Cao - Okay, so. . .I'm, like. . .looking at the Stats of my stories, and I'm looking at the hits, right? Sound of the Wind got well over 5,000! Or, 5,769 hits, to be exact. Amazing, but. . .eh. One person can create ten hits, so I'm not too excited.

Alex - Reviews were about 71. Considering this is our first fanfic, it's pretty amazing.

Cao - YEAH! XD

Alex - 13 Favourites, 11 Alerts. . .damn, this story really got popular pretty fast, huh?

Cao - I know XD
Ohoh! According to the reader traffic, 153 'official' hits, and 49 visitors. That's pretty damn good.

Alex - Though the most reviews we've ever gotten for a single chapter has been, like. . .5.

Cao - That breaks my heart. Just a little bit.
Oh, and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS FANFICTION! (-cough-EventhoughIkindofdidn'tupdateoften...-cough-)



Alex sighed, staring up at the ceiling of the Yulia City medical facility, utterly bored out of his skull.

And depressed. Yes, we can't forget that one, either.

He missed Guy. Was that so wrong? Whenever he usually hurt, Guy was the only one actually able to make him feel better and take it all away, to tell him that it would all be alright. Tear was a great healer and all, true, and she was great with kids, but it just wasn't the same.

Sighing again, the child rolled over onto his side, propping his head up with one arm as he stared at the redheaded figure currently sitting next to the bed and staring lifelessly at the ground, not even bothering to make himself comfortable.

He did this often, Alex noted. Every time he was awake, Luke was there, sitting. He determined that he was on standby or something, because every time Alex needed something, the redhead would go off and get it for him, eventually returning. It pissed him off, just a little bit, because other than those tasks, the redhead noble did absolutely nothing!

. . .Then again, all things considered. . .

"Hey," the child spoke up, forcing himself to sit up, wincing slightly as his stiff limbs brought forth pain but brushing it aside. Luke didn't even stir. "Hellooooo?" The blue-haired boy leaned over the edge, knocking gently on the redhead. "Anybody in there? I'd like to know if I'm talking to a brick wall or something before I turn insane."

And still, nothing.

The child huffed, wondering just how long this would go on.

So, he did the one thing he knew would get to the redhead. He grabbed a lock of hair, fingering it slightly before tugging on it. Not harshly, but just enough so that it would no doubt cause annoyance. And, sure enough, he saw those red brows furrow slightly, the form stiffening. Alex smirked. "If I don't talk, I'll keep pulling on your hair until you do," he murmured, tugging on the hair for the last three syllables of the sentence for emphasis. Now the replica was super stiff, obviously debating something in his head. So, Alex continued what he was doing, humming a little tune to himself as he tugged on the red hair, smiling innocently.

At least, until a gloved hand grabbed his wrist.

Eyes widening, Alex yelped as he was pulled forcefully out of bed, caught in Luke's strong arms before he could cause harm to the both of them. This successfully made him let go of the soft hair, a disgruntled noise escaping him as he turned his head to look at Luke, pouting.

"Killjoy," he said, sighing dramatically as she shifted his position so that he could sit up against Luke, resting his head on the older boy's (or was he younger now?) chest.

"Obnoxious kid," were the words he received in response. Alex actually had to force himself not to smile at that.

"Look who's talking! At least my age is past double-digits!"

Alex regretted saying those words, for as soon as he did, Luke's dark and quiet demeanor returned, those emerald orbs saddened within an instant. The child's brows furrowed in sympathy, and he nuzzled into the still chest again, hands slipping around the bigger form.

"You know," he began quietly, softly, wanting to do nothing more than to help the broken other. He wanted to see the life in him again, the one he despised and loved at the same time. "Our birthdays are coming up soon, you know? I'll be twelve and you'll be eight. Or eighteen. Whatever you want to think of it as."

"Mm. . ."

Alex started to feel sleepy, eyes drooping slightly. Twelve. . .the magic number before thirteen. . .that was great. And then eight or eighteen. . .two magic numbers, both two years away from special numbers; ten and twenty.

"Hey. . .what do you wish for?" the child murmured, feeling content when arms finally wrapped around his form. He didn't wait for an answer, not really expecting one. "I wish for. . .a family. One that laughs together, plays together, and stays with you no matter what happens."

The child yawned sleepily, covering his mouth as he did so before his form relaxed almost completely. He just barely heard the words from Luke before he fell asleep.

"I wish for. . .change."

Standing in the corner, watching the two children from afar, as a certain melodist, smiling softly before turning away.


Cao - Aaaw. Ain't that cute? Short, though. Sorry -brain fart-

Alex - Mm. . .

Cao - (pokes the sleepy child) Anyway. Thus ends Sound of the Wind! Working on the next arc, so stay tuned! Who knows, it might be up later today X3