Yuffie hugged her father goodbye, with tears in her eyes.

"Yuffie, I love you…I know it has been hard these last few months, especially about your boyfriend…" The Kuraikage paused and bit his lip.

"I love you Yuffie. Please stay happy.." He whispered and kissed her head.

The departing troops, thousands and thousands, crossed the field and Yuffie Kisaragi watched until they were to small to see anymore.

"Stay safe Daddy." She said, her tears rolling down the window.

"Kuroba, are you going to come and eat?" A soft voice asked.

"No kaa-san…I'm not hungry." Yuffie said, not turning from the window.

Masame was angered, and her face flushed.

"Kuroba! You never eat anymore! You don't smile! There is no emotion in your voice! Your just here but at the same time..your not…"

"Im sorry Kaa-san.." She answered, absent mindedly.

Masame growled under her breath and left quietly.

Yuffie touched the window sill, willing the day to be gloomy. Willing it to match her and make it rain and perhaps flood, but the sun shined out on the outside world.

Yuffie woke up to the smell of charred wood and burnt fabrics.

"Disgusting…" She thought to herself.

She pulled on a striped tiger pattern robe and rose quietly out of bed.

She walked into the kitchen and saw the burned walls and the blood spill on the floor.

Fear filled her body but she willed herself not to scream. Running outside, she saw buildings and houses on fire.

"There a survivor!" Cried out a voice.

Yuffie recognized it as a Sand Village soldier and turned around and cried out in glee.

"Please help me! Im the Kuraikage's daughter!!!"

3 or more soldiers appeared and one that must've been the captain glanced her over from far away.

"Kill her." He commanded.

Yuffie stood petrified with fear.

"K..kill? Wait..I'm..Kuraikage's.." She whispered. "No please!!!"

She screamed, a bullet hit her in the stomach and one in the shoulder. Pain flew through her body but shock over came it.

Yuffie held a hand to her stomach and looked at the blood.

"No..N…no…" She whispered, and fell back unto the hard road.

"Go collector her." A voice called out. A hooded soldier ran over and picked her up.

"Yuffie,..I'm sorry.." The voice whispered.

And then Yuffie recognized it…as Tsukasa..

Yuffie sat up, her wrist tied down to the beside.

"What?" She said out loud.

A voice rang out in a ominous tone.

"Good morning, girl. You have been asleep for 2 months now..You were dead, but I revived you."

A man dressed in a white lab coat stood in the corner, his glassed seemed to give off a glow of its own.


"Yes, that's right, you can understand English?"

"I'm no idiot!" She spat back.

The man seemed amused and walked toward her, revealing his black hair with a gray stripe going down the center into his ponytail.

"Let me go, you old man!" Yuffie yelled.

"There is something I need you to tell me first." He paused for a moment, hesitated almost and then ran his fingers down the edge of his lab coat.

"Your father could escape into another's mind without lifting a finger, and I know you can do it was well. So how do you?"

Yuffie looked puzzled. Escape into another's mind?

"What the hell are you talking about you old fart?! Im just 12! I don't know! Your probably just making this up! Where is my mother! Where is my father!?" She demanded, struggling with the rope.

"They're both dead."

Yuffie froze. The blood in her veins did as well.

"No…" She said.

"Yes, sorry darling."

"NO! THEY COULDN'T! NO! NO WAY!!!" She cried out, breaking through a rope and freeing her left arm.

Then quickly, the man was gone…and room darkened and Yuffie felt tired. A sharp pain rained throughout her body.

"Has nobody told you, she's not breathing?"

"No…look…she's waking up!"

"Lil' girl had me scured. Fixin' ta throw a temper tantrum like a dang gun two yer' old."

Yuffie sat up and glanced around the room.

"Hi there, Im Tifa, This is Cloud and that is Cid. We're not going to hurt you so don't worry.."

"Im Yuffie…" Said the emotionless girl.

Tifa frowned and let out an aggravated sigh.

"Yuffie..auhm…We know about your village.."

"Hell to anyone who doesn't…"

Cloud shook his head and looked at Yuffie with a warming look in his eyes.

"Yuffie. We want to help you."

Yuffie looked back at Cloud and almost smiled. "His eyes…they have that emotion in them…like his…"

But her small bit of happiness faded as she remembered her mothers death..Her fathers…and most importantly…Tsukasa leaving and killing her.

And then, unexpectedly, she broke into tears.

"Kill me!!! Please Kill me now!!!"


Tifa walked slowly around the sleeping girl and brushed her hair. She woke her gently and fixed her some food.

"No..I don't eat…" The girl spoke. Her voice sent a chill up Tifas' back.

"Oh..eat when you are ready I guess…" She said, leaving the girl quietly.

From outside the door, Tifa watched the girl.

She punched at the walls and broke her fork into pieces. Then surprisingly she sat down and began to cry again, but instead of calling out for death, she called out a name.

"Tsukasa! Tsukasa come back for me!" She cried out again and again.

Tifa felt a knot of sadness well up in her throat and opened the door quietly.

"Yuffie…" She whispered. "Are you alright?"

Yuffie quieted and shook her head. She laid down and feel immediately to sleep.

"Yuffie…Yuffie find me.."

Yuffie ran down the rough and dirty road, searching for the voice.

"Yuffie, hurry and find me…" It cried out.

"Your voice is emotionless!" A voice shouted.

"Please be happy.." Another whispered.

Hands reached out from the darkness around her and took hold of her.

Pulling…harder and harder…until

Yuffie screamed, sitting straight up in her bed and looked around her, staring into the darkness, slowly letting her eyes adjust.

She stood up, and walked over to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror.

Her coal black hair was now fuzzed and fading. Her once violet-green eyes were slightly swollen and gray. Her skin was pale and she looked dead.

She put a hand to her face and found she was freezing cold..

"You were dead, but I revived you."

Yuffie stared into the mirror and reached into her pocket, pulling out a pocket knife.

"I love you…I will never leave you."

She opened the knife.

"No, Yuffie, I can't…Im sorry…"

She moved it to her neck…

And with one quick motion….