A/N: I've always wanted to do a MerdannyXSam fic. This is just something fluffy and cute for those people out there. This is a oneshot. If you want an ongoing story then please mention it in your review. If I get enough demand, then I will think up a story plot for this. Also, his name will be Danny because I own no rights to Danek, Feri-san's awesome character. I will be using her representation of Danek. And now, disclaimers.

Sam: DISCLAIMER: The author owns nothing. Danek and his appearance is owned by the lovely Feri-san!

By the way: no, this is not paedophile love. Sam just has a tiny puppy crush on Danny. And Danny loves Sam as a sister figure. Get your mind out of the gutter peoples!

Waves of Blue

Sam knew she shouldn't be out this late. She knew her mother would be scolding her is she found out. She had specifically forbidden Sam to go out to the sea much less in the night. But the sea had drawn her like a siren's song. She loved the clear blue waters and the creatures in it and she longed to be able to swim out into the ocean and meet them all.

Her tiny feet toddled across the pearly white sand. In her haste to meet the sea, she had forgotten her shoes.

It was dark and the only illumination was the numerous amounts of stars in the sky. Her short, ebony hair swept her shoulders as she picked up the hem of her annoyingly long dress and let the waves lick her feet. She giggled, letting the cold yet soothing water run in between her toes. Her small hands cupped some water and she sent it flying into the air, the shimmering beads falling back into the sea. Sam soon had her fill of playing with the water's edge and decided to explore the tide and the cliffs.

She carried a small twig with her and dragged a trail behind her while she walked. A large sea cave soon caught her attention.

Sam had heard ghost stories about these things. About ghosts living in caves such as the one she was about to enter. She had heard that they ate your soul or took you away if you got close enough. She had heard that at times, there would be odd moaning sounds coming from these kinds of caves and that it would be a spirit that was at unease. She sat at the entrance, smiling as she remembered all of these stories.

"Help," a voice penetrated her train of thought. It was quiet and almost seemed like a whisper of the wind but it came again, a bit louder, "Help." Sam scrambled up as quickly as her four-year-old, under-developed legs would let her, preparing to make a run for it.

"Hello?" she hesitantly took a step into the cave, "Is anyone there?"

"Help," the voice came louder this time. She took a few more steps into the darkness.

"Where are you?" she called out. Her footsteps quickened as she tried to find the owner of the voice.

"Here," a small emerald light came from the end of the tunnel. Sam made a sharp turn and gasped.

In front of her, was a mermaid. Or merboy, so to speak. He looked about 16 or 17 and had the purest white hair Sam had seen. His handsome eyes were also an apple green and seemed to be glowing along with his pulsating malachite hand, the light which Sam had followed. But what was the most noticeable were his tail, ears, and arms. Instead of ears were fins, black with white webbing. His tan arms were also covered with spines of onyx black. And most of all, he had a long, pitch black-striped, gray tail that curved majestically around his body..

She dropped her twig with a clatter.

Danny was having a shitty day. First, he had had a large fight with his father, King of Atlantis. That had not ended well and he decided to swim to his secret spot near the shore, the sea cave. It was his sanctuary away from life and it was only habitable at high tide: He loved it. But then, something happened. Something sinister and evil.

A shark.

Sharks were common in the waters but they almost never came near merpeople dwellings. Merpeople dying from shark attacks were rare but not nonexistent. They were also mostly sighted around places with serious bloodshed.

He blanked, not showing any fear and moved to a battle stance. He was brought up to not show any sign of weakness.

And all of a sudden, it attacked. The teeth latched onto his tail at the last second Danny tried to move away. They sunk into his flesh and drew crimson blood. He cried in pain before sinking his arm spines into the shark's underbelly.

"Let go!" his hands glowed before he blasted a green jet of water at the shark. It hit the eye of the shark and caused its teeth to unlatch from his tail. Danny sunk to the sandy bottom as he watched the shark swim off.

He groaned, blood seeping out of his wounded tail. He tried swimming a couple of feet. Pain surged and he fell back with an audible thump. He was stuck.

Danny blanched when he felt the tide receding and the moon rising. He would run out of light soon and that would mean nobody would be able to find him until sunrise. At this rate, he was going to die of blood loss. Summoning up the rest of his breath, he discarded all his pride and called for help. His 'help' came in the form of a pale 4-year-old human girl that was ogling at him as of now.

"Y-You're a mermaid," she pointed out blatantly. He nodded slowly, annoyed that she had called him a mermaid.

"I'm a merman," he pointed out, eyes twitching slightly. Sam turned scarlet and nodded sheepishly.

"Wow, I've never seen a merman before." Her eyes scanned his tail until they landed on the pool of blood around his wound. Her eyes widened with revulsion.

