Hey!! Sorry I might have confused some people with the announcement thing on that now "Untitled" story :S I don't like confusing people unless it's intentional xP Well anyways, you know the summary but if you forgot then I'll refresh your memories :P
Summary: Something happened to Mikan while Hotaru was away in Alice Academy. A new student arrives. Why is Mikan so scared of him? "Long time no see Mi-Chan." "Wh-wh-what're you doing here?"
Okay so you got that?? Good! Lol xP Hope you all like the new and improved version of, "From her past, she runs." Oh and PLEEAASE don't forget to review. They help me improve either my plot or my writing style Thanks again!! Okay I'll shut up now so you can read…
Tammy: Finally!!
Me: How'd you get out of the volcano!?!
Tammy: -blank stare- … since when did you put me in a volcano??
Me: -thinks- Oh wait, that was Natsume. Never mind
Zap: Just get on with the story.
Me: Okay, okay, sheesh! Keep your wig on: P
Story: From her past, she runs.
Authoress: SpringFairy14
Chapter 1: Prologue – Part 1
This first chapter is dedicated to my Onii-san who turned 24 yesterday HAPPY BE-LATED BIRTHDAY!!!
Let the story, begin….
Leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired of love
Feeling so misplaced
Time for you to go
'Cause I know I'm better off on my own, oh
Leave me alone
"Leave Me Alone" by the Veronicas
"You're just a selfish, worthless, ungrateful, good-for-nothing bitch! I don't know why I even bother trying to make you a better person. It's not like you care anyway. I bet you don't even love me."
"That's not true! Of course I love you, you know I do! I love you more then life itself. But what you're doing to me… it's wrong! If you love me like you say you do then you wouldn't-"
The cold, hard slap sent the poor brunette girl spinning towards the floor. She slowly touched the swollen cheek, her eyes glazing over with unshed tears from the pain shooting up the right side of her face.
"Shut up! Did I say I want your opinion? I don't think so. You should learn to only speak when spoken to. How many times do I have to tell you that before you actually take it in? Go do the dishes and then go to bed. I've had enough of your whining for one night."
The poor girl slowly got up, hiding the tears now streaming down her face with her long bangs. She made her way to the door and then looked back at the guy she loved for the past few years. She took in his features. The once handsome face was now distorted by anger and frustration. What did he have to be frustrated about? She simply told him that he wasn't showing love and compassion by hitting her, calling her hurtful names and trying to make her into something she wasn't. She had to get out of there, but where would she go? Her grandfather died a few years ago and the only true friend she ever had was studying in a school somewhere in Tokyo since they were 10 and that was 5 years ago. She didn't have anyone to go to. She didn't have anywhere to run to. She was living with her boyfriend, whose parents had died when he was 5, so it was only them and some staff that lived in the house-come-mansion. Yeah, her boyfriend was rich. Well he was, after all, the oh-so-famous, Seji Takanashi.
She turned away from those eyes, those eyes that once showed love, tenderness, kindness and compassion. Now… now all it showed was anger, frustration and bitterness. It hurt, it hurt a lot, to see the one that you thought would care for you, that would look after you, to see them suddenly go from the greatest person in the world, the one that made you the happiest you had ever been, to being the one that caused you the most misery.
As she made her way to the kitchen, she saw a letter on the table, addressed to her. It was unopened, meaning that, for once, her sadistic boyfriend didn't pry into her life. She turned it over and saw an official looking seal. It was a star with an A on it. The hazel eyed brunette broke the seal and read and re-read the letter, not believing what the contents of the letter was telling her.
Dear Miss Sakura,
We have currently required knowledge of some 'strange happenings' that have been linked to you. We would like to arrange a meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss and explain the appropriate way to deal with these problems. There is no need to be worried though, you are not in trouble. However, these 'strange happenings' are a concern, and we would like to do what's best for both you and the people around you. The meeting would be at 5pm in Alice Academy, Tokyo. Train tickets are enclosed with this letter and a car has been arranged to pick you up from TokyoRails train station (not a real train company. I made it up… I think. Well I never heard of TokyoRails anyways xP). Hope to see you soon! ;)
Yours truly,
Mr Narumi (Wow, who knew Narumi could be so professional? Lol)
What? So… she'll be able to… leave? Slowly, but surely, a small smile crept its way onto the brunettes face.
'I can escape.' She thought happily.
She went through the dishes quicker then usual. The tickets were booked for a first class carriage and the train was leaving tomorrow. She'd have to get up pretty early to get there on time. She went to the bedroom she shared with the devil incarnate. As she opened the wardrobe, he walked through the bedroom door and looked her up and down. She noticed something different about his eyes. There was something new in them. Not exactly love, but not hate either.
