1. Call her fat

2. Call her ugly

3. Call her forhead

4. Tell her you and Sasuke are getting married and she's not invited to the wedding

5. Tell her Sasuke's gay

6. Tell Lee she agreeed to be his youthful girlfriend

7. Tell Neji she called him gay

8. Tell Jiriaya she wants to help with his books

9. Tell Sasuke that she called him gay

10. Tell Sasuke that Sakura is sleeping with Itachi

11. Call her weak

12. Ask when she came out of the closet

13. Ask if she is ok with never being married

14. Tell Ino Sakura called her "her dirty little secret"

15. When you see her yell "Oh My God its Brittany Spears"

16. Dye her hair and clothes black

17. Tell Naruto its because she's suicidal

18. Tell Lee its because she's suicidal

19. Watch as the two try to comfort her

20. Replace her clothes with Spandex

21. Tell everyone its because she's sleeping with Lee

22. Tell Naruto Sakura doesn't believe it

23. Tell Tsunade Sakura drank all her sake

24. Then say she called her an old hag

25. Watch as Tsunade pummels her

26. Tell Neji Sakura has a thing for him

27. Tell Lee Sakura has a thing for Neji

28. Tell Gai that Sakura made Lee cry

29. Tell Lee and Gai that Sakura wants to train with them

30. Tell Tenten that Sakura kicked Neji's ass then made out with him

31. Watch as Sakura is brutally attack

32. Write "Gimme a slap" on the back of Sakura's clothes

33. Ask Sakura when she's due

34. When she says she's not pregnant casually explain about lyposuction

35. Sing "U.G.L.Y." everywhere she goes

36. Tell Orochimaru that Sakura is in love with him

37. Replace all her clothes with slutty outfits

38. Take pictures of her in said outfits

39. Post pictures on the internet labeled "The New Brittany"

40. Make farting noises whenever she sits down

41. Ask her if she ever considered cosmetic surgery

42. Call her idiotic

43. Tell Karin that Sakura loves Sasuke

44. Tell Karin that Sakura is sleeping with Sasuke

45. Tell Karin that Sakura is marrying Sasuke

46. Giggle all day behind her back

47. Tell her to get it over with and commit suicide

48. Tell Kankuro that Sakura is a slut

49. Watch and laugh as he hits on her continuosly

50. Make a list of 50 ways to Piss off Sakura