Chapter Nine

6 Months Later.

The team walked through the streets of Cardiff. The rift had been inactive for the last couple of weeks which resulted with the TORCHWOOD team not having much work. They walked back from a quiet pub they had decided to have lunch in. They were all laughing and joking. Well all accept Tosh and Owen; they had decided to pick up on an old argument.

'Tosh! I don't know how many times I've had to tell you' Owen said 'Men are the stronger race!'

'I refuse to believe it!' Tosh shouted at him.

Gwen laughed, as did Jack and Ianto.

'Hay! Tosh, Owen, when we get back im locking you two in a cupboard.' Ianto told them.

'What! Why?' Owen asked. 'Because' Gwen told him 'were fed up of you two arguing'

'You know why they argue so much don't you' Jack said to Gwen and Ianto.

'Why?' Gwen asked.

'Because they both have sexual tension built up towards each other' Tosh blushed at this and Owen went to object but changed his mind. It was true after all.

'Screw the Cupboard. I'm locking you in a cell' Gwen joked.

Everyone laughed and Gwen didn't notice where she was going until someone bumped into her. She looked at the person and didn't expect to see who she saw. Rhys. 'Oh, sorry sweetheart' he said to her.

Jack came up behind her so she felt safe. 'Its ok' she replied.

Rhys then walked of and Gwen stood in the same spot and watched him.

'Gwen, you ok?' Jack asked.

'Yeah I am' she said with a smile spreading across her face.

With that she linked arms with jack and walked over to the team.

Jack let the team go home early. He sat in his office twiddling a pencil between his fingers.

'Another slow day' he said to himself.

'I like slow days' came a voice from the doorway. Jack looked up and smiled.

Gwen walked in 'but it would be nice to have to some excitement' she said sitting on his knee.

'You want excitement' he asked. She smiled.

'Well then' he said 'let's have some fun.

He lifted her of his knee, stood up and lifted her onto his desk.

'I love you Gwen'

'I love you too' She replied

He then grabbed her and kissed her. He had never given and she had never received a kiss so meaningful and so passionate.

The End

Please R&R. X-Sellskii-X