This Photograph Is Proof

By HyuugaAmane
Chapter 1
Dawn of a New Day

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Previously seen in Hold On Hinata...

"It means Hinata is gone Naruto and nobody knows why!" Tenten shouted at him. The look on Tenten's tear stained and angry face told only the truth. Hinata was gone.

"I was too late.." Murmured Naruto as he fell to his knees. Hinata was gone and he had been too late to stop it from happening. "Lord if only I had been here sooner."

"So I am a prisoner here until I finish the trial?"

"Yes, in a manner of speaking."

"I have no problem with that since I have no intentions of leaving until I finish." Growled the moody Hinata.

"So be it." Nemo-sama turned to leave, but stopped. "Oh and if I were you I would wait until your child is born before even attempting the trial. The chakra needed is too great. You would kill the child if you tried before." With that Nemo-sama left. Hinata was alone then and all her choices came bearing down upon her like ravenous wolves. Falling onto her bed, Hinata began to cry.

Two Years Later..

"It's time to go back." Two cold eyes looked up from the letter they were reading. They saw an almost mirror image of themselves staring back at them.

"Already?" Hinata rolled up the letter in her hand and sealed it. A smirk adorned her features as she went through a few select hand seals. "I honestly thought this so called trial would take longer."

"Your feat is impressive Hinata. No other Hyuuga in history has ever been able to complete the trial so quickly." A small fox poofed into existence and the scroll was handed to it.

"I know. You tell me often Hitomi." The little fox ran jumped up onto the table and out through the window. "Unfortunately, I really don't care. I actually hoped it would take a very long time for me to complete the trial."

"Oh?" Hitomi asked in an almost mocking tone. Soft, but terrible laughter issued from Hinata at Hitomi's remark.

"I have told you many times already Hitomi. Don't make me repeat myself again." The tone of Hinata's voice caused Hitomi to involuntarily shudder. One thing Hitomi had learned these past two years was that Hinata was not a woman to cross. She now regretted her role in getting Hinata to the place she was now. Once Hinata found out what had really happened two years ago, Hitomi's head would be the first to roll.

"Mommy!" A small girl with short, spiky black hair and beautiful blue eyes ran into the room. In an instant the little girl was swept into Hinata's arms.

"What is it sweetie? What's wrong?" The little girl looked up into Hinata's now warm and loving eyes.

"Ren took Teddy!" A little boy had appeared now. He was carefully peering into the room. His features were unmistakable, short, spiky blonde hair and pale purple eyes. Anybody with a brain would recognize him for what he was in Konoha. Hinata looked over at Ren and motioned for him to come over. Reluctantly, he walked over to her.

"Ren did you take Hina's Teddy?" The little boy nodded sheepishly. "Now why did you do that?"

"Cause she was callin' me names!" Hina quickly hid her face in the folds of Hinata's clothing. Hinata, in turn, sighed and set Hina down on the ground next to Ren.

"Now why don't you both apologize to each other and Ren you give Hina back her Teddy." Both of them frowned at their mother. Saying sorry was not something they wanted to do. "The sooner you apologize to each other, the sooner we can go to Konoha." Both children's eyes widened at that.

"Sorry!" They both said in unison. Realizing what they had just done, the two began to giggle and Ren handed Hina her Teddy back.

"Mommy can we leave now?" Hina was at Hinata's side now with the cutest expression on her face. Hinata silently lifted her head and looked out in the direction of Konoha. Did she really want to go back? Could she even handle going back? What about him? Would she be able to face him? A tug on her pants leg brought Hinata back to reality. "Mommy.."

"Yes, yes we're leaving. Both of you go get your things." Ren and Hina scrambled from the room in pursuit of their packs. She was leaving. Two years after she'd disappeared, Hinata was going back to Konoha.

A blade slashed and blood splattered the user's face. The woman ignored this and allowed her blade to continue it's deadly dance of death. Her opponents stood no chance against her. No they could not defeat a woman such as her. She was too much for them. They really should have fled the moment that they saw her, but of course they hadn't taken her seriously. After all she was a woman and they did consider women quite inferior to men in their country. She couldn't help but wonder how inferior they thought she was now as she felled them one by one. As the last one met his end a hand touched her shoulder and she whirled around to face the man that was behind her. Her blade barely stopped short of his neck.

"You know you should really be more careful with that thing Sakura." She smirked broadly as her arm dropped to her side.

"And you should stop thinking of this as a game Sasuke." He shrugged and put his arm around her waist.

"Now what would be the fun in that, huh?" His sword slashed out in one quick sweeping motion. An unnamed man separated into two pieces and crashed onto the earth below.

