Well, I've found mpregs with Mello, and I decided Matt needed to suffer too at some point, can't let poor Mello have all the fun, can we? Besides, yes, he has a girl figure, but really, Mello doesn't have that sort of attitude if you really think about it. He's bitchy, but he really can't get that much worse, in fact, it's almost annoying when he does, but maybe that's just me...
Anyways, I do not own death note, however, I may own certain characters I shove in here in the future! If I do, I'll let you know!
Sorry, Matt's so OOC, but I'll try to fix him once I get this going! ;p
Matt sat on the floor in his bedroom in front of his gamecube. He wanted to play it, but oddly enough...he didn't feel like it. In reality, he just wanted to sleep. And he was bitchy. But he didn't know why. It just pissed him off when Mello got into one of his moods. More so than usual. before he could at least tolerate it, now he just couldn't. He'd get pissed at the blonde, then storm out of the room, leaving Mello dumbfounded and about to explode. This is why he was alone in his room right now, Mello had sent him there after a recent argument. And like a dog, he obeyed.
"...Why do I feel so weird...?" he asked himself quietly so that the blonde bomb wouldn't hear. He got up off the floor and suddenly felt dizzy. He swayed a little before catching his balancing and sitting on his bed. Then, he felt nauseous. He didn't know why, he just did. He got up and made his way to the door to find Mello was still standing on the other side.
"What do you want, dog?" he demanded. Clearly he was still angry about Matt's earlier explosion. However, he shook this off as Mello being Mello, and opened his mouth to speak.
"I-I need to go to the bathroom..." he mumbled. He didn't want Mello to know he was sick, he was never sick, not since he was little. But Mello just laughed.
"Nice try, you just want to get out of there. You've done this before."
"No, I don't think you understand..." Matt said through the door. "I-I...don't feel well..."
While Mello knew that Matt would never admit to being sick, he was a little sceptical about letting him out. After all, he was confined to his room as punishment. Mello just laughed again. "Like I said, nice try Matt, but it's not going to-" Mello cringed at the sound of a splatter on concrete floor. "You weren't kidding..."
"I'm sorry..." the red haired boy said as he lay on his bed. He longed for a cigarette, but found that the smell made him sick now. It made his stomach turn. Along with other things. Like Mello's shampoo, the smell of that made him feel like hurling his guts out again. The blonde just looked at him from the other end of the bed, the chocolate bar starting to slip from his hand.
"How long have you been feeling sick?" he demanded.
Matt shrugged and reached a hand up to remove his goggles, the orange tint was giving him a headache. "I dunno, a few days I guess."
Mello bit his thumbnail hard. "What the hell could have made you sick?! You never are!" he spat out. "Have you been eating anything different?"
Matt shook his head. "No..." he said with a yawn. "Nothing that I don't normally." He looked away as his eyelids became heavy. "Sorry...I'm so tired..." he mumbled. The blonde stared at him.
"Oh, no you don't, not till I get what I want from you." he said with a sneer, biting a piece off his chocolate. Matt sleepily looked up at him and bit down on his lip.
"Again...?" he asked quietly.
Mello glared at him. "Don't you give me that. You know what I need need, you dog."
The red haired boy rolled his eyes and lazily sat up as he began to undress. He could feel Mello's eyes all over him, but he was used to this, after all, a dog obeyed his master.
"Matt, are you throwing up again?!" Mello shouted from the other side of the bathroom door. Matt wanted to lie to his friend, but knew he shouldn't. He'd find out somehow anyway.
He hesitated. "...Yes..."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Mello demanded angrily.
Matt leaned over the toilet again and stayed there until the wave of sickness subsided a little. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" he shouted, just as angry as his friend. This startled Mello and he slammed his fist on the door startling Matt in return.
"GET OUT HERE NOW!" Mello yelled. Matt threw a bottle of shampoo at the door.
"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" he screamed.
Mello had enough. He reached his limit for the day. With one quick motion, he had kicked the door open, expecting Matt to have locked it, but he hadn't and the door flew open as forcefully as he had kicked it. There was the red head, sitting on the floor in front of the toilet, his knees up to his chest.