'Lust,' she concluded
Her eyes widened when she realised what he was thinking. He stepped toward her, she stepped back only, she started off closer to the wardrobe then usual anyways so now she was pressed against the door she left closed. In a matter of seconds, he was in front of her. He pinned her to the wardrobe door by her arms and started kissing her neck.
"Don't leave me," he murmured against her skin, "I'm sorry about slapping you. You know what I'm like when I'm in one of my moods. I didn't mean any of it." He took his hands from her arm and wrapped them around her waist, rubbing her back in an arousing manner.
Up until a few months ago, that action alone would have been enough to make her want to stay. Not this time. She knew what he really wanted. She wasn't ready, but she knew he wouldn't care. He always got what he wanted.
'I won't give into him this time.'
She gathered all the strength she could and pushed him away from her. In all honesty, she didn't have much strength to begin with, but, with added fear and the element of surprise, she sent him a good few feet away. Good enough for her.
"That's not going to work this time. I'm going to that meeting whether you like it or not."
She saw his face change, saw the smile fade to a scowl. She saw the lust leave his eyes, only to be replaced some seconds later with cold, blind fury. In one swift movement, he had seized her upper right arm and shoved her against the wall next to the closet. He grabbed her throat, squeezing it so she could breathe, but just barely. He lowered his head to her ear and she shivered as she felt his hot breath against her neck.
"If you leave me, I swear, I'll hunt you down, make your life miserable and then, if I'm feeling kind enough… I'll kill you." He whispered. He tightened his hold on her throat, lifted her off her feet and then threw her onto the bed. She would have banged her head on the headboard if she hadn't been used to this kind of treatment already. Five years with this guy, anyone would want their freedom, which was why she wasn't giving up. She looked under her pillow, searching for something she'd placed there for emergencies like this.
'Where is it? I know I put it under here… Ah!! There it is.' In one swift move, she produced a wooden baseball bat (don't ask, it was the only thing I could think of ok!! Just imagine there was a gab big enough for a baseball bat to fit there and she covered the gab up with her pillow ok?? Good).
He was coming up behind her. She turned around and…
She hit him on the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.
"Oh my God, did I just do that?" She asked herself, once she had let out the breath she had unconsciously been holding. She looked at him closely. There was already a lump forming, along with bruising, on the right side of his head where she had hit him.
"Oh no what have I done, he's going to kill me!" She sat and thought for a good 15 minutes, debating whether to go ahead and leave him while she has the chance, or call the hospital and miss her chance to get out of this hell hall. She went for the first option.
She gathered her things, shoved them all in a backpack, got her cell phone, and left the house. As she was walking down the street, she dialled a number.
"Moshi, moshi, Sakura Petals Hotel, how may I help you?"
"I want to make a booking for tonight."
"Okay and whose name should I put it under?"
"Sakura, Mikan Sakura."
"Okay thank you for booking with Sakura Petal Hotel. You will get your room number once you have signed in."
"Okay, thank you." And with that, Mikan hung up.
'Right, now how to get there. Hmmm'
As she was thinking, a yellow taxi pulled up in front of her.
"Got somewhere to be Miss," asked the vehicles driver.
"That'll work." She mumbled under her breath. "As a matter of fact, I do. Could you please take me to Sakura Petals Hotel?"
"Sure thing"
She chucked her back bag on the backseat and climbed in afterwards. As the cab pulled out from the sidewalk, she gave a one last look at the place she could never call home. She looked at the middle window of the third story, where he was currently lying on the flood, unconscious and probably going to have one major headache when he wakes up. She sighed as she looked away from the disappearing house. She was going to miss the nurse the most. The nurse, Mitsuki was her name, she was really nice. She'd always help Mikan when she had gotten beaten quite badly by her boyfriend. She'd put the bandages on properly, so the limbs would heal as quickly as possible, she'd apply the appropriate medication to any wounds from pieces of glass or something sharp that had been thrown. She was like an auntie that helped her niece when she'd gotten in trouble with her parents. She was really kind.
Mikan put a smile on her face as the tears welled up in her eyes. She wasn't going to cry. She made her promise to always smile, her best friend in the world, the one that left her 4 years ago for a well known school in Tokyo. There was a slight chance that she'd be able to meet her again. Tokyo couldn't possibly be that big a place… right? Well, whatever, Mikan was determined to meet her friend again. Nothing would stop her now.
