Name: Pick Up Lines For Any Transformer

Author: Jada Lupa Lunam

Characters: Prowl, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Bluestreak, mentions others

Sitting: After Megatron's death, Earth Movie verse of 2007.

Jada: Alright, this pairing and pick up line is for Panda-Manda and I thank all my reviewers. I'm sorry it took so long to update, bad Jada. You see I really like this line, but I kept seeing Prowl using it, so I have him saying this, and the ending, well I'm sorry for that. I thought it would be funny. And look OPBB! . 'Kay now who to go? I'll use one of my OC's, because no one is coming to me. I choice you! Task!

Task: Jada owns nothing, watch for language and implying. Oh, and she has a golden Prowl in car mode here: http// jadalunam. deviantart. com/ art/G1- Prowl- undated- to- now- 78297298 . So yeah, can I go? Eros is waiting for me.

Jada: Oh, young love!

Task: We're older then you.

Jada: Shut up.

Pick Up Line #5

Prowl glared at the paint cans in front of him. The one day he had off, forced by Ratchet of course, and the Arc runs out of white paint. On the one day Prowl had time to clean and repaint himself, the bloody Arc runs out of bloody white paint! Primus must really hate him! (A/N: Well Prowlie, in my other story, he doesn't seem to. Prowl: Shut up and write. Jada: Rude. )

The washed and sparkling, but still lacking white paint, police car switched his glare from one paint can to the other. It was ether pink or god. He was never a fan of pink and if he had his old job (1), pink would have stuck out more then a neon green sign on his back. So that left gold. Prowl sighed and picked it up, making his way to the twin's room. He need to "borrow" Sunstreaker's wax and what a better time then when both him, and Sideswipe was out.

"…So then Ironhide…" Bluestreak trailed off as he caught sight of the 'bot that just walked in. Jazz poked the gunner.

"What did O'Hide do?"

Bluestreak pointed to the object of his distraction. Jazz and the twins turned to look, their jaws hitting the floor at the sight. There stood Prowl. The once black and white was now black and gold, which brought out he's forgotten sex appeal he once had before the war. (A/N: It's still there, it's just forgotten.) Everyone in the Lounge grew quite and stared at the co-commander. Prowl stopped his walking to the twin's table and stared back at the opacities in the room. No one moved. There was no sound. It was unnerving to the black and gold second in command, so he decided to break it.

He took a breath. "Do you know what Polar Bears are good for? Breaking the ice. Hi, I'm Prowl…and I'm leaving." And with that said, Prowl turned, almost running out the door.

"Man, do you think," Jazz began turning to the twins, just to find them gone, "that you have more room in your bed?" Jazz finished, turning back to look at the door, catching sight of two blurs, one yellow, the other red, run out the door after Prowl. The room stayed still and quite, before Ratchet stood.

"Uh…as a medic, I need to go check to see if…the paint Prowl used is dangerous! Yeah, that's it!" Ratchet said, quickly running after the twins. Optimus and Bumblebee got up next, walking to the door.

"So, 'Bee, think Prowl needs some help with his…reports?"

"Maybe, if we're lucky, he'll need some help with something else." The minibot replied, and they exited the room. Jazz stared.

"As…oh, hell, I don't have a accuse. I just hope Sunstreaker or Sideswipe doesn't think it was my idea for the whole ark joining them in bed with their bondmate." Jazz said to himself, following the commander and the scout out of the room. He quickly speed up when he heard the roar of a crowd of feet following him. One question went through his mind. Could Prowl's room hold the Decepticons as well?


Jada: I'm liking the OptimusBee pairing some, but I haven't read it, if someone knows a good fic about them, send me a message or email, please? Review.

The line is: Do you know what polar bears are good for? Breaking the ice. Hi, I'm (insert name).

Time Used: Way to many times! (I love this line, lame right?)

Times it worked: More then 50.

Oh, and if anyone has a pick up line they want me to use or a couple they want to see, just tell me, 'kay?