"There wouldn't be any." Sakura replied in a bored tone.

"Alright, I'd say we killed enough baddies for today. They seem to be retreating so why don't we clean up and go home to see our darling children?" Sasuke smiled as he took her hand and began to lead her away.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." With that the two shinobi walked away from the bloodstained battlefield.

"I just can't take this Neji!" Tenten brought her hand smashing down on a table. "Everyone else is fighting except me!" Tenten's normally gentle chocolate brown eyes were filled with bitter anger.

"I'm sorry Tenten, but you can't fight. You know that!" Neji grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He caught her in a strong, but gentle embrace.

"I know that! But I just feel so useless and helpless.." Tears were forming in Tenten's eyes now. "Why did this have to happen now?"

"It was simply fate Tenten. There's nothing we can do about it." Neji used his thumb to wipe away the tears that were beginning to spill from Tenten's eyes. "Besides we should be happy! It's a good thing."

"I know, I know. And I am happy about it. I mean having another baby is wonderful, but now just wasn't quite the right time." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I just want to help defend our home Neji."

"I understand Tenten." He kissed the top of her head. "We only have a month max to wait until our little one is born. Then, after that, you can join the fight."

"I know. But so much could go wrong in that amount of time. I mean what if.. What if one of these days you don't come back?"

"I will always come back to you Tenten. I promise you that."

This isn't right. Dear God this can't be right. This can't be real! The world could not have changed so much in just two years! That's what was running through my mind as I stood upon a bluff looking down at the scene below. Smoke, blood, and death. That's what I smelt and saw. War. It was war out there! But why? How? To what end? Was going back to Konoha such a good idea? Looking down at the blood soaked ground below; I didn't think so.

"Hinata we have to get moving." Hitomi snaps my attention back to the present. I can tell my twin is eager to get back to Konoha even though I'm not. "I don't think staying here is a good idea." She's right. Even now I can hear the approaching men coming from both our right and left. I know I could easily slaughter them all. But I don't want to do that. At least not while I have Ren and Hina with me. They are innocent still. I don't want them to be exposed to the cold violence of the shinobi before they've even turned two years old.

"I realize that." The trees would be the quickest and the safest way to travel at this point. I lift Hina up into my arms despite her protests and Hitomi does the same with Ren.

"The trees?" She knows my reply, but she still asks.

"Yeah. The trees." I look down at my squirming daughter. "Hina hold onto me tight okay?" Hina nods gingerly and I feel her little hands clasp the fabric of my shirt as she stops fidgeting. Effortlessly, I leap into the branches above and sprint towards Konoha. There seems to be a sort of safety in the branches of these familiar trees. I ignore that feeling for I know the rest of our journey home is not going to be easy. We are headed for a war zone. There is almost no way we can leave it with out entering into any conflict at all.

"Damn..." Naruto set down the bowl of ramen that had been in his hand only seconds earlier. "I can't believe this. Everything I do reminds me of that time. That wonderful time. It was short, but sweet. God I miss that woman." Sighing, Naruto stood and looked around. The kitchen he was sitting in was large and quite clean. But it was missing something. "I wanted this to be our home. I was going to surprise you with it when I got back from my mission." His eyes were closed now. It was as if he was speaking to a memory. "We would've filled this place with so much love." The corner of his mouth lifted in a small smile. "And rugrats. Yeah, definitely rugrats." Lifting up his hand, Naruto touched his cheek. He felt wetness there. "I'm crying... just like always."

"Naruto open the door! It's Sasuke! I've got news!" With a quickness that came with being a shinobi, Naruto brushed away the water from his cheeks. Sasuke pounded on the door outside with an annoying eagerness.

"I'm coming! Keep your pants on would ya?" Gingerly, Naruto opened the door to reveal a winded Sasuke.

"I've got news. You're going to want to hear this." Sasuke panted at Naruto.

"Well spill it already man. I don't have all day ya know." Naruto placed one of his hands on his hip and glared at Sasuke.

"Two women and two young children have been spotted making their way to the village."


"The women are wearing Konoha forehead protectors and one matches the description of Hinata's sister Hitomi." Naruto's mouth dropped open as his eyes went wide. This meant that it was possible the other woman was Hinata. Naruto had gone through several physical changes over the past two years and Hinata had probably as well. She might not be recognizable from a distance anymore.

"Are you sure?" Naruto sputtered out.

"Yes, positive."

"I'm going out to meet them." Naruto began to move out the door, but Sasuke grabbed his arm.

"Good luck Naruto. I hope you find her."

