The sun was hidden behind the clouds as the figure walked down the busy street, the figure in question was not a well know person in fact its existence. The reality of things being it did not exist to anyone but the Mizukage, the Anbu of Mist and very few shinobi. It was a tool, used for some of the cruelest purposes. Yes, it had nothing and was nothing. It was not born, it had no family and it had all emotions beaten from it at an early age.
Silence hung in the air thick as the mist, the body moved with a smoothness that would unnerve even the most experienced of the Jonin of the village. The mist and hidden sun made it appear as if it were late evening as opposed to mid day and the only thing on her mind was going to a small relatively unknown weapons shop.
The shop in question was one that served only in secret, the creator being responsible for the creation of two very famous swords. One is Samhada, the other being The Beheading Sword. There was a gentle breeze as the cloaked figure moved down the road. There were people all around the busy little village that shifted and glanced nervously at the dark figure. No details of this figure could be distinguished by the civilians. The outfit looked very similar to most ANBU, so most civilians paid it no more than a passing glance.
The figure approached a rather large rundown building. The only sound was that of the door hinges squeaking slightly as it open and the figure glided through. The dark entry was musty and smelled faintly of rotting wood. To the civilian eye there was nothing remarkable about this run down building. But to the eye of a professional it was just a disguise.
The figure brought its hands up did a quick sign and muttered softly "Release." The genjutsu faded away exposing the inside of the building for what it truly was, a weapons shop. The shop was bright and clean there were odd weapons hung on all of the walls and kunai and shuriken in cases at the front of the shop. The empty eyes followed a straight line of hand blades to the front of the shop where owner, one of the few Shinobi acquaintances stood with a dark look on his face.
"I wondered when I would be graced by your appearance… Deshi Akatenchii." He murmured with a dangerous undertone.
She blinked; Deshi Akatenchii was a name given to her by him when she showed up on a mission and rescued him and several other shinobi. The name literally meant Red Angel Of Death. She had earned this name; she was the youngest Anbu in the Hidden Mist, her body count was well over 500, she felt nothing over anything she was peacefully empty.
Her outfit was odd as it was a red cloak that was so dark it looked black in low light and like blood in the sun, her mask was one of a kind with a purpose, the Mizukage only sent her in when things went to hell. The mask in question was a cat mask, the base color was black, there were red stripes on the cheeks and around the eyes were purple clouds; the eyes of the mask were special also as they had protective shatter proof glass that was black, this glass protected from poisons that could be sprayed and enter through the eyes, it amplified her vision in pitch black situations.
In her ears she wore little pieces to protect against sound genjutsus, these also acted as receivers when she was on missions and needed to use a radio.
She nodded to the shop keeper an empty look hidden behind the mask.
"It has been a while since as you put it I have graced you with my appearance." she agreed.
"Will it be the usual for you?" His cool voice had a welcoming tone she always paid well, and he owed her his life.
"Yes and no I need the stuff for my tool kit but, I am in need of a new staff." Her voice was cool like a light wind.
"Ah well if it is a staff you desire it is a staff you shall receive." He stated with a bow "I have a large selection of staffs." He stated.
She shook her head "I have specifications and your ordinary staffs will not do." The blunt even keel voice made the shop keeper flinch.
"What are your specifications?" His voice was guarded; he did not want to lose the money that would be coming in from her. More importantly he did not want to lose his life.
"I want the staff to be made out of steel first off as I always seem to break the wood and iron ones." She muttered exhaling softly.
"You want a steel staff it is unusual but-"
"No I am not done, I want it to be bladed." She cut him off her arms limp at her side, her voice flat sounding almost bored.
"Bladed…interesting… Akatenchii, how do you envision yourself being able to use this weapon?" He was curious as he had had some unique requests before, but this was a first.
"Now if you would just wait and be silent as opposed to talking every time I pause you will get all of the information you need." She breathed out and shifted slightly.
"I am just saying if this staff is bladed then there will be nowhere for you to place your hands." The shop keeper chuckled.
"Be silent good sir and listen, I was simply telling you the basic requirements of the weapon." She muttered "The staff would be six feet long; the blades will only go from both ends in two and a half feet." She explained.
The shop keeper nodded now it made sense to him now she would have a foot in the center that was un-bladed to place her hands.
"I want the blades to taper off to the end and make a point, use four blades and spiral them up the staff." She finished and tilted her head.
"Do you think you can do it?" She asked. "I will leave all other things about the weapon up to you that is just what I want."
"Well I have had a few odd requests in my time, but yes I believe I can make your staff." He muttered
"When do you think you will have it done?" She asked.
"Come see me in about three months." He paused for a moment in consideration of the difficulty of the project. "Actually come see me in 6 months."
She bowed and collected what items she could get at the time. She looked at the shop keeper as he accepted her money for the kunai, shuriken, senbon and other shinobi essentials she purchased.
"Six months huh?" Was all she said?
"Yes six months." He replied.
"What will I owe you?" She ask
"Hmmm let me think…Fifteen Thousand Ryu and a glimpse at your face." He stated.
She sighed and shook her head "…I will see you in six months." She muttered leaving the store.