Name: Pick Up Lines For Any Transformer

Author: Jada Lupa Lunam

Characters: BLANK, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Jazz

Sitting: Pre-war, Movie verse of 2007.

Jada: Okay, I'm a HUGE fan of BLANK…and I like the twins. Put those together and you get Twins/BLANK. This will happen in almost all my stories. So beware. Any way, this story thing is ALL because of my "brother." You see he used this same pick up line on me and I freaked. So yeah, and P.S. he's not my real brother, his just a close friend (and a pervert) I grew up with. Now go ahead, Barricade.

Barricade: Why am I doing this?

Jada: I said so (Pulls out 2007 transformers movie) or do you want me to show Megatron how you left him in Mission City?

Barricade: Fine, I'll do it. Jada owns nothing; she doesn't even own her soul or heart. Oh, beware of language and implying stuff. Now she'll start the story.

Jada: Oh, and this is crap written, so yeah. I'm sick, and my brain is shutting down, I feel like Prowl with his battle computer down. I'm sorry about that.

Pick Up Line #1

Jazz laughed. "Come on. You two can't get every mech."

Sunstreaker glared. "I bet I can."

"So do I." Sideswipe added. "If you win, we'll pay off your unbelievable tap, if we win, you pay off ours and throw in some wax. Now pick the mech, Jazz, and we'll get him."

Jazz smirked looking around the bar, The Flashing Lights, for just the right mech. The musician found him sitting at a back table, away form others. Jazz pointed to him. "That mech right there."

The twins turned to look. Sunstreaker sighed, disappointed that he couldn't go first, but since he went first last time, it was now his brother's turn. "It's your turn Siders." Sideswipe nodded happily, and the two of them walked over to where their pray sat. The twins sat in front the mech, smiling.

The unnamed mech looked up from his tabletop to glare at them. "No." He said flatly.

Sideswipe pretended not to hear the horrifying N-O word. "We came over here to ask you if you want a fuck…"

The glaring mech's optics widened and he leaned as far back as he could in surprise at how blunt the red dealer was being.

Sideswipe continued, raising an "eyebrow" and grinning evilly. "…ing drink? What did you think I was trying to say?"

The 'bot across from the grinning Sunstreaker, blinked and gave a small laugh. He never heard that pick up line before. He wore a small smile. "Clever. Bring the drinks tomorrow at ten. I'll be waiting in the MetalSpark Hotel. Room 327." With that the mech stood.

Sunstreaker quickly grabbed the leaving 'bot's hand. "We don't know your name."

"I'm Prowl."

"Like the thief?" Sideswipe asked. Prowl nodded.

"Well I'm Sideswipe and this is my twin, Sunstreaker." Prowl nodded.

"Nice to meet you. See you tomorrow." And with that the mech, Prowl, left.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe went back to where the surprised Jazz waited. For the last two months, Jazz had watched the black and white mech turn down everyone who asked him anything. From picking up a dropped napkin, to a quick interface. Everything. He even turned down Colorcross, the sexiest being on the planet. And yet the twins won the 'bot. The twins! It wasn't possible! "How?" Jazz asked when the twins sat down across from him.

Sunstreaker smirked. "Good looks, great attitudes, and a very clever pick up line." Jazz groaned, hitting his head against the table. The twins grinned at each other. Tomorrow they were going to be very busy getting ready for that night, good thing Jazz was going to be getting them more wax.


Jada: Hope you like.

The line is: So you a fuck…(wait a minute for reaction)…ing drink?

Time Used: 5

Times it worked: 1

Review. Oh, and if anyone has a pick up line they want me to use or a couple they want to see, just tell me, 'kay:)