My third fanfic yay!
Title:Love me for me
Summary:Kagome is the new girl in the mansion and very much hated by everyone she comes across. Can she find love with the boss's cold and stoic son or will he prove to be just like every one else?
i made some change's: In this story Kagome is half miko, half demon, Inunotaisho is present in the story. Inuyasha is a full blooded demon. Sesshomaru will very much act like himself. Rin will not be his ward but a girl who is very much infatuated with him and Jaken will still be his loyal servant. i will update if anything else needs to be said
Other than that enjoy the story
She was falling deeper. She was being sucked into a black void, Never-ending and never seeing. She couldn't hear anything silence stalked her. Even her own screams were lost to her now. Not even the soft breeze that grazed her ear from her fall. Darkness. Anticipation filled her not knowing when she'll at the last moment feel the agonizing snap of her bones and neck.
It still continued on and on. She felt sleep coming over her but she refused it just as she refused to let this void swallow her. Her movements were limited. Only her neck was allowed to move which didn't offer much. It pushed harder this time her eyes did close but not for long. She snapped her eyes open. Why do you want me to sleep? She thought.
She gave up this would go on forever. Her grip was slipping, she couldn't hold on so she let go.
A warm feeling pressed over her legs and her arms. She smiled it was so relaxing. The feeling crept up her arms and thighs. As soon as she closed her eyes, before she could revel in the warm feeling. Her small body came in full contact with the jagged rocks that roared with the waves of the sea.
Kagome jerked up from her bed. A thick sheet of sweat covered her body. Her scream echoed throughout her room before it completely died within its walls. Her long raven locks were wet with sweat and clung to her back. Another dream. Although Kagome had one every night she couldn't remember the dream but she had a feeling that it was the same dream over and over again.
She looked at the red lights of her digital clock in the dark. It was 7:55 in the morning. She sighed. She just got in her room only two hours ago. She had to stop working at that damn club, but it was the only way she could get some money and the only place where no one really cared about who she was. She leaned over to click on her lights. Bright rays filled her room and her breath left her. The silk sheets that had been given to her were shredded. Claw marks rendered deep in her soft mattress. The boss is gonna be pissed!
She got up from the bed dressed in her tank top and boy shorts as she made her way to the closet. When she had arrived here two weeks ago she was given this room on the 2nd floor of the big mansion. She was given clothes, a place to stay and a job. She was grateful of not walking the streets late at night scavenging for food; she had met up with another demoness named Sango who told her about this place. Sango stayed on the other side of the mansion. Sango tried every now and then to see her during the night when they had to work the nightclub as waiters or bartenders.
She looked in her closet and pulled out a dark pair of jeans and a mustard colored blouse that had a belt cinched around the waist. She paired it off with soft brown heels and accessories. She grabbed her things and laid them across the table instead of the shredded bed. She picked up the room phone and dialed downstairs.
A man's deep voice answered the phone. "What do ya want."
"Hi Leon, this is Kagome I need a maid up here with new mattress and sheets" she said tossing her tank top in the laundry bin.
"Don't tell me you went all psycho again, girl you need to go see a therapist or somethin" He said scribbling on his notepad.
"Well, thank you Leon for being so concerned, could you have one come up for me in about an hour" she turned the shower on slipping her shorts off.
"yea yea, but its gonna cost you about seven hundred to get'em."
"What in the hell do you mean seven hundred dollars!, I just paid two fifty last week!" she yelled into the phone.
"Yea that was the price til it went up, the boss found out that you were the one rippin all the damn silk so he told me to make you pay more til you stop rippin them up" he said chuckling.
"It's not funny just take it from my account" Kagome kicked at the shreds of cloth at her bed.
"Already did, I had a feeling you would be callin tonight"
"Thanks Leon, I have to go." She slammed the phone down on the receiver. seven hundred dollars! She screamed before jumping in the shower. After she was showered and dressed she left her room and took the elevator downstairs. When the elevator door opened the demons that lived in the mansion filled the lobby. Some were sitting at the mini bar chatting with their friends and some hanged out near the door and center floor. The elevator made a loud ding sound and everyone's attention was directed at her.
She felt a rush of nausea as she walked across the lobby. Eyes pierced into her back as she walked. The group neared the balcony began to whisper calling her a freak and an abomination to their race. Ever since she was born she was called such hideous names. All because her demon father fell in love with a miko her mother. Over 198 years ago Just weeks after she was born her mother was murdered. Her father was also killed when he had went into a blood rage and destroyed almost half of the city.
