"Mommy, we're home!" Sakura looked up from the medical book she was reading to see her and Sasuke's two youngest boys come in to the kitchen. Kenoshu, ten, and Kidoshi, seven. They were the only ones of all the children to still be going to the Academy.

"Hey, you two! Did you learn anything new today?" Sakura asked them. Kidoshi, being his usual happy self, answered first.

"Yeah! We got to learn about the first five Hokages! And then Lord Hokage came in and told us about what it's like for hism to be the hokage and said that anyone can be a great ninja, you just have to believe in yourself!" Sakura nodded, smiling. She almost knew Naruto would want to do something like that—being the 6th hokage, and all. She then turned towards Kenoshu.

"And you, Kenoshu? What did you do today?"

"We learned about the ninja hand sgns, like what they mean; stuff like that." Sakura smiled at the.

"That's good, you two. Can you do me a favor and go to the garden and get me a big basket of tomatoes? I'm going to make spaghetti tonight for dinner.

"Okay!" As they left the kitchen, Sakura got up and started to prepare the noodles and also got out some of the ingredients for the sauce. Then, the female triplets of the family walked into the kitchen. They were identical triplets with dark green eyes and pink hair, all fourteen years old. Their names were Tiashi, Mikoto, and Mitsuki. The first two were named after Sakura and Sasuke's mothers.

"Hey Mom, do you think you could quickly explain that battle formation you showed us one more time?" Sakura got a paper and pencil, drawing out the formation so the girls could understand it better. They thanked her for her help and went back to the training grounds behind the large house that Sasuke and Sakura had bought after their first was born. The woman got back to her cooking. But she was interrupted again, this time by a strong pair of arms making their way around Sakura's petite waist.

"Your mission was supposed to end nearly two weeks ago, Sasuke." Said man sighed and began kissing her neck. Out of habit, Sakura leaned her head to the side, giving him more room.

"I know; I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," he mumbled. Sakura turned around and put her arms around Sasuke's neck, hugging herself close to him. Sakura sighed and closed her eyes, happy to be in his arms again. She quickly gave him a peck on the lips. Sasuke smirked when she pulled back.

"It's like you knew I would be back today." After giving him a confused look, he continued. "You're wearing my favorite flavor lip-gloss, Sakura. You know what this kind does to me," he whispered.

"Sasuke, we already have seven kids; I don't know if my body can handle it again!" Sasuke began to run her hands up and down the side of her body.

"That's what you said after we had Kenoshu."

"The only reason why Kidoshi is here is because of our drunk sex!" Sakura defended. Sasuke moved a little closer to her, their bodies fitting together in all of the right places to get Sakura's mind the tiniest bit clouded.

"Does that mean I have to get you drunk?" He didn't give her a chance to answer—his mouth was already moving against hers. It was slow and at moments his lips moved quickly, making her moan. She felt his tongue run along her bottom lip teasingly. After all these years, she still melted in ecstasy at what he could do with his lips and tongue. Sasuke pulled back, giving her a small pout—something he only did around his wife.

"So we can't do it anymore?"

"I didn't say we couldn't do it; I said I can't handle any more kids." Sasuke gave her his victorious smirk and then swooped down once again. He moaned out load when Sakura ran her fingers through his soft—and dirty—hair. It's really been far too long since Sasuke has felt her soft lips moving with his—

"Will you two get a room? We know what is going to come next, and it really shouldn't be done in the middle of the kitchen." The lovers broke apart to see their two oldest sons in the kitchen doorway. Roku was 17 ½ and Hebauki was 16.

"Seriously," Hebauki added, "most of us are still virgins; we don't need to see what you two do in your spare time." Sasuke slowly turned completely towards his sons, giving them a questioning glare.

"What do you mean, "most of us" are still virgins?" he asked slowly.

"Roku's been sleeping with the Hokage's daughter!" he shouted, running away. Roku, Sharingan now fully activated, sprinted after his brother.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" he screamed, as they sprinted through the large house.

"Take it outside, not in the house!" Sakura shouted after them. "Wow," she said, chuckling. "Roku and Yumi. Think about it Sasuke; if they're serious about this, you and Naruto might very well become in-laws!" This comment made Sasuke's eye start to twitch. He then turned back to Sakura, an evil glint in his eye. Before she could run off, Sasuke quickly trapped her between his arms and the counter top. He leaned down and put his lips next to her ear.

"You do realize that I still have those bed chains and you still wear lacy pink panties; I think we both know what your punishment will be, Sa-ku-ra," he whispered hotly.

"Well, yeah…..if you can catch me!" she shouted, making a break for it. They ran all around the compound until he finally pinned her down.

"You can run, but I'll always catch you." He bent down and kissed her fully on the lips. He rolled them over so that she was on his chest, never breaking the kiss. Then Sakura pulled back.

"You know, there is another reason why probably shouldn't do it for a while," she said. Sasuke frowned slightly.

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm already pregnant again, you horny moron!" Sasuke started to laugh.

"I promise you, this will be the last one. Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked, secretly anxious (though Sakura knew he was excited).

"I went in yesterday and the doctor said it's a girl!"

"You're pregnant again?!" Sasuke and Sakura turned their heads to see all of their children in a group, looking astounded at the news. Sakura gave them all an awkward smile while getting up.

"Yes, I am." The eldest boys groaned out loud and the girls sighed while Kidoshi leaped for joy.

"Yay!! I get a baby sister!" While the older five walked off, mumbling about having to deal with more diapers, Kenoshu ran after them, confused.

"Wait, is getting a baby sister a bad thing? You guys?! Wait!" he shouted. Sakura laughed softly at their reactions. Sasuke came up beside her and sighed.

"We're going to have another baby in the family," he said. Sakura could only nod as her husband put his arms around her once more (and would many more times after).

"I love you," she heard. As he said that, Sasuke wove their fingers together. Walking hand in hand, they walked back to their home, and to their family.


Yes, this is the end. Now I will work more on my other two stories, Royal Blood and Paranormal Existance. For those of you who don't get the whole,"bed chains and pink underwear" bit, please don't ask about it... a friend of mine tried to make me explain it (though she already knew) and I just got really red in the face.