Absolutely nothing
She couldn't blame Hotaru for leaving. She was forced to go. She just couldn't wait to find her though. To hug her again, to talk to her again, to see the intriguing shade of violet her eyes took up when she was amused, angry, scheming, agitated and happy… especially when she was happy. As Mikan started reminiscing on days spent with Hotaru when they were little and before she met the sadist boyfriend, she feel asleep. Once she woke up, the sun seemed to be rising.
'Weird, it shouldn't have taken that long to get to Sakura Petals Hotel. It was only a few blocks from the house… -MENTAL GASP! - No way! We're almost in Tokyo!'
"Hey! Where are we going? I only told you to take me to Sakura Petals!" She yelled at the cab driver.
"Heh, and give away my ticket to easy street? I don't think so. Do you have any idea how much you're worth?"
She knew. Not only was her ex-boyfriend rich, he was famous for it too, and because she was going out with him, that consequently made her famous-ish as well. Still, that didn't mean that this guy had to kidnap her!! Ever heard of common decency?
Didn't think so
'-mental sigh- I guess I'll have to find a way out of this. Now… what is there in here??' She looked around the car for any means of escaping when suddenly, her eyes fell upon the car door lock ((I don't know what they're really called but they're those things that lock a certain door or (if it's the main one) locks all the doors… you all know what I'm talking about)). It was still up, which meant it was still unlocked. A plan started formulating in her head.
"You really don't know do you?" She questioned her kidnapper.
"Don't know what?" He asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
"That me and the one you're planning on blackmailing broke up just last night, hence the reason I was heading to Sakura Petals. He wouldn't give a damn that you have me and could kill me at any time."
"You're just saying that so I'll let you go and you can go running back into the arms of your rich, all loving boyfriend." The man said sarcastically, not believing a single word coming from Mikan's mouth.
'Oh, if only you knew how wrong you were.' She thought, angrily. 'Right, since you're gonna be a stubborn idiot kidnapper, I guess I have no choice.'
"Fine, be like that! But can you stop the car? Nature is calling after all."
"Can't you hold it in, you snot nose brat?"
"Hey! When a girl's gotta go, a girl's gotta go. So are you gonna stop this contraption or what!?"
"-sigh- Fine, but we're not staying for long." He pulled over at a near-by gas station and stepped out of the car. When he went round to get Mikan out of the back seat, she threw the door open, effectively slamming the door in the man's private parts. (Ouch. That has gotta hurt . ) While the man lay on the ground, trying to ease the pain as much as physically possible, Mikan ran as fast as she could to get away from the scary man. She knew this part of Tokyo, thank God, because she had visited it a few times for social gathering with Seji's friends. She ran towards a big, 20 story building owned by one of her so-called 'friends'. She never trusted anyone her ex-boyfriend introduced to her. It may have just been paranoia, but she could have sworn they were always whispering when they thought she wasn't paying attention. Anyway, back to the story. Mikan was now in the reception room, heading toward the desk when she was greeted by a rather sharp sounding, masculine voice.
"Mikan, what are you doing here? Where's Seji?" she froze. This was bad. Why him, of all people? She turned around, and quickly summoned a convincing smile.
"Why should I be worrying about Seji anymore? We broke up last night. I was just wondering if I could get directions to the train station, I do have a train to catch after all Muri-kun."
"What?? But… why did you break up? I thought you two were happy together. Seji was going to propose to you on your 18th birthday. We'd been planning that since last month! Why did you let this happen?" was the cold hearted reply.
"Listen, this is none of your business Muri-kun. It's mine and Seji-kun's, so stay out of it. And if you aren't going to tell me the directions, then I'll go elsewhere." She was about to turn when Muri grabbed her upper arm.
"Wait! Fine I'll tell you the way, you can never be too careful around these parts."
'No kidding,' Mikan though, sarcastically, as she rolled her eyes towards the ceiling
"Just don't tell Takanashi that I told you were to go, okay?" He warned. After that, he took out a pen and some paper and started scribbling down the directions. Once finished, he put the clicked then pen closed and handed Mikan the direction filled paper.
"Thank you Muri-kun, you have no idea how grateful I am towards you." Mikan said with a bow and gratitude evident in her sweet voice. As she straightened herself, she could have sworn she saw a hint of regret and sorrow in her 'friends' eyes. Maybe he was starting to feel guilty? Who knows? To be honest, she didn't really much care anymore. She just wanted to get to this Academy so she could rest.
