really have to? I don't want your whole family to think differently about me once we tell them.

Yes, love we really have to tell them, and I know that they won't treat you any differently because they are your family and could never stop loving you. And if they do they will have to deal with me and Emmett because and he would say 'no one can touch my little sis. I'll kill ANYONE who will ever try to hurt her.' I think that that applies for his own family too. Edward finished.

Thank you Edward you always know just the thing to say that would make me feel better. I love you so much.

I love you too.

They finished their conversation when Edward lightly kissed Bella on the lips. Then Edward and Bella listened to Harry as he told the rest of the Cullens of his last two years at school and of his godfather's death.

After he had finished with his life story, he got up and started walking around the house looking at everything. Bella and Edward walked up and into their room in the attic and sat down on the bed.

"Harry, could you come up in our room please?" Bella called.

"Yea I'm coming." He yelled back to Bella.

At vampire speed he ran up to Edward and Bella's room.

"What did you want?" He asked.

"I need you to come here and lie down on the bed and close your eyes." Bella told him.

Harry was a little wary but figured that he could trust Bella because she was the one who saved his life. He walked over to the bed and lay down and slowly closed his eyes. Bella walked over and put her hands on either side of Harry's head. She then closed her eyes in concentration. Slowly she tried to 

patch together the missing pieces of Harry's memory. She realized that there was a lot of missing memories. They were mostly of Lupin and some of his friends.

All of a sudden Harry sat up and gasped.

"I cannot believe that I actually forgot Lupin. He was like a father to me. Thank you so much for replacing them. And I cannot believe that I lost so much of my memory." Harry said to Bella.

"Good now that you have your memories back. And remember when I took you outside and you wanted to go and kill that man that was walking by on the street?"

Harry nodded his head in understanding.

"Well, my powers are that I am able to block the scent of human blood, and I am able to take other vampire's powers. I don't really take them though I sorta borrow them, if you know what I mean, so that the vampire that I took the power from still has the power, it's just that I have it too."

Harry nodded again in understanding.

"Well by combining Edward and Aro's, I'll tell you about him later, I was able to see all of a person's memories. That's how I was able to replace yours. But the person who you tried to kill was your parents' friend Lupin and he thinks that you are dead. And because he is a werewolf I think that we should tell him because he cannot tell anyone else because he is also a magical creature. So since he is missing you so much, to the point where he is debating to kill himself. Edward and I are going to find him so that he won't be in so much pain and so you would be able to still talk to someone from your human life." Bella finished.

It took Harry a couple of minutes to comprehend everything that Bella had said. As realization hit a look of shock and horror crossed over his features.

"I tried…kill Lupin, Oh sweet Merlin." Harry whispered and he became the first vampire in history to faint from shock.

A/N- I'm really sorry that I never updated you all must really hate me. : ( I really sorry I hope that you forgive me. : ) please!

And I know that it was kinda weird with Bella implanting things into Harry's mind but he had to lose some things with his transformation. Cause Edward said that vampires lose most of their human lives during transformation. (And, no Bella doesn't have all her memories either, she just has them of Edward and the Cullens because they sorta were her life. She only knows about the wolves because Edward told her about them. Other than that her memory is blank) Since Harry needed to keep all his knowledge of the magical world and the spells, Lupin kinda fit just cause he's one favorite characters (that's not including the Cullens haha) and I really wanted him in the story so it was the only way to kinda fit.

And Harry's reason for fainting will come in later in the next chapter, but I promise that he is not going to have any human traits. He is going to be all vampire!

Please, Please review and tell me how I am doing!!

I still have the poll on my profile up so if you haven't voted, please do but I think I know what the pairings will be, based on the votes.