To all my fans out there who love Moonlight Dreams,

I will not be writing any more chapters for this fanfic. I'm having a hard enough time just trying to finish Earth & Moon: A Forbidden Romance, seeing how I don't have the ending and will be trying to figure out how it does end. I love hearing from you guys, really I do, however asking me to write more chapters won't do any good. It's over with, done… I'm sorry. I like how it ends, leaving you wondering if they ever tell the girls, if they continue to fight together and fall deeper in love with each other.

A good book is defined by if it leaves you wondering. If after reading the book, are you left wondering and thinking about it still? I always read the last chapter of the book, that is how I know it's going to be good. If after reading the last chapter, do I ask myself, 'What the hell is going on?' only then I'll get the book and read the whole thing through. Otherwise, I see it as a waste of time.

Moonlight Dreams is one of those stories. I know many of the readers out there are wanting more, however you do not always get what you want, and as such… There will be no more chapters for this story.

And please remember, that in leaving reviews you are doing just that: leaving reviews. You are reviewing the story, letting me know if it was good, if you hated it, or what I needed to work on.

Let your imagination run with the ending, let your mind bring up new ideas for your own story, and as always be true to yourself when leaving reviews. Most authors love it when people are themselves, saying how good a story was or how awful they found it.

Please, do not think I'm being mean nor think I no longer wish to hear from you, my fans. You are what drives me to write. And I shall always be grateful to you for reading what comes out of my mind.