"Matt, get over here. Now." he demanded. The other boy slowly stood up and walked over to him, his left arm around his abdomen. He stopped in front of the blonde, expecting him to yell, bracing himself to be hit or punched, but...nothing. In fact what happened was quite the opposite. Mello raised a hand and rested it on Matt's forehead gently. "Hm...you don't seem to have a fever. And you seem to be throwing up right after lunch everyday for the past two weeks..."
"What are you getting at...?"
Mello pouted, his chocolate bar resting in his other hand. He pulled it to his mouth and bit a piece off before speaking again. "I think you need to speak to Watari about seeing a doctor." is all he said before he turned around and left the room.
"I DON'T NEED TO SEE A FUCKING DOCTOR!" he shouted into the hallway. Mello chose to ignore this and kept on his way into the living room where he dropped down onto the old tattered couch, chocolate in hand.
"YES YOU FUCKING DO!" he yelled back at the red head. He could hear Matt spit at him from where he was sitting and did his best to ignore it, after all, when he got back from the doctor, he'd be on happy pills or something to fix this.
"What do you mean?" the old man asked the blonde once he had dragged Matt out of their apartment. Kicking and screaming would have been an understatement. The boy actually put up a good fight over it. Mello had to threaten to break his game cube before the red head even thought about co-operating. Finally, though, they were in Watari's office. Mello shoved Matt into the room and stomped his foot on the ground.
"What is it, boys? What's wrong?" the old man asked. Matt tried to escape to no avail, Mello still had a tight grip on his sweater.
"I think there's something wrong with Matt. He seems to have become ill over the past little while." Mello said, his chocolate bar hanging out of his mouth.
Watari blinked cluelessly. "But, Miheal, he has not been ill since he was very young, are you sure he's not okay?"
Mello hated his real name and gritted his teeth when it was spoken, but he regained himself and told the old man what had been going on.
"So he's been vomiting after lunch and he's very tired all the time...Has there been any other odd things happening?"
Mello thought about this. He was watching Matt from the corner of his eye and as if on cue, the red head bolted for the garbage can beside the old man's desk. Watari gave the boy a concerning look and averted his attention back to Mello.
"I want you to bring Mail back here tomorrow. I will have Lawliet's doctor waiting for him." Watari said. he waited for Matt to stop hurling his guts out into his garbage can and called the janitor up to clean it. He raised a hand to rest it on the pale boy's forehead the way Mello had done the day before. Again, Matt flinched and quickly pulled away.
"I'm fine, I probably just have the flue or something." he told them.
Watari glared at him. "My boy, you do not have a fever. You would have to for it to be any illness. Now, Miheal, take him home and make him sleep."
Mello nodded to the old man and grabbed Matt by the back of his vest, dragging him out the door.
"Eugh..." Mello whined out of frustration. He bit another piece off his chocolate bar and turned to glare at Matt. Before, the only thing the kid wanted to do was sleep, now he couldn't if his life depended on it. Mello stared at the red haired boy who lay awake in his bed, he wasn't leaving the room until the brat was sleeping and he knew it was going to be a while before that happened. It was silent for a few moments before Matt actually spoke, and Mello was stunned to hear what he had said.
"Sorry, what was that?" he asked, wanting to make sure he heard it right. Matt looked up at him and kept a straight face.
"Have sex with me." he said bluntly. Mello just stared at him.
"I want it."
"You never want it."
"I do and now."
"Just take me already!" the red head nearly shouted as he sat up. Mello set the chocolate aside and crawled over to the other boy, placing a hand on either side of him. Matt waisted no time and leaned up to kiss the blonde. This is where Mello took complete control of the situation. He pulled away the covers and smiled through the kiss. Matt actually wanted it this time. It wouldn't be rough or forced. And maybe they would both enjoy it.
"Are you sure you want me to do this...?" he found himself asking.
Matt moaned quietly. "Yes...just do it already...!"
Mello raised his hands to Matt's hips where he undid the belt and slipped the other boy's pants down. he soon worked on his own and straddled the red haired boy kissing him again. He went further into his mouth, exploring the hot cavern. Matt let out a moan and the blonde moved between his legs. Knowing that the boy was stretched far enough from previous nights, he set to work. He could feel himself hardening as he continued to kiss the other. He wanted to get this started and when he forced himself inside the warm body and he broke the kiss. The red haired boy bit down hard on his lip and Mello thought it was sure to bleed. He pushed into him again and knew he hit a sensitive spot. Matt screamed. He almost never did, but the blonde liked the sound and pounded into him again.