"Thanks." He pulled his arm away from Sasuke and leapt into the trees above. If Hinata was out there, Naruto was going to find her.

"Hinata we're headed straight for a battle zone." Hitomi warned as she followed Hinata.

"I'm aware of that. But there's no other choice. We're completely surrounded. We've got to break through somewhere." Hinata was right. They were surrounded. The area they were headed for was the most direct way to Konoha. Unfortunately, it was also the most populated with conflicting shinobi.

"Mommy what's going on?" Hina looked up at Hinata. Fear and uncertainty was written plainly on the young girl's face.

"It's nothing you need to worry about Hina. Just hold onto me and keep your eyes closed tight. It will all be over soon." Hinata managed to smile softly at Hina regardless of the fact she was probably going to kill several people in the next few minutes. "I'll go in first Hitomi."

"Understood." Hitomi nodded. With one final look to her sister, Hinata erupted into the clearing. She held Hina tight to her chest with one arm and with the other she wielded a deadly katana. One of the men in the battle turned his attention to Hinata almost immediately. He was on the ground in a growing pool of his own blood in mere seconds.

"One down." Hinata murmured. More of the enemy proceeded to take notice of her. One came at her directly. She easily took advantage and plunged her katana into his abdomen. His blood splattered all over her clothes and face. The others had stopped and were staring at her. "What's the matter?" They stood frozen. "Come on won't you boys dance with me?" A smirk now adorned Hinata's features. It made her look particularly wicked combined with all the blood. "No?" The smirk faded as quickly as it appeared. "Too bad for you." She whispered. Hinata's figure became nothing more than a blur of color and movement. They could not see the blade that danced for each of them and brought about their deaths.

"That was a great show Hinata." Hitomi walked calmly from the cover of the bushes. Hinata's eyes narrowed at her.

"Show eh?" Hinata was frowning now. "I've never thought of it in that way before."

"That's bull shit Hinata." Hitomi said accusingly.

"Yeah you're right. It is."

"Hinata? Is that you?" A female anbu with long blonde hair that was covered in blood asked as she stood up from the ground. She grasped her side and coughed in pain.

"Ino?" Hinata asked with obvious uncertainty. The woman lifted her free hand up to her face and slipped her mask off her face. Ino's features were clearly revealed along with a river of blood flowing from her mouth.

"You got it." She coughed again. Hinata speedily passed Hina off to Hitomi and ran to her friend.

"I'll help." Ino nodded weakly as Hinata's hand began to glow with a familiar green chakra. Hinata helped Ino ease herself to the ground and then began the work of healing the gaping wound in her side.

"What happened to you Hinata? You just suddenly disappeared. Why?" Ino was speaking bluntly, but she wanted a truthful answer. Hinata sighed.

"I was on a mission for my clan." It was sort of the truth, but definitely not the whole truth.

"Oh. That explains a lot I suppose." Ino took a deep breath. "Things have changed a lot in Konoha since you left."

"I can see that."

"In more ways than what you see here Hinata. We've changed Hinata. All your friends – we're all different now. Oh there are so many more children too. I'm sure those two that you have with you will enjoy their company." Ino weakly gestured to Ren and Hina. "What are their names?" Hinata averted her gaze.

"Uzumaki Ren and Uzumaki Hina."

"What!?" Ino tried to sit up, but Hinata pushed her back to the ground.

"Hold still. You're not healed yet."

"I had assumed they were kids you picked up on your mission… But they are in fact yours and N-" Hinata clamped her hand over Ino's mouth.

"Don't say his name and don't tell him about Ren and Hina." Hinata gave Ino a hard look and removed her hand.

"He'll figure it out. He isn't stupid you know." Ino informed Hinata quietly.

"I know that, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try." Hinata's turned her head towards her children and a sad expression sat on her features.


"I have my reasons. Now just quiet down and let me finish healing you."

"Yes sir." Ino did a mock salute causing a smile to appear on both women's faces."

"Are you bloody serious?" Sakura asked her husband in disbelief.

"Would I joke about something this serious?" Sakura glared at him. "Okay, don't answer that question. And yes I am serious."

"Two big events in one day. Who would've thought?"

"Yeah Tenten is having her baby and Hinata seems to be on her way back to Konoha." Sasuke smiled. "You know I wouldn't be against having another baby. What about you?"

"Sasuke we already have two children. I think we can wait until after this war is over to have another." Sakura shook her head at Sasuke who just sighed in defeat.

"I suppose. You have to promise though." A devious smirk spread across Sasuke's face.

"Fine. I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that promise Sakura." Sasuke smiled.

