Wow, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in about… 5 months. I've probably lost all my readers but .. Yeah. Enjoy? And I think some of you have to re-read a couple of chapters to remember what's going on … haha. (:

(Nick's POV)

"Uh, Nick? Can I talk to you? Over there?" asked Miley, pointing next to an empty shack. "Yeah, sure," replied Nick, as he started walking over there.

Oh god. This might not be good. It's never good if a girl wants to 'talk.' Oh, this might be about Melissa… uh-oh.

We got over to the empty shack and sat down on the sand. We were far enough from Joe and Lilly that they couldn't see or hear us. We sat there for about two minutes until Miley started speaking.

"So, uh, last night was … fun."

"Yeah…" Was my oh-so brilliant response.

She cut to the chase and turned around and looked me straight in the eye.

"Look, I know we just got together like, a few days ago and I'm new to this relationship stuff but Melissa was totally all over you last night and frankly, I'm just a bit… jealous, I guess and I know you're a famous rock-star and all but that does not give her permission to do stuff like that!"

"Miley, you know she doesn't know we're together yet," I took her hand.

"I know, but it's just so hard watching other girls flirt with you and stuff," She rested her head on my shoulder, "It's not easy."

"I know Miles but we can't trust Melissa yet and word might get out that we're together and that would just cause even more craziness for the both of us. You know that," I answered.

She sighed, "Yeah. Well you could've at least told her to stop touching you!"

"Well… I don't know! What was I supposed to do Miley?"

"Uh, ask her to stop?" she lifted her head off my shoulder and looked at me with hurt in her eyes. I instantly felt bad and began to apologize.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I should've. You're right. Am I forgiven?" I tried to put on my best pout. It looked as if she was about to give in.

"Alright Nick, yes, you're forgiven," She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I happily obliged and pulled apart when oxygen was much needed. "Let's go back." She stood up and pulled me with her, heading back to where Joe and Lilly were.

"Oh jeez, can't you guys get a room?" I asked when we arrived and found them kissing.

Lilly laughed and said no. "What were you guys doing that took so long?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just talking." Miley smiled at me and I smiled back.

There was a chime heard and everyone took out their cell phones and checked if it was theirs. Everyone shook their heads and looked at Joe. It was his phone that rung.

"It's a text from Kevin." He started to read it out loud.

Hey Joe! Dinner at our place tonight w/ Marisa & Melissa. Tell Everyone.

Thx - Kevin.

"Ugh! Again? I mean, Marisa is fine and all but Melissa, too?!" groaned Miley. Lilly nodded in sympathy.

"It's okay, Miles," I said, putting an arm around her shoulder, "It'll be over before you know it."

She muttered an "I hope so" and rested her head on my shoulder.

(Lilly's POV)

The day went by pretty smoothly when we came back from the beach. It was around 4 P.M when we arrived at the Grey household. Joe and I went up to his room. I sat in his computer chair while he sat on the bed. I started spinning in the chair when he finally spoke up.

"Can I play you something?" He asked.

"Of course." I grinned, I loved hearing him sing for me. He got up and grabbed a guitar. He doesn't usually play it, but he claimed he did so every once in a while.

He started strumming the chorus to Secondhand Serenade's 'Fall For You'.

Because tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you

Over again

Don't make me change my mind

I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

You're impossible to find.

I had tears in my eyes when he finished. He placed the guitar down and I went over and hugged him as tight as I could.

"I think I'm starting to fall in love with you Lilly," he whispered. I hugged him even tighter when I heard that.

It was soon 7 P.M and Kevin said he'd arrive any minute now. Ding-Dong! Right on time. I walked downstairs with Joe and opened the door. Marisa and Nick came over shortly as I greeted Marisa and Melissa with hugs and let them in.

"Where's Kevin?" asked Joe, "Did aliens abduct him on your way here?!" Everyone laughed, especially Melissa.

"Ha-ha, Joe! You're so funny!" exclaimed Melissa. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Miley. She shrugged. I grabbed Joe's hand and led them to the kitchen. Kevin came in and we soon found out that he was outside parking the car. We all sat down at the table and began to eat. Everyone was talking with their neighbors until Melissa asked a question.

"So, Nick, you have a girlfriend?" asked Melissa, grinning.

He glanced at Miley and replied with a 'no, not at the moment.'

"Oh, good." she smiled and rested her elbow on the table, chin rested on palm and stared at Nick. He looked around uncomfortably and started picking at his food. Thankfully, dinner was over about a half hour later and one by one we sat down in the living room. I sat next to Joe on the sofa, Nick and Miley on the loveseat, Kevin and Marisa on the other sofa with Melissa next to them.

We turned on the T.V and was watching Disney Channel when the music video for 'Lovebug' came on.

"Oh my gosh, Nick! You look so adorable in this!" gushed Melissa. Nick gave her a half-smile. She soon yawned and Marisa noticed.

"Oh, we should get going Melissa. We have to go out tomorrow morning remember?"

"Yeah… you know, we should all do something together tomorrow!" exclaimed Melissa. She looked around the room, nodding her head, smiling.

"Uh, I can't… I'm taking Lilly out tomorrow. Right, Lilly?" Joe gave me a pointed look.

"Right, right." I nodded.

"Well how about you, Nick?" asked Melissa, giving him a flirtatious look. Nick looked around at us and started to look uncomfortable. Nick wasn't ever the kind of person to lie, he wasn't all that good at it.

"Uh… I'm going to the mall with Miley tomorrow! Yeah, that's it. That's what I'm doing," said Nick. He looked as if he was convincing himself more then Melissa.

"Oh, well can I come?" asked Melissa with hopeful eyes.

"Uh… sure." replied Nick. Miley rolled her eyes and leaned back on the seat.

"Okay! That's great! Thanks! Here, give me your number so I can call you tomorrow," she said, as she handed him her blackberry.

"Okay…" he punched his numbers in and Miley folded her arms across her chest.

"Great! I'll call you tomorrow! Okay, let's go Marisa!" She grinned, almost skipped out the door and pulled Marisa along. In the distance you could hear 'I-got-nick-grey's-number being chanted.

I hope that was okay.


