Take My Breath Away

Chapter 4

Kagome lay in her bed anxiously awaiting the return of her Grandfather. When she had burst in on her family's morning meal, she had ignored their onslaught of questions and got right to the point. At first her Grandfather had launched into one of his stories about a herpetologist who had sought his help with a haunted shrine on his property.

"Grandpa!" she had shouted in frustration, hands pressed to the sides of her head, "just tell me if you can get the anti-venom!"

The old man had grumbled about the manners of young people now- a- days, but ultimately said he could get the anti-venom for her by tonight. Kagome had nearly collapsed right then and there from exhaustion, and her concerned family had led her to bed where she had fallen into a deep sleep. In her dreams she saw Inu-Yasha lying before her, naked and vulnerable, like he had been when she had first bathed him. He opened his eyes, reached out his hand weakly to her, calling her name. She came to him, taking his hand, and tried to make out the things he was trying to tell her. As she bent down close to him, she felt the breath leave him in a sigh and then stop. The dream was so terrifying she woke up nearly hyperventilating. Shaking from her nightmare, she had taken a soothing hot bath, and then eaten a midday meal with her mother and brother.

'It was just a dream,' she now thought. 'Grandpa may talk like a fool sometimes, but he does know a lot of people. He will get the anti-venom, and I will save Inu-Yasha.'

"Kagome, Kagome," she heard her Grandfather call from down stairs.

She jumped out of bed and nearly tripped on her way out of her room. Taking the stairs two at a time she nearly collided with him at the bottom.

"Ach! Kagome, be careful!" he said as she reached out to steady him from their near collision.

"Did you get it Grandpa?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, here it is." He said, holding up a small briefcase-like bag. "Come in the living room and I'll show you."

He opened the case up on the coffee table and showed her the many vials it contained. Each one was labeled with the name of each different kind of anti-venom. Kagome was bewildered by the variety. Which one would help Inu-Yasha? She listened numbly while her grandfather chattered on about how he got the anti-venom, wondering what to do next.

She almost missed it when he pulled out a book that explained which the anti-venom. When she finally realized what he held, she exclaimed her gratitude, grabbing the book out of his hand and planting a kiss on the startled old mans cheek.

After that her family watched in dismay as she raced around the house, gathering fresh supplies and clean clothes and stuffing them in her pack with the book and the anti-venom case. She wanted to return to the feudal era and Inu-Yasha as soon as possible. Her family wanted her to stay the night and leave in the morning, they were afraid at how hard she was pushing herself. Finally she compromised with them, telling them they must make sure she wakes up at dawn the next morning. When she got back to her room, she fell asleep with the book open next to her, and her mother had to come in and turn off the light.

At dawn the next morning she said goodbye to her family and went to the well house. On her way she decided to impulsively say a prayer at the shrine, something she rarely did even before she had first fallen into the well. Today she felt compelled to do it. Lighting some incense and kneeling, she prayed that she would be able to save Inu-Yasha, the hanyou she now knew she loved. A tear slipped from her eye, but she would allow her self no more self- pity. She jumped up quickly and went to the well house, feeling an inner sense of calm she had lacked before.

When she got back to Kaede's house, she dropped everything and immediately went over to the sleeping hanyou.

"How is he doing?" she asked the old miko anxiously.

"He is resting peacefully, but the venom still flows in his veins," said the old woman, "Were ye able to find what ye was looking for in your time?"

"Yes, I have the anti-venom." She showed Kaede the case and the book.

Biting her lip, she pulled out the syringe and the vial of anti-venom she had decided to try. She explained as best she could to Kaede how it worked, and the old woman tried her hardest to understand.

"Well, we will know if this magic from the future works if tonight he doesn't die when the change comes upon him." Said Kaede.

Kagome loaded up the syringe and went over to Inu-Yasha. Taking a deep shuddering breath, she prepared his arm for the shot and administered it under the curious gaze of the old miko. Inu-Yasha did not stir until the injection was finished. He cracked open his eyes and whispered her name.

