ME: And I finaly learn how to update a second chapter!

Hinata: she doesn't ownn.n

Edward" thank the lord dodges shoe thrown at face

Me: shut up!

edward: pmsing already?

ME: Thats it No pay check for you!


"hey lady give me a bath" a little voice came from behind and pulled her into the bath room.

"umm... Edward I think you are old enough to take a bath all by your self" bella said as she looked into the coal black eyes. For crying out loud edward is 110 (a/n I'm quessing) years old! he should be able to take a bath by himself!


Bella notice that edward was already undressed and in the bath tub before she could say anything else.

" I want bubbles." edward stated flatly looking bored as ever.

"um okay" bella said as she turned around to look for bubbles in the cabnet. Bella then felt cold arms wrap around her waist and cold lips met her neck and kiss her. Bella treid to move her head and see who was kissing her and to her surprise it was the seventeen year old edward kissing her passionitly. He was wet and naked,...wait NAKED! Bella felt edward tug at her shirt and unzip her pants.

"Edward... what are you-" bella was stopped by a gasp out of her mouth when edward cold hands started to climb its way up to her back. Just then edward turned her around and gave her a feicrful kiss on the lips and started to lick her bottom lip asking for entrance. Just when bella wwas about to open her mouth she heard a knock at the door and a 5 year old carlisle yelling at them from behind the door.

" Will you to stop playing tounge hockey and get me a Damn COOKIE!" yellled the angry 5 year old. Edward gave a questionl look at bella who just mouthed 'its a long story I'll tell you later'. With that edward moved swiftly to the door grabing a robe and teing it around him and opened the door.

" Good!!! Now get your lazy butt down there and get me a cookie!" carlisle yelled at edward how looked at him in shock. "Well are you stuppid or something!? I said GET YOUR LAZY, PANSY, PUSSY, ASS DOWN THERE!!!" the 5 year old yelled marching down stairs cursing edward with every cuse word there is. Edward stared at the spot were carlisle was before he marched off.

" Care to explain?" edward said as he turned around to face bella. He was about to say something when he heard someething crash.

Me: I know it was short but can you blame me!

Edward: technicly they can

Me: Shut it ! throws shoe at him

Edward: miss...

bella: just reveiw Oh and they are still vampires as little kids and I'm a human!

Hinata: sigh Please re- LET GO! gets glomped by me


Edward: She is pmsing defently.

Me: Shut up before I turn you into a frog into the story or turn you into a girl! O yeah people I came up with this cool story of turning edward into a girl and Jacob gets imprinted on girl edward So I need you to tell me if this a good idea or not.

Hinata: oh yeah she doesn't care how many times you rrview her story as long as you review n.n So please review!