-20 minutes later-
-In front of Tokyo railway train station-
"-Sigh- I'm finally here. I wonder how long it'll be till the rid-…" She felt a light tap on her shoulder. As she turned around, Mikan's eyes met with a youngish man in a gray/blue uniform with a cap on his head. He had dark, raven coloured hair and light green eyes.
"Excuse me, but are you a Miss. Mikan Sakura?" He asked politely.
"Um… yes I am. How may I help you?" She replied cautiously, not wanting to be kidnapped again.
"Begging your pardon, ma'am, it's just you arrived earlier then expected, so I had to check. My name is Shino, and I'll be your chauffer for today." She noticeably eased up.
"Okay. Thank you for picking me up by the way."
"It's no problem at all, madam," and off she went. Onward to the Academy, where she hoped her life would improve.
It took around about half an hour to get from the train station, to the Academy. During the while, Mikan had kept herself busy by taking in the buildings she passed by and thinking about what lied ahead of her. She wasn't one to relax, just because she thinks she's out of danger. She had learned never to let her guard down until she was absolutely positive it was safe.
Slowly, she realised that this one building they were going past seemed to be never ending. It was like a mini version of the Great Wall of China.
"Um, excuse me Shino-san, but, what is the name of the building that we are going past now?" She questioned, curiosity killing her slowly.
"That would be the wall separating the Academy from the outside world of Tokyo. It is a precaution used to help protect the students from… erm… bad people, who want the special gifts the pupils of this fine school posses for themselves and would do anything for them."
"Oh. Fair enough I guess if it's for security reasons."
The car came to a pair of big, golden gates. The man standing guard went up to Shino and started to ask for ID, only to stop mid sentence, bow apologetically and mumble some incoherent words and phrases, no doubt scolding himself for some God-only-knows reason. The poor man rushed back to his station and sent a message to the main building, saying their visitor had arrived. After doing so, he immediately opened the gates to let them in.
"Shino, why did that man seem to be scared out of his wits when he realised that it was you who was driving?"
"Time will tell young miss. Time will tell," was the wise reply.
Mikan frowned. 'He could have answered me properly. It was a simple enough question'
Mikan sighed. She'd rather people not speak in riddles when they were talking to her, but what could she do? It was their choice. She just had to go with the flow, right?
Before she knew it, the car was pulling up in front of the entrance to the main building and someone was opening her door.
As she stepped out she saw a man- or was it a woman? She really couldn't tell. Anyway, she saw SOMEONE heading toward them. They had longish, curly blond hair reaching their shoulders, bright, lively purple eyes sparkling with slightly gay-ish happiness. They wore a lilac, frilly, long-sleeved shirt and black hip huggers accompanied by shiny black, 1 inch heeled boots.
"You must be Miss. Sakura, am I right? My name is Mr. Narumi and I'll be your escort to the meeting. Like I mentioned in the letter, you are not in trouble, we would just like to discuss what to do about the incidences. Come along."
Apparently, the person was a guy. He was kind of creepy. The whole time he was talking, he had been grinning like a mad man. It was unnerving. Mikan shook her head, trying to get rid of the slight paranoia she was feeling at the time. She followed the gay- um, I mean, man, into the building and down multiple corridors and hallways until he stopped in front of a door with a bronze plaque with the words 'Staff Room' clearly visible and readable. The name named Narumi opened the door and stepped aside, waiting for Mikan to step inside. She did as was expected of her.
Once in, she noticed the room was full of people; Adults to be more precise.
Taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves, she said, "My name is Mikan Sakura. I was called for a meeting."
"Ah, Miss. Sakura, how wonderful it is to meet you at last." An icy cold voice, cold enough to send chills up and down your spin drifted over.
Mikan stiffened. That voice. That voice sounded so… so… it sounded so lonely. Normal people would have been terrified by the chilliness of the tone, but she could hear the slight loneliness and bitterness the owner felt (Trust her to be oblivious to the obvious and concerned with the unobvious). It made her slightly sad.
She turned around to look at the owner of the voice. The first thing she noticed was he wore a white mask. Through the eyeholes she could see black eyes staring at her intently with… anger? She dismissed the thought quickly and continued taking in the appearance of the stranger. He had long black hair, not as long as Narumi's but not as short as Seji's. From what she could see of his face, it was smooth and looked almost delicate. He wore lots of jewellery. Not the type that makes you look gay. The type that makes you look like a Goth. He had numerous rings on his fingers and wore a number of earrings of different varieties ranging from the simple stud to the devilishly dangly. In short, he was pretty scary looking.
"What's wrong, little girl? Cat got your tongue?" The man clad in black sneered.