Their words fell on deaf ears; she learned not to listen to what people thought of her. They were only trying to provoke her so that they would have a reason to strike her down and she would not let them have the satisfaction. So she learned to deal with it. For now this was the only place that she could go, she was working for the most powerful lord in the city even if she had never seen him, he welcomed her here just as he did every other single demon that slept under his roof.
She slowed to a stop when the small group in front of her blocked her way of the door. She looked at a guy who appeared to be the leader of the group of males. He had long silver hair halfway down his back. He was about 6 inches taller than Kagome and he had eyes the color of gold. He was dressed in a red sweater and dark jeans. Quite handsome. For an asshole.
Kagome turned to his friend beside him that was staring at her with a heated gaze in his eyes. He had black hair pulled up into a ponytail and brown eyes. He wore a brown tank top with white jeans on. He too was on the handsome side and he knew it. Kagome didn't appraise his actions when he smiled showing of his pearly white fangs.
She was jerked from her thoughts as the silver haired one spoke.
"well, well, well, look who we have here, the little freak has come out of her hiding place." He said. "About time I saw the wench that has been waking me up out of my sleep in the middle of the night."
His friends snickered at his comment. However Kagome wasn't laughing.
"Excuse me I need to get through "She said calmly.
"You're not going anywhere til I said you can leave" he said in a commanding voice.
He looked her up and down circling her; Kagome stood her ground her scent masking in anger. How dare he speak to me like that, he has no control over me! Her beast wanted to jump and rip his throat out staining his beautiful silver hair in the process. Her anger finally snapped when she felt his hand slapped her on the behind. She locked eyes on him growling.
"I don't know why my father would let a freak like you into our home; we don't accept your kind. If it was up to me you would be dead already." His gaze turned heated "But you do have a nice shape" eyeing her again. "Maybe I could convince him to make you me and my boys play toy." His friends erupted in laughter.
A crowd was beginning to form around her making her feel even more on edge. She felt that they would try to attack her. She tried forced both her miko and beast down, she did not want to hurt her chances of staying here and out of respect for the boss.
"You're father is lord Inunotaisho" She said surprised. "I'm surprised that a great man like him would sire a nitwit pup like you."
She didn't even see him raise his hand and strike her across the face. She landed hard on the cold tile floor. The slap echoed across the lobby and everyone was silent. Kagome couldn't hold on to her fury anymore. Her curls masked her face as her head hung low. Her aura filled with energy that was pulsing to be free. The demons in the lobby grew nervous at the tiny pricking feeling on their skin. For the first time the black haired guy spoke. His voice was deep and sultry.
"Inuyasha, lets go just let her pass" He too was feeling slightly nervous
Oblivious to his surroundings, Inuyasha was fuming. He was not going to let some Hanyou disrespect him. He was a prince of the west, all that were in lower rank had to respect him no matter what he did to them. That bitch deserved it! His beast raged.
"I'm not leaving anywhere, Koga. that…that hanyou disrespected me and deserves every bit of what I'm about to do to her!." He bit out in anger
He grabbed her by the neck and hauled her to her feet. He suddenly felt a shock travel up his arm and he yanked it back. His arm smelled of burned flesh and began to throb. Inuyasha looked at the female and realized her body began to glow. She lifted her face and he locked eyes with her. Her eyes turned white and she swung him across the lobby into the wall. Everyone in the lobby was stunned.
"Anyone else" She twirled around as if walking on air, glaring down everyone in her path. She stopped short to Inuyasha who was being helped up by his friend Koga.
"I'm not only a Hanyou, Inuyasha; but a miko as well and if I were you." She snarled "I would learn to keep my hands to myself."Everyone backed off of Kagome, fearful of the power rolling of her body in waves.
Kagome had to gain control of her body quick. Her beast had just hit the Lord of the west's son!! She had to get out of there before they all turned on her. She looked at everyone's face and saw nothing but fear, disgust and hate. She turned around and the group of guys quickly moved out of her way. When she was about a couple of blocks away from the mansion tears welled in her eyes; she thought of her parents and the tears fell. She quickly wiped them away.
In the end she always proved them right.
I must say i did well. tell me what you think the GOOD and the BAD. you can't get anybetter without a little criticism!!