Happy Halloween!

Written especially for What the Cullen's Don't Want You to Know

By; A Lovely Dream.

"Hey girl hey," Emmett said to me before giving me a wink.

"Hi Emmett, your unusually..." I paused to find the word, "Perky today."


"Emmett, you can't even go out tomorrow it's going to be sunny."

"So? Bella stop being so... BLONDE,"

"Hey!" Rosalie screamed and pointed frantically at her head. Emmett just rolled his eyes, the Rosalie smacked him.

"Bella, I think what Emmett meant to say is that tomorrow is Halloween, people will think it's just a costume."

"Wait, so do you still dress up?"

"DUH!" Emmett shouted.

"What are you dressing up as?"

"I'm going to wear a red Prada suit, blinking devil horns, and im gonna have a tail!" Alice told me excitedly.

"Because the Devil wears Prada?" I asked her.

"Duh," she told me. "And the others don't know what they're dressing up as yet, I know, so do Esme and Carlisle." She smiled wickedly, "They made a bet."

"Did they loose the bet?" I asked Alice.

"Yeah," she told me.

"What exactly was the bet?" I asked her.

Her face got serious, "Edward made me promise not to tell you, so don't tel him I did okay?" I promised her I wouldn't then she continued, "Remember last week when Edward told you that he didn't have time to go hunting? And how his eyes were really read and he was so moody it was almost like he was PMS'ing?" I nodded, "Well, we bet that Edward could go two weeks without hunting and still control himself around you. And we thought he was doing fine." I narrowed my eyes, "But then at school I was talking to you and you told me that I had to get him to go hunting, I told Esme, and that was that. They won!"

I broke into laughter, "So what are they dressing up as?"

"I can't tell you!" she exclaimed, "It will ruin the fun."

I sighed, "Well can you tell me what I'm dressing up as?"

Her eyes widened, "You haven't decided yet?"

"Well, I have some ideas."


"Um, a vampire?"

She raised her eyebrows, "Bella your going to have to be more creative than that." I sighed she looked at me, "Bella you're pathetic, if you want to be a vampire we, meaning I, could make it creative," she smiled.

I glared at her, "Fine, you can make my costume."

She smiled excitedly, "Come here tonight, and spend the night I'll get you and the others ready before school."

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I woke up then next morning in Edward's room, but he wasn't there. Then I heard a

crash, and Edward shouting, "I REFUSE TO GO TO SCHOOL IN THIS!" and Alice screaming, "BUT YOU HAVE TO YOU LOST THE BET!"

"Fine," I heard him growl.

I crawled out of the bed, that he bought for me. And walked down the hall to the bathroom. "BELLA! Thank goodness your awake," Alice greeted me.

She was already in costume, and she looked amazing. She wore fake eyelashes, which made her long ones look even longer. Not only that but the fake ones had red sequins on them. Red eyeliner, and a deep red lipstick. It looked amazing against her pale skin. Then she died the tips of her hair a red. Her suit was amazing, She was wearing red from head to toe, her devil horns were blinking oh her head, and her tale was blinking on her butt.

"Alice, what time is it?" I asked

She glanced at the clock on the bathroom wall, "5:30," she told me.

"IN THE MORNING?" I exclaimed. Alice just nodded, "Did you sleep well?"

I glared at her, "Great!" she said and sat me down.

"Can I see everyone else first?" Alice just nodded in response "ROSE, EDWARD, EMMETT, JASPER GET IN HERE," she called. I heard a series of groans, but they slowly, at least slowly for them, made there way to the bathroom. Rose came in looking like a hooker. Wearing fishnet stockings with rips in them. She wore a T-shirt, with stains on it, and make up smeared across her face. Her hair was knotted up, and had a condom stuck in it.

Next jasper came in. He was wearing a very girly costume, and a wig. It was long and brown, he had it pulled into a pony tale to the side of his head. Sparkly face make up that brought out his topaz eyes. His costume was a pink dress, and he wore wings. Once he stepped out into the sun he would look like a real fairy, except for the hairy arms and legs that is. But I tried not to think about that.

Next Emmett, I knew he was a drama queen, but I never would have imagined him as a drag queen. Okay, so I normally wouldn't imagine that but there was that one time. BUT IT WAS ALL EDWARDS FAULT. Emmett's face was covered in bright colors, and he was wearing a bra stuffed with toilet paper. A skin tight red dress that would shine almost as brightly as he does. He was wearing snake skin boots, and when he walked in he looked at me and said, "Darling we have to do something about your split ends, and oh my gosh is that a zit?" Alice smacked him. And I had to suppress a laugh. When he walked out I turned to Alice, "Is he or Rose the hooked?" she just smiled at me. "With Emmett, it doesn't matter, I could have given him a loin cloth and told him he was being Tarzan and he would have been content." I shuddered at the thought.

She gave me an out fit to change into, I did and then she set to work. She made me look pale, then cover my skin in glitter. She straightened my hair, despite my split ends, it looked good. Even drag queen Emmett would have been proud. Alice applied tons of make-up to my face. I looked amazing. Then, just for the affect she gave me plastic fangs. Then I realized that I never saw Edwards costume. "Alice, where's Edward?" she looked at me, "He's just being stubborn."

We got went out to the garage, and a walked towards Edward's Volvo, when I felt a hand, or a paw on my shoulder. I looked around and saw a were wolf. "Boo!" He said. My eyes widened with fear. Then Emmett, Rose, Jasper, the werewolf and Alice erupted in laughter. The werewolf took off his head, which turned out to just be a mask. There was Edward, covered from head to toe in fur. I hit him, "Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, don't you ever do that to me again!" I shrieked. He just kissed me, and I suddenly forgot why I was so upset.

"You look amazing," he told me. I felt my skin flush. "Alice is this what she will look like when she's changed?" I raised my eyebrows, I never even considered that.

She shook her head, "You think she'd look like that? Definitely not, she'll look ten times better."

Edward grinned, "I didn't know that was possible."

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At the end of the school day we all got at least 40 comments on how great our costumes looked. Emmett told us that Mike Newton asked him if he could touch his boobs. We laughed and told each other all of our stories. Then Emmett goes, okay let's go trick-or-treating! I was confused.

Until about ten 'o clock, we were out trick-or-treating. When we got back to the Cullen's house, we had almost five pounds of candy. "Wow, why did you get so much if you don't even eat it?" I asked them

Emmett gave me a wicked grin, "Oh, were not eating it, but you are."

My face went blank, "What? I can't eat all of that."

"Yes, you can" Emmett said. Then they all began to laugh.

"Thank god," I said, "I thought he was being serious."

Then all of them but Edward closed in on me, "He was," Alice said.

I screamed, "EDWARDDDD!"

"Happy Halloween Bella," I heard them call from behind me, as I was in Edward's arms.

I laughed, "Their nuts," I told him.

He smiled my favorite smile, "I was wondering when you'd realize that," he joked.

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username: A Lovely Dream

thanks -ALD