Matt could feel Mello inside him. He used to hate this so much, but now he wanted it, and now he didn't want it to stop. It hurt so much still, but he wanted this badly, he wasn't sure why, he just did. He felt Mello slide into him again and he screamed, the pain was almost too much, but he knew, he knew he would get used to it.
The blonde forced himself on the boy one last time before Matt told him to stop. "...Why...?" he asked between breaths.
Matt tried to catch his own breath and closed his eyes. "I'm done...It hurts too much and...I want to sleep now..."
Mello slid off the red head and lay beside him, watching the other's chest rise and fall with unsteady breathing. Mello, not knowing why exactly, raised a hesitating hand to run it through Matt's auburn hair. It felt different. Softer, smoother than before. It was shinier and his skin had a glow that it never did before. It was mere moments before he heard the sweet sound of a sleeping Matt. He sighed heavily and watched him sleep. Wait, he thought. Why am I so interested in him right now...? We do this all the time and i've never been so...wait...I don't love him, do I...?!
It was not any easy task, but Mello finally got Matt back to Watari the next day. It took him twenty minutes to even convince him to leave the apartment. Let alone into the car and to Watari's office. And again, when he got there he hurled his guts out into the trash. Watari payed no mid to this, but made a mental note to call the janitor again. However, that was not the problem right n ow and he turned to a woman in a clean white lab coat.
"Dr. Kawasaki, this is the boy I want you to examine this time. He has been vomiting as you have already witnessed and he has other unusual symptoms for his normal self."
Mello snorted at this an shook his head of feminine blonde locks. "Not just unusual, before, I couldn't get him to put the games and cigarettes down, now he says the screen makes him dizzy and the smell of the smoke makes him gag."
Matt shot him a death glare. "Don't fucking remind me." he spat out.
Suddenly, the doctor cleared her throat. "I would like for Mail Jeevas to come with me. I wish to examine him without the eyes of the others." she said in a voice much like L's as she wrapped her hand around his upper arm. She guided him out of the room and down the hall. Matt looked up at her curiously. How on earth did she know he given name? Watari never told anyone what it was. In fact, Watari was the only one that used it now. And somehow, this woman, he recognized her. He couldn't remember from where, but he knew he had seen her before.
"Excuse me, lady, who the hell do you think you are, dragging me away like this?!" he demanded sharply. The woman looked down at him.
She wanted to tell him, wanted him to know the truth, but he didn't need to know, so why burden him with the pain of his past, right? He didn't even know what happened, so why make him hurt like he had back then? In the end she chose to say something that couldn't hurt him.
"I'm simply doing my job."
"How do you know my real name?!" he said angrily.
The woman ignored him. Again, he demanded that she tell him. And again, she ignored him. Finally, he gave up and yanked his arm out of her grasp. She just stared ahead of them and continued walking to what he remembered to be the infirmary at Wammys. How he hated this place. The doctor pushed the door open and forced him inside and for once in his life, he found the place to be empty. Noone was in the old smelly room.
"Lay down on that bed over there.and strip down to your underwear. I've been asked to do a full physical." she said, pointing to a bed at the side. Hesitantly, Matt did so leaving his black and white striped shirt till last. He slowly pulled his arms out of the sleeves and the material up over his head, causing his hair to mess up a little. Dr. Kawasaki smiled at the sad memories that he gave her and shook her head a little to clear her mind.
"Okay, just relax, I'm going to run a few simple tests and you can go home. I'll call you with the results when I get them, alright?" she said, in her monotone voice.
Matt watched her, his eyes widening as she pulled a needle out of what seemed like nowhere. "W-what are you doing with that...?" he asked, panic laced in his voice.
"I have to take a blood sample also. It's not bad." she told him.
So, what do you think? This is my first death note fic, so please, tell me! I know Matt and Mello aren't acting normally, but I tried my best with what info I could get on them. I've been reading my friend's manga's and she wanted them back for her trip to the states. I kinda made it up as I went, so please forgive me if it doesn't make sense!!! Like I said, I tried my best!