Final Apocalypse

Years had passed since Adam had last picked up a morpher, well actually it was weeks now. When he was asked to help the Overdrive Rangers, Adam almost said no. But something in him wanted to go back, he enjoyed being a Power Ranger the first time around. Something about helping people made him feel good, it gave him the confidence to be who he was today.

Who was he today?

Well, he happened to own his own Martial Arts dojo in Angel Grove…he felt it in his heart to leave the place…and now Alpha 6 was there to help him. It had been a crazy past month, and things were about to get even crazier…


A women's voice called out to him, it was riddled with panic and terror. Chaos was happening all around, the sky was pitch black, not a single star shone. A full moon colored red seemed to reflect the pools of blood that covered the streets. Flames shot up from buildings, terrified screams of innocent people echoed through the night. Adam stood in the midst of the chaos paralyzed, unable to move any part of his body. Dark creatures roamed the streets attacking people and leaving them for dead. They weren't the soul cause of this apocalyptic state they were only minions. The master behind it all had not shown its face.


The women's voice came again. The silhouette of a women appeared in front of him. Adam found the strength to reach out to her. He silently called her name; as he did she vanished leaving only the echo of her scream behind.

Adam woke up screaming covered in sweat. He was sitting upright in bed, breathing deeply he looked around the dark room. A beam of white moonlight lit a small path of blue carpet on the floor at the end of his bed. Adam took a deep breath and let it out resting his head back on the headboard. It was just a dream…only a dream. Yet, all of it felt so real. Adam noticed his body was shaking he was terrified. He sat there trying to steady his breathing, "Just a dream." He muttered absently. Adam slid back down into bed and lay staring at the ceiling until he slipped back into slumber.

"Adam?" Alpha 6 tapped him on the shoulder lightly. Even the light touch made Adam jump. He looked up and sighed, "Sorry." He muttered getting out of the chair. Alpha 6 watched him for a moment.

"Is something bothering you Adam?"

"No." he said quickly, "I'm fine." Adam walked over to the door of the Dojo and unlocked it starting another day at work.

"Well, if you say so." And with that Alpha 6 bustled into the back room leaving Adam alone. He couldn't get his mind off of the nightmare the night before. A week had passed and he still had the same dream each night, never changing. He had seen it so often that he could now replay it in his mind while he was awake. Not only was it haunting him at night, but now it haunted him during the day. But…what did it all mean? And who was the women who was always calling to him. He'd shout her name but every time he woke up the name escaped his mind.

'Hello? Is anybody here?"

Adam walked out from his office, "Yeah, sorry how can I—Rocky?"

Rocky DeSantos grinned at Adam as he walked up to the front desk. "Adam Park. I'd say you aren't doing too bad for yourself." he said looking around the Dojo. Adam came out from behind the desk,

"Hey man what's up it's been awhile."

The two met in a hug, but you know one of those guy hugs. Clap hands pull each other for a quick pat on the back and then let go before it becomes weird. Rocky shrugged and leaned over on the desk.

"It's been, what 12 years?"

Adam crossed his arms, "Something like that. So how have you been?"

"Not too bad." Rocky flashed a gold band that sat on his left ring finger. Adam looked from the ring to Rocky's face and gaped at him.

"You're married?"

"Gonna be a father soon."

"That's awesome man. So when did all this happen? I mean I wasn't even your best man." Adam joked.

"Yeah," Rocky nodded, "It kind of happened all at once while I was over in Africa."

"What were you doing in Africa?"

"South Africa actually. I was over there promoting my own chain of Dojo's I have set in Texas. And guess who I happened to run into, Aisha."

"Really, well how is she doing?"

"About to be a mother." Rocky said with a sly smirk. It took Adam a few seconds to make the actual connection, when he did a broad smile grew across his face.

"You and Aisha? That's great man!"

"Yeah I know, I'm in town to see some family. My grandma died a few days ago the funeral was yesterday."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Not it's cool, she was 89 it was just her time."

The two of them stood in silence for a moment, Adam solemnly nodded before trying to lighten the situation.

"So is Aisha here too?"

"Nah, she wanted to come but I told her she didn't have to. Plus with her being around 7 months pregnant I didn't want her to travel. But forget about me, what's been going on with Adam?"

The bell on the front door tinkled as it opened, three people dressed in gray uniforms burst in completely out of breath. Rocky turned and looked at them extremely confused, Adam however recognized one of them.


Bridge Carson took a deep breath and looked up, he gave a halfhearted wave as he was still working on regaining his composure.

"What are you doing here?"

"Big trouble." he finally got out.

"Next time we bring the cruisers!" a girl with brown hair whose uniform was trimmed with yellow sat on the floor glaring over at Bridge.

"We didn't have time to take them." the other man said, he has short blonde hair and his uniform was trimmed in red.

"Who are these people?" Rocky asked, "And how do you know them Adam?"

"Adam, we have to talk uhh—" Bridge glanced over at Rocky and then back to Adam.

"It's cool he knows, he was a ranger too."

Bridge perked up and smiled at Rocky, "Great."

