A/N: Well, you all asked for it so here it is! Hope you all like it. If you haven't read the first part, I suggest to you to go and read that before! Also read my other story! Anyway, on with it! This will be a short story so there will be a few chapters! Enjoy!

Under the Mistletoe: A Sequel

Chapter 1

Hermione waved goodbye to Harry, Ron and Ginny. As soon as they were out of sight, in the darkness. Hermione sighed and retreated back inside. She missed them already.

They had badgered her lots to come and join them and the Weasley family at the Burrow for Christmas break since her parents had gone to France. But Hermione had politely declined them by saying there will be too many people, and it will be crowded for her liking.

When that didn't work she got herself off the hook with a feeble excuse of too many essays too finish. This was partially true.

Normally, Hermione would have been up to date with her homework but this year, after falling ill, with a fever, she was behind. So now she had some catching up to do. But that wasn't the only reason for staying behind.

She knew that he was staying behind. Hermione smiled to herself as she pondered over a certain memory, whilst making her way down the dark, deserted corridor to the Gryffindor Tower.

Suddenly she felt a warm hand clasp over her mouth and an arm around her waist, pulling her back. She tried screaming and kicking but the person was too strong.

She was pushed against the wall, an arm on the right side of the wall, beside her face. A shadow was cowering over her; Hermione felt a warm breath tickle her ear.

"No one ever tell you not to walk alone in dark corridors Granger?"

Even though she couldn't see the face, Hermione could recognise the husky voice a mile off. She shivered. The hand released its grip on her mouth and Hermione wiggled her lips.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

"What no witty comebacks?" Hermione could feel a grin spread on his face.

Truth was that Hermione had plenty of comebacks but speaking was proving rather difficult in such close proximities. Hermione couldn't think properly in his close presence, her brain was muddled.

"What do you want?" Hermione asked him again, regaining a bit of confidence in her voice.

Hermione felt his hand twitch and instantly, the candles around him lit up. She could see him properly now. His face was closer than she thought; Hermione could feel the tickle of his breath on her cheeks and lips.

The lit candles danced on his pale face, giving him a glow. His blue-grey eyes were full of amusement and joy and mischief and something the Hermione couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Well Granger, truth be told, I haven't been able to get yesterday's incident out of my head."

Draco watched her, her expressions, changing from shock to understanding and then her face lit up, to which she tried hiding up.

"Get to the point Malfoy!"

Draco chuckled at her façade, which annoyed Hermione.

"Why on earth are you laughing?" Hermione asked him angrily getting flustered making him laugh even more.

Ever since she kissed him, Draco hadn't been able to concentrate. When he slept, he dreamt of her, of every little thing about her. He watched her during breakfast, the way she eat, delicately and how she fiddled with her hair whilst reading a thick book.

How she bites her nails when she's nervous, and how she places her hands on her hips when she shouts at Weasley. Even his friends had started to notice his strange behaviour.

Which is why he was standing here, confronting the reason.

"Why?" he simply asked her.

"Why what?" Hermione knew fully well what he was talking about but she couldn't help playing hard to get.

Draco moved in closer, really close so that their noses were practically tip to tip.

"I think you know!" his voice was all husky and Hermione could feel butterflies fluttering exuberantly inside her stomach.

"It was just a dare!" Hermione said rather quickly, avoiding his piercing eyes.

"Oh really?"

"Yes! It didn't mean anything!"

"Oh really?"

Yes! I was supposed to kiss Snape but you came in the way!"

"Oh really! Was that a bad thing?"

"Yes…I mean no…I mean…"

"So you're glad you kissed me?"

"Yes! No! Now will you let me go?"

"Yes or no?"

There was no way out, she had to say it! He was better than Snape!

"Yes! Now will you let me go?"

She still wasn't looking at him. Anywhere but him. If she stared in to his beautiful stormed eyes again, she'll end up saying something really stupid.

"Alright! I'll let you go…But on one condition!" Hermione's head snapped up. He was smiling. Not the usual smirk or grin but a normal human smile.

It was something Draco Malfoy never did but it suited him. Hermione gazed into his eyes. He wasn't joking!

Oh my god! He's going to make me do something stupid! He's going to make me kiss Snape! Oh Merlin!

"You play a game of dare with me! Just you and my lovely self!"

A/N: So how was that?! Is something missing or whatever?! I didn't know how to start the story and this was the best I could do! And I know it's short!! But if you have any ideas then please tell me!!

Click on the review button and fire away:D

Mev x