"Hush Inu-Yasha," she said, "everything will be all right now."

Kagome barely left his side all day. Sometimes he would wake up for short spells, during which she would help him drink the draughts Kaede brought him or let him lean on her to walk to the outhouse. As it grew dark and the new moon began to rise, Kagome and Kaede watched him anxiously as he made his monthly transformation. Kagome held his hand tightly, chanting the words, 'it will work, it will work,' over and over in her mind like a mantra. Only by holding onto these words did she feel she could keep her composure. As they watched the claws and fangs receded. The cute doggy ears pulled back into his head and human ears appeared. The long silvery hair fell away, leaving glossy black hair in its place. He convulsed a few times, and Kagome cried out in alarm.

"We must hold him down so he does not injure himself." Said Kaede.

The older and younger Mikos held down his arms on either side of him, but he was still strong even in his human state. They were finding it difficult to restrain him as more convulsions came over him.

"Kagome, ye must use your body to hold him down," said Kaede.

The young miko looked at Kaede wide-eyed and speechless, but quickly did as she was instructed. Carefully she climbed on top of him, pinning his arms at his sides. She pressed her body down firmly on his, using her forehead and cheek on his chest and collarbone to further restrain him. He tossed his head and Kaede held it down firmly from behind him. A rag was placed in his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue. To Kagome it seemed to last forever, although the episode probably lasted only twenty minutes. When it was over he started shaking very hard, so though the rag was taken from his mouth and Kaede stopped holding his head, Kagome stayed on top of him. She could not help the tears of fear and anxiety that slipped from her eyes to soak his chest. But she did not cry out in her emotional torment, afraid of what reaction Inu-Yasha may have to it.

The night seemed endless, but still Inu-Yasha clung to life. Occasionally he would convulse again, but never as severely as the first time so Kaede was not needed to restrain his head and mouth. Sometimes Kagome would doze, out of sheer mental, physical and emotional exhaustion.

Kagome woke with a start, her heart catching in her throat. How long had she slept this time, what time was it? A light from the cracks at the door told her dawn was breaking. Maybe it was the end of Inu-Yasha's monthly transformation that had woken her, for as she looked at him, and felt his body beneath her for his pulse and breathing, he changed. The ears, claws and fangs returned, and the black hair was replaced by silvery white.

His eyes opened slowly, and Kagome could see he was aware, no longer a prisoner of his fever dreams. Those eyes seemed to see right into her soul, and she was unable to speak. She was still lying completely on top of him, and for the first time became keenly aware of the intimacy of their positions. It was as if every point of her body that pressed up against his suddenly became hypersensitive. Her nipples hardened through her clothes as they pressed into his naked chest, and a warm moist heat formed at the juncture of her legs. The bulge of his crotch under his hakama was noticed for the first time as her legs lay against it. Oh, this is so embarrassing, she groaned inwardly. My body betrays me again even before I know for sure if he is all right.

"Inu-Yasha, how are you feeling?" She finally managed to say.

He raised his arms up from his sides and crossed them over her back, pulling her in even tighter to his chest. Then his hand came up and gently brought her head down below his and he rested his chin on it with a deep sigh. Kagome felt warmth that spread from her heart and encompassed her whole body and soul, something she had never felt before. It was the most wonderful feeling she had ever known. Is this being in love, she thought? If it is, then it feels better than I've ever dared to dream.

"Thank you Kagome," said Inu-Yasha softly, "that makes it twice you have brought me back from death."

"I…um," stammered Kagome, not used to this unexpected side to the hanyou.

Where was the arrogant, childish, sometimes down right nasty half-demon she knew?

"I know I've been difficult, and treated you terribly sometimes. You didn't deserve it." He continued.

"I…I guess your feeling better." She finally managed to say.

"Yes, let me show you." He said.

A/N: The end of this story is a very explicit lemon. To read it go to:


I don't want to get in trouble with this site. ;)