"I think this is the part where I say – No duh." Sakura laughed as Sasuke bent down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

"Okay. It's finished. Now we can all get out of here." Hinata declared as she got to her feet. Hina was quick to run to her as soon as she did so. She attached herself to her mother's leg once she was in range. "Hina…" Hinata bent over and picked Hina up. It didn't take the toddler long to settle herself in her mother's arms. "This is so unfair to Ren."

"Mama!" Hinata directed her gaze downward to see Ren with his arms out to her. Shifting Hina to one arm, Hinata scooped Ren up. He wrapped his little arms around Hinata's neck and refused to budge at all.

"Let's go." The other two nodded. Before Hinata was even able to take two steps, a man stepped out into the clearing. His blonde hair and cerulean eyes made it impossible for Hinata to mistake who it was. Not to mention the scent he was giving off. That was definitely Naruto's scent. He was racing towards them now and every muscle in Hinata's body was telling her to run away in the other direction as fast as she could. But she couldn't even get one to twitch.

"Hinata?" He was in front of her now and he was making all sorts of her emotions that she spent so much time burying resurface. She was finding herself helpless in his presence.

"N-Nar-ruto." Stuttering. She was actually stuttering like the child she used to be. Why was he still able to do this to her?

"It is you. Thank God." Naruto's face had broken into a wide smile and tears were pouring unchecked from his eyes. "I have missed you so much Hinata." His hand cupped her cheek and Hinata instinctively leaned into it.

"Oy, you!" Ren whacked Naruto's hand. "Don't touch my Mama!" A violent blush enveloped Hinata's face. She knew Ren was just trying to be protective of her, but in the process he had just given away what she wanted so badly to keep a secret.

"Your Mama?" Shock rattled Naruto's entire being. His hand dropped from Hinata's face and he plucked Ren from Hinata's arms. Ren squirmed in Naruto's hands as he held him at arm's length. The boy had blonde hair and pale purple eyes. Pointed ears, fanged teeth, and twin whisker marks stood out among his features. This boy was his son. He drew the little boy close in a warm hug.

"Oh God… Oh God I have a son." Naruto moved forward and pulled Hinata into a hug as well. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hinata couldn't stop herself as she buried her face in Naruto's neck and began to cry.

"Mommy you're squishing me!" Hinata pulled away from Naruto. She directed her attention to Hina and brushed her hair out of her face lovingly. Then she looked at Naruto to see the same shocked look on his face that had been there only seconds before.

"I'm sorry Hina. I didn't mean to." She placed a kiss on Hina's forehead.

"Hinata is she also-"

"She is Ren's twin." Hinata cut him off before he could finish. Her tears were still flowing down her face and Hina was trying to wipe them away with her little hands.

"Mama who is he?" Ren was squirming and trying to get lose from Naruto, but it wasn't working very well. Hinata took a few steps until she was so close to Naruto they were almost touching. Ren reached out for her, but she didn't take him from Naruto.

"He's your Father." Hinata's face was set in a hard glare now even as the tears rolled out of her eyes.

"He's Daddy?" Ren inquired as he started to stare at Naruto's face. Naruto smiled at Ren.

"That's right my little rugrat." He messed up Ren's hair even more.

"I ain't no rugrat!" Pouted Ren.

"Says who?"


"Oh okay, if you say so." Naruto lifted Ren up onto his shoulders. "How about we go home?"

"You mean Konoha?" Hina piped up.

"The one and only." With that Naruto took off with Ren on his shoulders. Hinata growled softly and then took off after him.

Ren was giggling like little children do as he rode upon Naruto's shoulders. They were running through streets and past shops Ren had never seen before in his life. It was all so interesting to see. Oh and the people – there were so many people. Not at all like that little village he had lived in before. The busy streets eventually faded away and trees took their place. A huge complex met Ren's eyes and so did a big ornate gate.

"Wow…" The little boy was baffled to say the least.

"I'm glad you like it." Naruto grinned. This was going to be great. Hinata was back and she had revealed the existence of Ren and Hina to him. They were their children. Happy. That's what he was. Naruto was happier than he could ever remember being in two years.

"Do we get to live here?" Naruto assumed so. He didn't foresee Hinata having any problems with it. Then he remembered how he had returned home the night she went missing and found the ring he had given her on the nightstand. Did she leave it there on purpose or had she simply forgotten it? Naruto didn't know the answer to that question.

"I think so. It depends on what your mother thinks." Naruto prayed that she would stay. He had, after all, refurnished Yondaime's complex so he and Hinata could live there. Naruto had gotten a hold of the place because he was Yondaime's son.

