Lol its called procrastination!!! I've written this one-shot, when really I should be updating my other stories. But I get side-tracked, and idea's pop into my overcrowded head, and if I don't write them down I'll loose them. So to my annoyed fans who want me to update my other stories, I hope you enjoy this, (blush sheepishly.) Also to all the newcomers of my writings, if you like this story I urge you to check out my other more fascinating stories that I will be updating really really soon :D

Disclaimer: I have nothing clever to say, sadly I don't own Twilight.

So this is what I'd call a normal date, right?

We were both sitting in an overcrowded theater, determinedly watching the huge screen that blared out at us. I clenched my fists tighter, Bella was just inches away, I could feel her heat radiating off of her. She held her popcorn bag close, as if it were a security blanket, I stifled my smile. She was watching adorably fascinated, I discreetly watched her through my peripheral vision. When she caught me, she'd glare and motion for me to look at the screen. I smothered my smile, and followed her bidding exaggeratingly turning my head to stare at the obnoxious screen, that Bella had insisted we see.

Right now a sub-plot character was running for her life, down the street, in her underwear, —of course, blonde, blue eyed and busty. The movie was extremely irritating and predictable; a movie formula devised to produce high blockbuster ratings, I could gag on the unoriginality of the script. But Bella wanted to see it, probably just to annoy me. Ironically it is a horror movie, unpredictably about vampires.

I laughed out loud as the 'vampire' cowered in terror as the main character, (a tall brunette with an attitude problem, and a desire for danger,) chased after him with a bottle of holy water, and a wooden stake. Bella, punched my arm, I looked over as I noticed that she was wincing, nursing her knuckles from where she hit my granite arm. I covered my mouth trying desperately not to laugh.

She glared at me, "People are staring, Edward." She whispered loudly. Which was true, I mean people were starting to look at us, as I was still trying desperately to control my hysterics, while Bella battered me about being quiet.

She sharply turned back to the screen, before she gave me one last withering stare. I obediently followed suit, which was a mistake, the vampire, was retreating as the main character pulled out a clove of garlic.

I couldn't control my laughter, even Bella giggled.

"Shh" someone hushed from behind, I glanced back. Couples with the girls hiding in the guys arms, glared at me. The girls all had an innocent damsel-and-distress looks on their face.

I looked at Bella with my eyebrows raised, sharing the ridiculousness of the moment. She stared back her eyes wide and her lips tightened together to suppress her laughter. I looked away quickly knowing that I would never be able to stop laughing if she started.

I watched the movie, not taking in the words, the images just blurred together. Instead I entertained myself by listening to the inane chattering thoughts that echoed throughout the theater. Most of them were filled with relationship drama, or absorption with the dull movie.

I wonder if she's scared.

I bet I'd be able to grab her hand.

Oh my god, this is so scary.

I easily clicked through the thoughts like I was channel surfing, basically the gist of the inner ramblings and expectations, consisted of the guys wanting the girl to be scared, so they could console them. I glanced at Bella; her eyes were wide, and she was on the edge of her seat completely engrossed in the movie. I focused my hearing, and listened to her quickened heartbeat. —Is she scared?

I became quickly uncomfortable; I fidgeted in my seat, rearranging my position. Bella was scared…okay; the obvious answer is to comfort her. But how can I reassure her when technically she's scared of the vampire, who is now brutally and unrealistically feasting on the star of the movie. I cringed as I focused on the vampire; Hollywood got one thing right, the vampire had bright red eyes that leered up at the camera. Bella's heartbeat sputtered and jumped. I clenched my jaw, I wanted to hold her hand, —but would she be frightened of me? I am a vampire after all.

Suddenly I felt like the countless guys who inhabited the theater, who were all debating the same question in their heads.

Should I hold her hand, or is that to forward?

Even though it was the same question, I had different reasons for avoiding the action. I didn't want Bella to look at me with fear in her eyes. I realized that I was overreacting. Bella doesn't care that I'm a vampire, I told myself tensely. I peeked at her subtly, she had her hands clenched on the armrest, her eyes were glued to the screen, and she chewed on her bottom lip.

I looked back at the screen trying to control my panicked thoughts. The gory scene flashed; match-dissolving to a less nail-biting scene.

Bella's warm hand found mine; she dutifully unwound my tight fist, and spread out her hot small hand that fit in my palm easily. I looked at her swiftly; she looked back and snuggled into my embrace. Her heartbeat soothed and she sighed contently. I smiled pressing my face to her hair and kissing her forehead.


After the movie we walked hand in hand down the street, headed for my silver Volvo. Bella walked by silently, her eyes looked thoughtful.

"What are you thinking?" I sighed desperately.

She smiled sneakily, "Oh, nothing of interest." She said lightly, her eyes devious.

I glared at her.

She laughed, "How'd you like the movie?" She asked changing the subject. "I bet it was a little to scary for your taste, don't you think Edward?…I mean the vampire was killed in the end." she said teasingly.

I stopped and pulled her to face me. She looked at me bewilderedly. I stared down into her deep brown eyes intensely. "It was scary for a minute there," I whispered seriously, and tilted my head down, pulling her up to reach my lips.

Hey wonderful readers, first of all I just wanted to defend myself. I have nothing against blonde blue-eyed girls (especially considering I'm one of them.) Also I wanna say thanks to my lovely friend Jason, who explained some of the inner workings of the Y chromosome.

Basically girls, not only do guys like watching guts and gore, (and well endowed girls running down the street in their undies,) But guys think that girls will be all frightened and vulnerable when he takes the girl to the proverbially horror-flick. Lol so next time your BF invites you to the fright fest, he's probably doing it for an excuse to hold your hand.

please Review:)