Title: Kagome's School Project
Description: Kagome's home ech teacher assigns the class a baby doll that really cries to all the girls in the class to show how it is to be a mom. What happens with Kagome takes the doll with her to the Feudal Era?
Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
A/N: all the students in Kagome's Home Ech class are girls, just so you know, don't know how they do that in Japan, but just thought it would be simpler this way.
"Alright now class, I have a surprise for you all," Kagome's teacher said grabbing Kagome's interest.
The teacher stepped out of the room and came back with a huge pushing cart. Kagome's eyes filled with curiosity.
The teacher pulled a baby seat of the cart, revealing a fake baby strapped inside.
Kagome's eyes widened. "Now I am going to give you each a baby that you will be taking care of for a week, just to see how hard it really is to be a parent who has homework and work at home as well, I plan to send you all the things you will need to take care of it, but you're grade will depend on how well you take care of the baby," the teacher explained with a smile.
'Oh no,' Kagome thought gloomily. Normally she wouldn't mind taking care of a baby, but not with all she had to do already, especially what had to be done in the feudal era, destroying Naraku.
Kagome sighed, 'Guess I'll have to take the baby with me, wonder what the others will think.'
After class she hauled her bag plus all the baby things and baby with her on her way home.
On her way she met up with her friends from school who were hauling their babies as well. "So will you're guy friend help you with the baby," Yuka asked.
"Uhhh," Kagome said not knowing how InuYasha would take it, "I don't know," she replied.
"Wow a boyfriend that doesn't even care if you have kids to take care of, how selfish," Eri said rolling her eyes. 'Well InuYasha can be selfish sometimes,' Kagome thought.
They talked about that and other things until Kagome finally reached her house.
She waved to her friends and went inside the house she shared with her mother, brother and grandfather.
"Hey, I'm home," she announced walking up the stairs to her room. She set down all of her stuff then took the baby downstairs to show her family. After having dinner with her family and talking with them she figured she would get packed to leave for the Feudal Era.
She kind of wanted to show her friends the baby doll because for one thing they would find the technology amazing.
"Bye dear," her mother said as Kagome waved her goodbyes. "Bye sis, don't let anything happen to that baby, or there goes your grade," Souta said half teasing. Kagome sighed, 'Thanks Souta, now you have me worried.'
Kagome leaped into the well and popped out of the other side. There waiting for her was InuYasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara.
"Took you long enough," InuYasha growled. Kagome glared at him, "Well I had school ya know," Kagome argued.
"Hey Kagome, what do you have with you," Miroku said hoping to stop a soon to be argument.
"Oh yeah," Kagome remembered holding the doll, that was still in the carrier, out in front of her, "It's for school," she explained. "Is it a real baby," Shippo asked curious.
"No, it's fake, the teacher gave them to us to practice being a parent in the future," Kagome explained further.
"Wow," Sango said taking the baby, "It looks so real," she said examining it from top to bottom.
Kagome giggled, finding their expressions funny.
"Well this is indeed amazing," Miroku put in looking at the doll.
All of a sudden the baby started to cry loudly. Sango jumped and lost grip on it, but quickly retrieved it back in both hands, her eyes huge.
"How, how did it do that," Shippo stuttered. Sango, eyes still big, quickly looked at Kagome wondering the same thing.
"It's programmed to do that, that reminds me," she took the baby from Sango, "I'm supposed to feed it," Kagome said.
"Are you serious, you have to feed that thing," InuYasha spoke looking disgusted.
Kagome glared at him again, "It's not a thing, it's a she and yes I do have to feed her, I have to take care of her like I would a real baby," Kagome answered taking a bottle from her bag.
Kagome smiled mischievously, "Here Sango, you want to try," she offered the bottle to the demon slayer. Sango blushed and quickly shook her head nervously.
Kagome laughed a little, "Anyone else," She asked more at InuYasha than the other two. When nobody spoke up, Kagome stuck the bottle in the baby's mouth. 'This should be fun," Kagome thought cradling the baby.
A/N: well there you have it, first chapter, please review and tell me what you thought.