Act 2 parts two!!

AN/ ohhh. Two parts! Amazing! Lol. No really, it really is amazing that I'm updating this so soon.

Disclaimer: I dis all claim to Maximum Ride


We still had another clean up session to go too. So, we all loaded Fang back into the back of Samm's Mom's truck, and were on our way back to the school (As in high school, not the other, evil kind.). Fang was finally on the third book, which he was reading as fast and focused as he possibly could. When we got out to unload him, he barley even blinked.

"Salutations!" I said. He still didn't move, not even a what-the-heck look. I frowned.

"You can't say that to him." Daytona said, coming out from inside the school.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because." She said. "Its like walking up to a Hungarian and them going 'guetenstoch'" I stared at her for a moment.

"That was an…interesting word…" Samm said. Just then, Jason, one of the lights crew, walked up.

"Uh, why is there a guy in a cage?" He asked. Samm and Jane were trying to unload Fang and his cage out of the truck. Jason happened to be in the way.

"Hey, Justin, could you move over a little?" Samm asked.

"Umm, my names Jason…" Jason responded, stepping to the side slightly.

"Thanks Justin."

"My names Jason…"

"So, Justin…"

"SAMM!" I yelled. She looked at me. "His names JASON!"

"…Oh…Sorry, Jason." She said. We put the cage on the sidewalk and pushed it toward the door. As we struggled with the cage, Jason simply walked away, and then Daytona started to sing a song.

"I kissed a girl and…" Fang cut her off.

"You kissed a SQUIRLL???" He asked. "That's just messed up…" Samm, Daytona, Jane, and I started cracking up. Eventually, we managed to push Fang all the way to the hallway. When we got there, we saw that Kirsten was already there and the door was already unlocked.

"You brought him again?" She asked. Just then, Fang finished the third book.

"Oh, no." I said, noticing.

"What?" Daytona asked.

"I'm BBBOOOORRRREEEDEDEDEDED!!!!" Fang said. I smacked my fore head.

"Great, now we get to listen to him complain all day." I said. We got to work. There was still a ton of clothing scattered under the clothes that we had hung up yesterday.

"Where's Jane?" I asked, looking around. Suddenly, Jane burst through the clothes right in front of me. "GAHHH!" I yelled.

"Haha, did you know you could hide back there?" Jane asked.

"Obviously not." I said. "I wanna try!" I jumped into the clothes and waded my way to the very back of the hangings. Jackson walked in.

"Hey, guys…" He started to say. I jumped out.


"Gahhh!!" He jumped. "Oh my god…"

"Did you know you could hide in the clothes?" I laughed.

"Um, no. Anyway, Kirsten wants you to start sweeping." He said, before he left. We swept the place clean and Kirsten told us we could leave.

As I was getting ready for bed that night I wondered…what would we do with Fang now that we had him back home??

AN/ REVIEW!!! Please???