"Wait, too as in also? These three are rangers?"

"SPD." Sky Tate stood up and presented his SPD badge to Rocky and Adam,

"SPD?" Rocky repeated.

"Space Patrol Delta." Z finally got to her feet and was now standing next to Sky.

"Bridge, you look like hell." Adam said, over the initial shock of seeing him Adam now noticed that their uniforms were torn and they were even bleeding a little. "What happened?"

"Well what happened was me, Sky, and Z were all relaxing back in 2026 with Syd and Boom. Syd was talking about something girly with Z who actually looked rather bored, Sky was off reading a book and Boom and I were celebrating the fact that he got Green Ranger with some toast, extra buttery." he wiggled his fingers,

"Short version Bridge." Z said rolling her eyes.

"Oh right, well the base began to shake and alarms started going off!" at this point Bridge began to mimic the alarm sounds. Adam and Rocky exchanged a look; Adam could tell Rocky was trying hard not to laugh. "Is he always like this?" Rocky asked leaning over to Z. She sighed and nodded, "Always,"

"Then this swirling worm hole opened in front of us!" Bridge then started to imitate the sounds of the worm hole.

"Bridge!" Sky and Z shouted, he stopped.

"Okay, sorry. We were attacked in the wormhole."

"Attacked?" Adam asked, "By who?"

Sky shook his head and crossed his arms, "We don't know. Us three were sucked into the wormhole; Syd and Boom are still back in 2026. When we were in the wormhole we saw an alternate timeline, it showed earth but it was covered in darkness."

"Completely destroyed." Z said cutting in, "Then out of no where this giant creature showed up and attacked us, we couldn't morph. We landed here in 2008 and Bridge said he knew where to find someone who could help us."

Adam nodded, "You guys look pretty beat up. Alpha!"

Alpha 6 wondered out from the back, "You called Adam? Bridge, Rocky!"

Rocky smiled, "Wow, never thought I'd see you again Alpha."

"It's good to see the both of you."

"Alpha can you take, Bridge and uh—"



"Sky and Z, to the back to get fixed up. Try and see if we have any cloths for them too."

"Right away Adam."

"But Adam what about—"

"It'll have to wait for now Bridge, you guys will be fine here." Adam walked over to the door and flipped the sign to close, "Till then I think it's best to be closed today. Rocky if you can stay if you want."

"Sure, I didn't know there would be Power Rangers in the future, I'm kind of interested. Plus you know Adam I was a Ranger once too, I can still be of help."

Alpha bandaged Bridge, Sky and Z's wounds and gave them some clothes to change into. Bridge donned a blue hoodie with the logo of the Dojo on front. Sky stuck with a simple red T-shirt and Z was resorted to wearing a yellow T that was a size or two too large for her, and a belt held up the baggy jeans that still threatened to fall off.

"Sorry, don't really have any girl cloths." Adam said, Z shook her head.

"Its cool I understand. I'd have been worried if you did."

Rocky smirked, "So you three are rangers huh?"

"Yeah, SPD Red, Yellow and Blue." Sky said indicating Z and Bridge respectfully.

"I thought you were the Red Ranger Bridge?"

"Oh yeah, well you see I came from the even further future the first time when I was the red ranger. Bt now it's a few years prior to when I left to join the Retro Rangers. But really, I wouldn't have been Retro seeing as how I am from the future. Anyway when I went back I ended up going back too soon and landed back in 2026 where I was promoted to Blue ranger from Green and Sky from blue to red. So I retained my memories from fighting with you and the others. In the mean time I couldn't jump forward in time without messing up the fabric of time, so I replaced my old self in 2026 and a few weeks later the wormhole opened up. I think it may be my fault but that monster inside of the wormhole tells me it may not have been."

Every starred at Bridge blankly, "What?" Bridge asked, "Why are you guys starring at me?"

"Anyway, what is this about an alternate time line?"

"As we traveled through the worm hole a section of it tore and we watched a city being burned ot the ground. The sky was pitch black and we could people screaming. We could only assume it was an alternate future."

"It was awful, I never want to see it again." Z said with a shiver.

"I know what you mean. Everything was so, cold. Well except for the fires." Bridge said.

"We think because we were thrown to this time that maybe something horrible happens that may change the future." Sky said ignoring Bridge's last comment. Adam sat down to think, and then he realized something. Everything Sky had described reminded him of the dream he had been having lately. He almost brought it up but the bell on the front door tinkled again as someone entered. Adam sighed and stood up and left the back room.

"I'm sorry we're closed—"

"I'm sorry I never was one for reading." a women in a long black trench coat with long neon blue hair that trailed almost to the floor stood starring Adam down. She has a scar across her left cheek and a pink heart tatto underneath her right eye with a black crescent moon resting in the center of the heart. She grinned evilly "It's a shame though wish there could be more people for me to destroy. But I suppose you will just have to do." her nails instantly grew into long sharp blades.

"Who are you?" Adam asked taking a fighting stance.

"Liliana, the one who is going to kill you black ranger!"