

At midnight on a dark stormy night screams of agony came from the Myamichi clan's infirmary, though no one other than two old nurses and a young boy could hear them. The Myamichi clan was hidden away and thought to be wiped out. The powerful clan was despised and loathed by all the villages, even s-class criminals spat in their direction. And why is this? These are the clans 10 rules about life...

1. Never show emotion for it is useless

2. To kill is the only way to live

3. Anyone without our "gift" is worthless and weak

4. Traitors will die

5. There is no such thing as love only hate

6. Power is everything

7. Friends and family serve no purpose

8. Anyone deemed weak deserves to die

9. If a person is not of ANBU ninja rank by 5 years of age they will be deemed weak and killed unless proven otherwise

10. Anyone who doubts, disobeys, or mocks these rules will face the consequences


1. Death

And if you cannot yet see why they are hated I will spell it out...


So after many years of ruthless attacks the clan disappeared. It was believed that all were dead, but in truth there were several left. Now the two old nurses hurried around the wife of the clan's leader, Akika. A bolt of lightning cracked lighting up the room showing Akika's beautiful face contorted in pain, sweat causing her pale red hair to stick to her face. With a final scream Akika's body fell limp. As the shortest one of the nurses tended to a small newborn, the other worked tirelessly to keep Akika alive. However they saw that she would eventually die and handed the frail woman the baby.

"It is a girl, Akika" said one

"A girl, a beautiful girl," Akika looked at the child. "Jochi, come here" she said to the 5 year old in the corner

"Yes, mother" and the small black hair boy, Jochi, approached revealing a handsome, but impassive face for someone so young.

"Jochi, I want you to protect her" Akika whispered feeling weak. "One day take her away from this life" she said so quietly only he could hear.

"But mother" if he had not been trained to avoid emotion, tears would have fallen from his bright green eyes, eyes that matched his mothers.

"Take care of her train her to be strong. I love you both, always remember that" she said barely audile as her eyes closed

"Mother we do not love" he whispered

"Yes we do and do not forget that. I love you and" she stopped

"What is her name mother" he said now barely able to talk.

The nurses could not hear her reply and watched without emotion as the young woman died.

"Jochi" said the shorted of the two "what is her name"

"..." Jochi was lost in a memory as he touched the little baby's face


"Jochi come here. Sit with me" Akika patted her lap as she sat under a tree. It was spring time, her favorite time of the year. And as her three year old son sat on her lap she sighed.

"Jochi do you know what these flowers are?" she asked as she plucked a blossom from the tree they sat under.

Jochi looked at her and shook his head "no mother I do not"

"This flower" she said holding it in front of her face "is the most beautiful of all. So strong as to cling through rain and harsh winds, and yet so delicate that even the slightest pluck can carry it away and destroy it."

"What do you mean mother?" the small prodigy asked

"The flower is so vibrant" she continued "that it stands out, even though it is so small. It represents life in a way. It buds as a baby so delicate that even the tiniest disturbance can kill it. Then" she patted Jochi's head with her free hand. "It is a child starting to bloom. Not yet at its full beauty but showing so much potential. And finally an adult." Jochi thought he saw a smile but shook it off, Myamichis don't smile. "As an adult it blooms so beautiful until" she opened her fingers releasing the blossom to the wind. She watched with blank eyes as it swirled in the gust and out of view "the wind carries them away."

"That isn't right mother. That makes no sense" Jochi said annoyed at not understanding

"Ah yes. Most things in life do not make sense for there are so many views."

"What is your view of the flower mother" he asked trying to understand

"I see it as the most unique, special, beautiful, and strongest flower there can be" she answered looking back down at Jochi

"What is it called" he asked picking a blossom himself and examining it

She plucked the flower from his fingers and tucked it behind her ear. Jochi was shocked to see a smile on her lips, shocked at its beauty. "It's called a..."

End flash

"Jochi her name?" asked the short nurse

"Sakura, her name is Sakura" he said looking down at the small baby. The most beautiful emerald eyes stared back. Wisps of white pink hair surrounded her delicate face. That night the nurses took away Sakura and Jochi, as the coroner took away their mother.

"Sakura, Jochi. The flower is called a Sakura blossom. The most perfect of all"