"I hope she says yes." Ren smiled a trademark Uzumaki smile as Naruto carried him through the gates and into the house. After the duo had entered, Naruto set Ren down on the floor. Ren, with haste, removed his shoes and pack.

"So do you want to go exploring?"

"Yeah!" Ren agreed with enthusiasm.

"Alright! Let's go!" Naruto was just about to take off down the hall with Ren when Hinata entered the complex.

"Where do you think you're going?" She quirked her eyebrow at them.

"I was just about to show Ren the complex." Ren was smiling cutely at Hinata and he was holding onto Naruto's hand. They hadn't even been together an hour and they were already bonding. If Naruto were any other guy that would be amazing. But in this situation, it was only natural.

"Is this place yours?" Hinata asked.

"Yep. My Father left it for me in his will." Naruto was broadly grinning at her. "Do you like it?"

"I can't really answer that until I've seen it all now can I?" Hinata sighed and crossed her arms. Hina had run over to Naruto. She was inspecting him.

"I suppose not." Hina had now successfully attached herself to Naruto's leg. Hinata let out a low growl at that. Hina had only ever done that to her. Ren and Hina didn't seem to notice, but Naruto looked at her with a little confusion.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not used to sharing them yet." Hinata directed her gaze to the floor. Naruto detached Hina from his leg and let go of Ren's hand.

"Why don't you two go explore by yourselves for awhile?" The two nodded and ran off. Naruto turned to Hinata and trapped her in a powerful hug. "What is wrong with you?"

"Like you don't know." Hinata snarled into his chest. She tried to push away, but he wouldn't let go.

"I don't know Hinata." He said strongly. "You just up and disappeared two years ago. Why?"

"Because you betrayed me!" Hinata bellowed as she struggled to free herself from his grasp.

"What are you talking about?" Hinata glared into his eyes and saw pure confusion in them. She growled at him again.

"I saw you with her." Hinata hissed to him.

"Huh?" Naruto blinked his eyes at her. He obviously didn't know what she was talking about.

"You really don't know what I mean do you?" Surprise was written all over Hinata's face along with utter confusion.

"No I don't." Naruto let his grip lax. "That mission I went on – it was an undercover mission to infiltrate a secret missing nin group. My job was to kill them and I did. When I got back you were gone."

"That's not what I saw happen!" Hinata yelled as she pounded her fists on Naruto's chest. A loud crack was heard as she broke his collarbone. He effectively grabbed her wrists and held them still as his bone reset itself and began to heal.

"What did you see happen? Tell me!"

"I saw you!" Hinata bit her lip. "I saw you with another woman! I even heard you tell her you loved her and not me! That I was just your whore to play with!"

"I would never do anything like that Hinata! You should know that. I love you! No one else! Only you!" Hinata tore her wrists away from him and turned her back to him.

"I know that! But… It was just too real! I couldn't help but to believe it!" Hinata clenched her fists tightly at her side. "You were gone! I was pregnant and alone! I just… I just…" Hinata fell to her knees. Warm arms wrapped themselves around Hinata and turned her around.

"It's alright. I'm here now and I promise you that whoever did this is going to be punished dearly for it." Hinata's tears were soaking through Naruto's shirt and onto his skin. Naruto now let out a deep, threatening growl of his own as he thought of ways to punish the one who did this once they discovered who it was.

"I hated you Naruto." Hinata whispered between her sobs. "I never wanted to come back to Konoha."

"I understand Hinata. I understand." He cradled her in his arms protectively, never wanting to let her go.

Amane: So after about two months I think… Here it is. The sequel. This is only the beginning. I fully intend this to be longer than Hold On Hinata.

Hinata: Already? I forgave him already? No way!

Maybe you did – maybe you didn't.

Hinata: Oh I get it. I foresee rough times ahead in my relationship with Naruto.

But we just reconciled!!!

Hinata: Oh put a sock in it! (Smashes him over the head with a blunt rock.)

Sakura: That's a new one for this corner.

Hinata: Good. I like being original.

Neji: I was actually awesome in this chapter!

Fanboy291: NEJI-SAMA!! (Gives chase!!)

Neji: Amane-san you are so mean to me!! (Runs into a stop sign and is smothered by Fanboy291.)

Kakashi: Oh man that fanboy is doing horribly sick things. Good thing I have a camera to preserve it for black mail!

Sasuke: What are you doing here? You weren't even in this chapter!

Kakashi: Shhh! They don't know that!

Amane: Okay that wraps up the corner for this chapter! Thank you for reading and please, please review!! Thank you to everybody! I love you all lots!! I'll update as soon as I can.