AN: Really random thing I did some time ago, lol... thought I'd upload it.
ChrisIsNo1 has just signed in
ChrisIsNo1 says: ello? ne1 on?
ChrisIsNo1 says: hellooooooooo
IAmNotASandwich says: Chris??
ChrisIsNo1 says: hu r u?
IAmNotASandwich says: Lolz it's Jill
ChrisIsNo1 says: Omfg rly?? Wow hi lol
IAmNotASandwich says: Hey
GreenGirl103 has just signed in
GreenGirl103 says: WTF?
ChrisIsNo1 says: Hu da fk is that?
IAmNotASandwich says: Hu are you, GreenGirl???
GreenGirl103 says: O.o
ChrisIsNo1 says: Omg i no who that is.. lolz!
IAmNotASandwich says: Hu is it tho??
ChrisIsNo1 says: ALEXIA!!! AAAAHHH!!!
GreenGirl103 says: Hiya sexy
IAmNotASandwich says: ...
GreenGirl103 says: ASL?
ChrisIsNo1 says: Alexia its me chris rememba?
GreenGirl103 says: errrrr no
GreenGirl103 says: u gt a pic?
IAmNotASandwich says: Grrrrrr!!!
ChrisIsNo1 says: Erm no... lol :S
GreenGirl103 says: cam?
IAmNotASandwich says: BITCH! WHY DONT U JUST...
GreenGirl103 has signed out
IAmNotASandwich says: Thank god 4 that lol..
ChrisIsNo1 says: Lolz :D
IAmNotASandwich says: Erm Chris... i wanted 2 say...
Becky4U has just signed in
Becky4U says: Helloooooooo!!!!
ChrisIsNo1 says: Rebecca?
Becky4U says: hiya chris! wuu2?
ChrisIsNo1 says: Nm u?
Becky4U says: same, same. Hiya jill!
IAmNotASandwich says: Beckyyyyyyyyyyyyy! hows u?
Becky4U says: Im gd thx lol :D
IAmNotASandwich says: Gdgd!
Becky4U says: Ne1 else on?
ChrisIsNo1 says: ya alexia but she went off
Becky4U says: o. hus dat?
IAmNotASandwich says: GRRRRRRR!!
Becky4U says: aaaaanyway erm i gtg now... Billy is ere... seeyaz l8r kk? xx bi bi
IAmNotASandwich says: Bye Becky xx
ChrisIsNo1 says: cya l8r Rebecca xxx
Becky4U has signed out
IAmNotASandwich has signed out
ChrisIsNo1 says: huh?
IAmNotASandwich has just signed in
IAmNotASandwich has signed out
IAmNotASandwich has just signed in
ChrisIsNo1 says: AAAAH JILL STOP IT!!
IAmNotASandwich has signed out
IAmNotASandwich has just signed in
ChrisIsNo1 says: wt da fk is u doin??
IAmNotASandwich says: HU IS ALEXIA???
ChrisIsNo1 says: she wos dis person... err, well not xactly person but..
ChrisIsNo1 says: NOOOO! I ONLY LOVE U, JILL!
IAmNotASandwich says: omg im blockin u, u... PLAYER!!!
IAmNotASandwich has signed out
ChrisIsNo1 says: Shit.
ChrisIsNo1 has signed out
Umbrella4Life has just signed in
AdaWongSux14 has just signed in
Umbrella4Life says: HU R U?
Umbrella4Life says: WELL???
AdaWongSux14: ...
Umbrella4Life says: answer me!!!!
AdaWongSux14 says: i'm ashley graham?
Umbrella4Life says: Ooooo... do i no u? did we meet at a party or summit?
AdaWongSux14 says: i'm 2 yung 4 partys
Umbrella4Life says: Riiiight... well asl?
AdaWongSux14 says: 18/f/USA u?
Umbrella4Life says: 50/M/US... u got cam?
AdaWongSux14 says: EWWW NO U PERVERT!!
AdaWongSux14 has signed out
Umbrella4Life says: What did i do??
BitchInTheRedDress17 has just signed in
Umbrella4Life says: ADA!!!! Still hungover frm last nite?
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: yeh. u?
Umbrella4Life says: Nahh.. i dont get bad hangovers. Did u retrieve the sample?
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: ... Erm Wesker, u must be drunk still. i got dat sample years ago, remember??
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: Wesker? U there?
Umbrella4Life says: Yeh, i think i might b.
ChrisIsNo1 has just signed in
Umbrella4Life says: AAAAH! CHRIS REDFIELD!!!!
ChrisIsNo1 says: Oooo cat eyes!
Umbrella4Life says: STOP CALLING ME THAT!
ChrisIsNo1 says: cat eyes, cat eyes
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: Cat eyes, cat eyes lol
Umbrella4Life says: WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Umbrella4Life has signed out
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: rofl, that was fun.
ChrisIsNo1 says: Hu are u?
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: Ada. u?
ChrisIsNo1 says: Chris... lol. ASL?
BitchInTheRedDress17 says: Not 2day, hun.
BitchInTheRedDress17 has signed out
ChrisIsNo1 says: awww... she sounded hot.
ChrisIsNo1 has signed out
IGotKilledLol has just signed in
IGotKilledLol says: Hi? any1 online?
GirlPower105 has just signed in
GirlPower105 says: Hus this?
IGotKilledLol says: oh hi lol. ur claire right?
GirlPower105 says: yes.
IGotKilledLol says: Joseph frost, thats me.
GirlPower105 says: ... WHO?
IGotKilledLol says: REMEMBER!!! I was in the first game lol!
GirlPower105 says: 4 like ten seconds? lol my bro told me about u... how cmz u died so early? ha ha
IGotKilledLol has signed out
GirlPower105 says: ha ha, hero my ass.
GirlPower105 has signed out