This is my first story ever so please don't be to harsh with the comments. If any of the idea's in this story sound like anything someone else has written I am sorry and that is not intentional.
Basicly it is about the caracters from Code Lyoko in Medevil times. They live in the land of Lyoko (I wonder where I got the title from). At the start of this story Lyoko has different countries in it, they are called Dunbar, Allamand, Kiwi and XANA (I know very original names). Xana is the name of the country run by the person with the same name, it is considered evil by all people not living there and is trying to control all of Lyoko. Allamand (Want to know where I got that name message me) is a country separated from the others by a vast mountin range so is not involved with the war. Currently Kiwi and Dunbar are oposing XANA in the fight. (It would help if you could see the map. I drew it during History class. I would somehow put it on my account page but I havent figured out how to do that yet.)
Just a little background info. Now on with the story...
Let me weve you a tale of wariors and Kings
though the heros of this story are now no such things
apart they are week, together they will be strong
but only if they can all get along
In the country of Dunbar is where we shal start
Where the people are strong and pure of heart
though a powerful change will soon come to pass
and it all has something to do with this young lass ...
"Princess." Someone shouted a girl under the covers groaned.
'Another thing I have to do I'm not even married to the guy yet.' She was engaged to the now prince soon to be king of Dunbar, William. She had many duties to perform as the soon to be queen. She was not't even sure that she liked the guy, but she had no choice. The marriage was arranged and the duties came with it. Including the one that said that she had to live in his castle as long as they were engaged.
"Princess Yumi," he shouted. " The prince wants to see you. I think he has a present."
'Oh a present.' She got out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. Sure she could call the servants but she preferred to not have other people touch her and they always took to long. "I'm coming." She shouted. She got dressed as fast as the frilly dresses would allow and let the servant guide her to the great hall. 'I wonder what it will be this time last time he got me a pony.' She loved that horse. At the end of the hall on his thrown was her fiance. He smiled noticing that she put her outfit on in a hurry.
"I bet that you want to see your present." She smiled.
"You know me well."
"Very well." He clapped. "Bring it forward." Some servants brought forward a boy in tattered clothes with brown hair. He had a chain wrapped around his wrists and a metal band around his neck. "I know you don't have a slave so I got you one. He is a little rebellious but he got good reviews from all his previous owners." She looked at her slave with interest.
"What do I do with it?"
"Whatever you want. He has to do whatever you tell him too." She looked at him.
"Yes anything, just don't ask him to do any of your jobs as a princess. It wouldn't go over well." She laughed.
"Okay I wont." She addressed the servants "bring him to my quarters." They obliged dragging him by a chain attached to his wrists. 'He looks strong.' She thought. "I had better get to my quarters.""Okay see you later then." She smiled and left going to her room. She found her slave in her room just as she had asked. He still had the chain on his wrist and the end was tied to a pillar in the middle of the empty space without any furniture. He sat on the ground as if he was waiting for her to give him orders. She stared at him for a moment not knowing what to say. "Um okay I guess the first thing I should do is to say that I am new at this a probably wont be a good mistress." He just stared at her. "Uh so I do not feel like calling you slave so what is your name…" he now stared at her as if she was crazy. "Slaves have names… don't they?" he just nodded staring at her like she was crazy. "Uh so what is it?"
"Ulrich." He said shortly.
'Wow it talks.' She thought. "Well, Ulrich, I am going to go to breakfast after I fix myself up." 'Hopefully William can give me some advice on what to do with you.' Ulrich just shrugged and leaned against the pillar. Yumi went into the restroom and fixed her clothes and makeup. When she came out, she saw that Ulrich was sleeping with his back to the pillar. 'Aw how cute." She thought. 'I wonder if I should get him a bed. New clothes are a must too, and food. I wonder what slaves eat?' she left and went to breakfast where William was waiting at the grand table. She took her seat next to him and began eating. The hall burst into talk. "William?" Yumi looked at her fiance.
"Yes dear?"
"What exactly should I do with my slave?"
"Well first you should lay down some ground rules like no touching my clothes or don't touch me unless I order it. Things like that. Also you should have some punishments for disobeying your orders. Like no breakfast, make him sleep on the floor, or whip him."
"What about food and other necessities?"
"Well you can bunk him with the other slaves, you could get him a room connected to yours, or you could make him sleep in your room. As for food, I'll have a servant bring his meals to you. Whether he eats it or not is your choice. Also the same with clothes I'll get him some that look better."
"Thanks, you're the best." She kissed him on the cheek.
"If you want I can show you what to do with my own slaves."
"I think I'll try it myself first."
"Okay." He looked disappointed.
"I'll come to you for advise though." He still looked sad. "And if that doesn't work I'll see your demonstration Okay." He looked happy now.
"Okay." The rest of breakfast was uneventful. Yumi went to her room to find that some servants had bought a bed for her slave and that he was taking full use of it with his new clothes. There were empty bowls that showed that he had eaten but the chain around his wrists was still chained to the pole.
'I guess I should make some rules I really don't want to wake him but he is mine after all.' "Hay wake up."
"Huh what?" he sat up still tied to the pole.
"I think we should set up some rules."
"Don't do anything that you know would upset me. Don't touch me or my clothes. I'm busy most of the time so I'll leave a list of what I want you to do on the door, If you can read. Can you?" he nodded "Okay. The biggest rule is don't touch me or my possessions unless I give you permission." 'I wonder where he learned to read. Most of the servants can't do that.'
"Anything else?"
"I'll let you know if I come up with anything."
"Okay." He laid down on the bed again, actually it was more of a mat.
"Um… can you think of anything I could do?" he sat back up.
"Actually yeah. Could you get this thing off me." He held up the chain.
"Oh right is that what this is for." She held up a key she had found on her desk.
"Yeah." She undid the chain and he rubbed his wrists where the chain had turned them red.
"Would you like something for that?" she grabbed a vile that had lotion in it from her desk. He looked at her funny.
"Uh yeah thanks." She gave him the lotion. "You know most people treat slaves like dirt." It was Yumi's turn to give him a funny look
"Why are you telling me this. I don't know anything. You could have told me to do anything and you would have had it easy." He just looked away unable to think of a reason. "You don't talk much do you?" he remained silent answering her question.
I know it's probably harsh that I made Ulrich a slave but he is just so fun to mess with.
I repeat this is my first story so please help me if you see any errors.