Instantly, she bolted out of the cave. The green light in his palm died down.

"H-Hey!" Danny yelled after her hoarsely, his only hope of surviving disappearing, "Don't go!" But it was too late. She was gone. He moaned miserably, closing his eyes and preparing for death. Slowly, he drifted into unconsciousness.

Sam quickly ran back to her family's summer house, ignoring the fact that her tender feet were being cut up with tiny rocks and bits of shells. She tiptoed quietly into the kitchen and fished out a first-aid kit and a large flashlight. On her way out, she grabbed a box of chocolate. She smiled before running out again. Finally! A real adventure.

Sam sped back into the cave, hoping that the merboy was still there. He was sleeping now, his injured tail curled around his battered body. She grinned and pulled out a bottle of antiseptic and poured some on the wound. A hiss alerted her that he was awake.

"What the fuck was that?!" Danny opened his eyes menacingly, ready to rip the creature that hurt him to shreds. He saw the little girl back with the evil bottle in her hand. She whimpered and backed away. He dropped his guard, lowering his hand. "No. Stop. I didn't mean that." He relaxed and allowed her to come back slowly. Hesitantly, Sam wiped off the blood and antiseptic with a cotton ball.

"This will clean up the boo-boo," she explained, "That's what mommy told me." He winced as she poured more and rubbed it into his wound none too gently. Sam pulled out what looked like gauge and clumsily tried to bandage the cut. Her little hands tried the best they could to bind the wound but to no avail.

Danny watched her. He silently growled in annoyance when she couldn't bandage his injury properly. He had to keep reminding himself that she was a child and didn't know any better, which helped him to keep some of his anger in check. She moved onto his arms and did a better job than on them than on his tail. After she had finished, she sat next to him, exhausted.

"I'm sorry," she apologized to him, "I'm not very good at taking care of owies. Are you hungry?"

Now that he thought about it, his stomach rumbled. What he would give for some nice warm cuttlefish right now. She smiled and offered him a smooth brown object.

"Eat it," she motioned to her mouth like he was a child. He narrowed his eyes slightly. He wasn't stupid. He hesitantly took the object and popped it into his mouth. Warmth and a taste he couldn't name enveloped his senses. He motioned for more. She handed him the box.

"Yummy, huh?" she giggled, "I'm Sam by the way. I live in the house right on the beach." Danny looked up at her cherub face. She seemed innocent and very curious about him.

"My name is Danny, Prince of Atlantis," he stated proudly, pointed slightly to his necklace which was a chest plate with a jewel cut into the letter D.

"Atlantis?" she perked up, staring at it with interest, "Cool! I want to go see!" Danny smirked. She was like any other fantasizing child, wanting adventure and action.

"You're not a mermaid," he pointed out. Her bubble of happiness deflated.

"Oh," her grin wilted, "But will you take me there with you one day?" Her eyes sparkled with so much hopefulness that Danny couldn't help but nod. After all, would she remember all this when she grew up?

"One day, I'll find you and take you to Atlantis," Danny smiled at her. Sam nodded, fervently.

"Will we swim with dolphins and go explore underwater caves?" she asked, excited.

"Whatever you want," Danny fingered one of his many bracelets, contemplating if he should give it to her as a gift of appreciation.

For the rest of the night, they talked about what they were going to do when Sam became a mermaid, their overbearing parents, and anything else she wanted to voice out.

Danny felt at ease with this human girl. She was an insightful little thing and seemed to make friends with him right away. In this one night, he had already grown very attached to her, like a brother to a sister.

"Uh oh," Sam watched as light entered the cave. The sun was rising. "I have to get home. Mommy will be mad."

Sam got up and dusted off her dress. Danny watched her in silence.

"Bye bye," she waved. She started out the cave.

"Wait!" Danny grabbed hold of her arm. He winced as his wound was disturbed. He pulled off the silver bracelet embedded with light colored green jewels and slid it on Sam's wrist. "Wear this as a token of my gratitude."

Sam turned scarlet as her eyes went as wide as dinner plates when the bracelet shrank to fit perfectly on her.

"Thank you," she turned the bracelet around her wrist in fascination, "I'll keep it for forever!"

"Good bye, Sammy," he reached up and kissed her cheek. He smiled as her face turned redder.

"Bye, Danny," she smiled before hugging him, "I hope I'll see you again."

"I hope so too," he hugged her back, "Now go. Your mother must be very worried now." Danny watched as the little girl disappeared.

The world did have some humanity left in it, he thought as high tide swept the first-aid kit and the flashlight away. He felt much better as he swam away, back to Atlantis.

A/N: There we go! Please review! This is my Valentine's Gift to all of you! Happy Valentine's Day! Oh, this is a oneshot by the way. If you want an ongoing story please tell me.