She couldn't do anything but stare at him. He seemed so… familiar to her. But where had she seen him?
'Argh, this is getting frustrating!'
"(Ahem!) Could we please proceed with this 'meeting' at you put it Narumi," interrupted a male teacher who had a frog on his shoulder. He looked very old, around the age of 50 to 55 (I have no idea on how old Jinno sensei really is, but this is just my (slightly) educated guess).
"Oh yes, of course! Now, Mikan-chan, as you know, you have a special gift that we consider very rare. That gift is called an Alice, and the possessor of an Alice would also be called an Alice. Do you understand what I've said so far?" She nodded a quick yes. "Good. Now, as you may have guessed, this school is a school that is specifically for Alice users so they could learn how to control their power as well as continuing with their education. We have recently discovered that you posses one of the rarest Alice's of all. It is so rare, that there is only one other recorded possessor of said Alice. You have the power to nullify any Alice in the world." He finished (rather lamely might I add . )
Mikan looked at the bubbly teacher as if he was a mad man. "Right… and you expect me to believe this how? I'm sorry, but it's all too far fetched. I thought I was just requested here to be offered a place in the school, but…" She was interrupted with a sigh from the previously mentioned blond haired teacher. With disappointment clear in his voice he simply said, "Fine, if you need proof that you have the Nullification Alice then so be it." And suddenly, his disappointed face turned into a huge grin. "Jin-jin, would you care to electrocute our new, cute little angel pleeease?"
"I thought I told you never to call me Jin-jin again, Naru." The teacher with the frog said sternly. (Lol xP Sorry to interrupt again, but I just pictured Jinno's face when he said that and I just had to laugh xD) Then, the teacher raised a metal stick and pointed it toward the sceptic and slightly confused brunette. Suddenly, a bolt of electricity shot out of the tip of the stick and headed towards the said girl. Mikan quickly shut her eyes, waiting for the jolt of pain to shoot through her, but none came. After a few more seconds of waiting, she opened her eyes to find all the teachers except Narumi, Persona and Jinno had shocked looks upon their faces. They hadn't really believed Narumi when he stated what Alice this girl had, but boy were they eating their words (or thoughts as the case may be) now.
"Okay, what in hells name happened just now? I thought I was about to get electrocuted!" Her voice started as a whisper, but steadily grew into a slight yell.
"Now do you believe me?" Mikan thought about it for a bit and then slowly, she found herself nodding. "Perfect! Now that you have accepted your Alice, I guess we should introduce you to your new class mates, right? Don't worry about school uniform today; you can just wear what you're wearing now. I'll have the Girls dorm matron prepare your room and deliver your uniform. Now, let's get moving, I'm already late for my homeroom class." And with that, the gay teacher grabbed Mikan's wrist and started dragging her out the room and down the corridors as he explained the rules and regulations of the school.
So, what do you think so far? I know my writing style sucks and I have really weak sentence structures, and no doubt my computer was lying to me when it was checking and correcting my spelling, grammar and punctuations. I really hope it wasn't too bad anyways.
This took me forever to write (mainly because I had HUGE writers block to over come half way through it). I'm not a very good updater, so it may be a while until you get the second half of the prologue (or maybe not?). It might not be as long as this one though, as it will basically cover Mikan's first (And first only) day of Alice Academy. You know, the usual stuff like Mikan finding Hotaru, meeting Natsume and the rest of the gang. -Sigh- This was a really boring chapter and the next one isn't looking too promising either T.T I wish I was a better writer then this T.T J.K!! I HAVE FAILED YOU!!! -starts crying uncontrollably-
Anna: There, there Kiera -pats back- I'm sure she'll forgive you.
Anna: Yeah, Anna's right! Don't dwell on how bad you did! Just think on how you can improve from here!
Koko: -Looks from one Anna to the other- Why are there two Anna's??
Me: Because I decided I wanted to put My Hopeless Romantic in my A/N's, got a problem? -gives out evil aura-
Koko: No, no. No problem at all -sweat drops-
Me: Good. –To the readers- Thanks everyone for reading my first chapter!! Please be kind enough to leave a comment. I DO NOT accept flames as I already know how suck-ish this fic is. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated however. Seeee ya when I see ya!!
Oh! Before I forget!
Disclaimer: I'm only gonna say this once! (unless I need to claim/disclaim something else) I DO NOT OWN GAKUEN ALICE! I DO however own Seji and Muri. Muri may possibly never enter in this fic again though. Seji? Well just read the summary and make your own answer up!