Well, I'm Phoebe Gilmore, and this is my first Fruits basket fic. it's all about one of my favorite Yaoi couples: Kyo and Yuki! sorry about the short chapter, they will get longer (I hope). I always love getting comments, though I'm not begging or forcing you.

disclaimer: I own Fr... Oh, wait, I do not own Fruits basket. I really should continue working on that time machine to create fruits basket first. but, since my beautiful machine isn't ready for use yet, i will simply have to say that I don't own fruits basket sobs

Enjoy! first chapter is Kyo's POV

Chapter 1 A cat can't think this way.

It's still very early as the cat gets up. The house is still quiet, since Tohru doesn't get up for another 45 minutes, the dog just went to bed and the rat isn't a morning person. Kyo is indeed a morning person, one of the many differences between the rat and the cat.

Kyo's day began as any other, he trained for about thirty minutes, which was followed by a quick shower. He would then enjoy a breakfast cooked by the wonderful Tohru and then he would have to leave for school.

In the middle of breakfast the cat and the onigiri were joined by a very sleepy rat. The cat couldn't help but notice how cute the rat looked when he was sleepy, and he started to blush slightly.

"Damn rat." He said, to keep up appearance. "Will you wake up already? You bother me when you are like this."

"Don't I always bother you, Kyo?" Yuki said in his still drowsy voice, which always managed to turn Kyo on.

"I'm going." Was all Kyo said before leaving the house. He walked into the woods and sat down high in his favorite tree.

"I can't like him" the cat said to himself. "I'm the cat, he's the rat. I hate him." His mind wandered off and he could hear the rats voice in his head.

"don't I always bother you, Kyo?"

A sigh escaped from the orange haired boy. "If only he knew how much he bothered me. Damn rat. I can't love him, it's just not possible. Just the thought of it is ridiculous." This conversation he had with himself wasn't new to him, on many occasions had the cat left for a quiet place to debate his feelings for the young rat he lived with. Usually he went to the roof to think about these kind of things, but even that place wasn't safe anymore these days.


Kyo was lying on the roof, talking to himself. "I can't love him, I just can't. It's impossible…"

"What's impossible, Kyo-kun?" a girl said. Kyo nearly fell of the roof in shock.

"Tohru-kun, how long have you been here?" he asked, afraid of what the onigiri could have heard.

"I only just came up, that's why I asked What's Impossible?"

"Oh, nothing important, I was just talking to myself." The cat said, relieved that the young onigiri hadn't heard more of the conversation he had with himself.

end of Flashback

It was time to go to school, so Kyo needed to go back to the house to get his book bag. He hoped he wouldn't run into Yuki, but his hopes were ignored. He literally ran into said rat.

"Look where you're going, you damn rat."

"You're one to talk, stupid cat, you're the one that ran into me and not the other way around." Yuki replied angrily.

Damn, he's hot when he's angry. Was all Kyo could think. They both left the scene before they would start fighting and breaking down the house again, both reminding what Shigure had said the last time they broke his house down.

"Next time you decide to throw each other through my walls, doors, tables or any other part of my house, you have to pay for either repairing or replacing the destroyed object."

The cat spend the rest of the day trying to forget what he had thought that morning, for he knew that he couldn't possibly be feeling that way about the rat.