Our Time

Sam, Rodney and Radek are viewing an image being projected back by the M.A.L.P. Beyond the woods, they can see some buildings past a wide open field. Sam calls John and his team to meet in her office. After Sam and Rodney wait a while, John, Teyla and Ronon come in.

Sam updates them about what they discover. She wants them to go and investigate after finding out that the planet is not familiar to both Ronon and Teyla. She also tells them to keep in constant contact, just in case it's one of Michael's compounds. She bids them to be safe and after they gear up they go through the stargate with a puddle jumper.

As soon as they reach the other side John puts the cloak on and scans the area. Once he feels it is clear he lands the jumper and heads towards an old abandoned industrial building. Everything looks like it hasn't been touched for many years.

John decides to split them up into two groups. He tells Rodney to go with Ronon and he will go with Teyla. Rodney sighs, Ronon groans and both him and Teyla chuckle as they walk away.

John clicks on his comm., "Just let us know if you come across anything. I don't us to get into something we can't handle."

"We will," Ronon responds.

After an hour of looking and finding nothing, both Ronon and Rodney are ready to call it a day. John agrees and they are about to head out. Teyla notices a door that they haven't investigated and they both go through. The door leads to a dark corridor, so dark that the lights on their P-90s seem dim. Both John and Teyla start to feel uncomfortable, but they soon see a light at the end of the hallway.

The light gets brighter and brighter as they get closer to the point where it is almost blinding. Their eyes slowly get adjust to the light and they find themselves out in a meadow filled an array of colors. They are dumbfounded and John clicks on his comm. to get a hold of Ronon and Rodney, but there is no answer.

They turn to face the corridor, but there isn't a hallway or building in site. All they can see are mountains in the far distance and sporadic groups of wooded areas. John and Teyla look at each other with concern and confusion. They both take turns trying to use the comm., but it doesn't work. John also notices that his life sign detector isn't working either.

John is more the frustrated, "What is going on here?"

Teyla has a panic look on her face, "I don't know John, but I have a really unsettling feeling about this place. Do you think this is similar to the place you were that was meant to be a sanctuary for those looking for ascension?"

John releases a long exhale, "No. I don't think so. There was that barrier there. There isn't one here and no sign of where we came from. This is definitely different."

After an hour and a half of futile attempts to get a hold of Ronon and Rodney, they finally give up and make themselves a shelter with whatever they could find. By the time they are done it is almost nightfall.

John makes a fire and they eat a little of their rations. John looks a little nervous and he can tell that Teyla sees it.

"John? Is something bothering you?" Teyla asks softly.

John begins to fidget a little, "Well, Um… I wasn't expecting to it be so cold tonight and even though we have our thermo blankets…" he pauses and exhales loudly. "I don't think they will keep us warm enough and maybe with should sleep together."

Teyla's jaw drops and now John is more nervous than before.

"I… I'm sorry Teyla. Forget that I even said anything," He starts clear a spot by the fire for him to sleep. "I'll sleep here instead."

Now Teyla feels guilty, "No, John. You are right. Besides I'm sure it will only for one night."

"That's right. One night and I promise to be a boy scout," John reassures her and she gives him a puzzled look. "That means I'll behave."

They decide to call it a night and go into their shelter. John rolls on his side and Teyla settles in behind him. They are both warm, but neither one of them get a lot of sleep.