Summary: It has been two years since the defeat of the Andriods and Cell. Mirai Trunks and
his mother have rebuilt Capsule Corporations and now work to help the world recover the horrors it survived. However, the discovery of a strange child drags Trunks and his world into the path of an Ancient War that. With the help of a new ally, can Trunks protect his planet from the onslaught of war, or will he sacrifice it in the name of one, innocent child?
Find out in...
The Battle of Dragon World
A FanFiction by Moonlit Memories
A.K.A. C.C. Jusino
Disclaimer: I don't own BSSM or DBZ characters or their histories. Don't sue, or I cry.
Claimer: I own the bad guys and the plot line. Don't steal.
The room was black, cold, and damp. No light bled in from the entrance that laid at the far end of the square room. No window gave hint of escape. The wooden pole at her back was splintered and rough, but her skin was already numb from the pain and bloodloss. She was disoriented, no longer able to tell if she was still hanging upside down or standing right side up. Her feet were blue from lack of circulation. The leather rope was dug deep into her paling flesh, and kept her petite and mangle body suspended against the pole. The steady drip of what she knew to be her own blood, from her own tortured and naked body, was the only sound next to her raggid breath and the scrape of her finger tips against the smooth, cold floor.
How long had she hung there.
A day?
A Week?
A Year?
That still sounds far too short, she thought.
At least they still came to her every so often; they still questioned her. It was when they were gone that the delerium got the worst of her. It was then that their bloody, dead faces came to her, pointing their rotting fingers at her. It was when they threatened her the most.
At least when the that man came in, they were real.
How pitiful, she thought, the Messiah of Death afraid of the dead.
A new sound pierced the silence of the room. It raked at her ears. She would have plugged the sound out with the heel of her hands, but she wasn't too sure she had them any more. Instead, she hung there and looked expectantly in the drection of the only exit to her nightmare: a smooth wall as white as snow within the light, and as black as space within the dark.
It started as a thin sliver, and then grew into a blinding beam. Light washed over the blood stained floors and caused the roaches and rats to scatter. It bled away the wall she peered out, and made it thin into a sheer sheet that dangled from the cieling.
Her already swollen eyes squinted as the light seered her vision, but she forced her eyes to stay open. She forced them to stare at the hulking form of a man as he lumbered into the room followed by his soldiers on either side.
They learned weaks ago that she was still dangerous; she was still able to hurt their precious master despite her bonds. It was why they took such precaustion, such care to protect him when near her dangling body. It was somewhat of a comfort to her destraught mind.
His fingers, cool and smooth, gripped her jaw and confirmed to her that it was indeed shattered. Pain seered her flesh, and the sound of shifting bones reached her bleeding ears, but it passed quickly. Her eyes struggled to keep focus on the face; flawless, sculpted, and beautiful. His lips curved into a smile. His golden hair made him look like an angel within the bright light from above. It was all lies.
"Have you decided to speak?" He asked. His voice was soft, and it carressed her aching mind.
Despite his obvious beauty, which plagued her day after endless day, she spat the dried blood and mucus that flooded her mouth onto his face. Her dry and broken lips pressed into a thin line of determination.
"I don't think you understand," he stated softly, though clearly disgruntled by her actions. "This is the last time I will ask you to volunteer the information before we are forced to pry it from you brain your majesty. So, I will ask you one last time:
"Where is Neo-Queen Serenity's Daughter? Where is she hiding?"
"Fuck you!" she spat with a venom in her voice she thought died weeks earlier. "I will never betray the royal family, my friends! So kill me already! You will get nothing!"
Her voice rung loudly within the room. It bounced off the nearby walls and echoed out into the empty corridor. The determination, the loyality, bled from each syllable. She refused to be broken by this creature before her, or any for that matter.
He sighed, softly, and shook his head in disappointment.
"I don't understand," he muttered as he turned towards the door. "We've let you watch everyone you know die, watch countless of worlds crumble, an eternity of innocent lives murdered. And all because you refuse to tell me one, simple thing.
"You think me a selfish monster, I know. But truely, honestly, are the crystals, is one life, really worth it?"
"Yes," she muttered without hessitation. "Especially when that one life will be the one to destroy the likes of you, and yours."
"I see. Well, I'm sure you'll think differently once the Ek-ler gets through with you."
With that said he exited the room, and plunged her once more into darkness. She heard the locks slide into place as the entranced melded back into a seamless wall, and softly sighed to herself. Then she heard it.
Metal slid against metal.
A small compartment, she pictured, opened and shut somewhere to her right. Something heavy slammed onto the iron floor. Then there was tapping of boney feet, which echoed into the room. She felt the first of many small claws dig into her skin. She couldn't see the creatures, but she felt the blood they drew. She heard the hiss of their mandibles and felt the poison from their bite.
Panic bagan to override her senses. The poison began to burn beneath her flesh.
Akin to fire ants, she momentarily thought.
They were so much worse though.
The fire grew, and she found herself thrashing against the pole, hoping to rid her body of the alien insect. They continued their assault upon her, picking at her flesh, careless of her attempts.
The first of many screams started to rise in her throat. Her split lips spread open to let free her cry, but allowed the small bugs access into her mouth instead, filling it, filling her throat. Slowly they widdled their way into her body, setting it afire and muting her pained cries of help. Their little feet dug into her tongue, her gums, her throat. Ripped at her vocal cords. They filled her lungs with their poison, then slowly, they began to devour her from the inside out. Piece, by little, piece, and she felt it. She felt every little rip, and every little tear.
Stuck in her pain, the only image that came to her mind was of one little girl, whom last she saw, had just turned three. Her small, royal gown was soaked in blood as she raced across the ruined street. She screamed out to her, her little arms out stretched, not to leave her on this strange planet. A planet so green, so quiet. She would be safe there, she knew. Yes, she would be safe in the Dragon World, the moon would make sure of it. Safe, far away from the nightmares of here.
"Dragon World," he muttered as he watched the girl from his place beyond the twelve inch thick glass that seperated the viewing room from her cage.
A smile spread across his face.
Dragon World.
To Be Continued...
Preview of Chapter One:
"Do you think she's from some foreign land to the north?" Trunks asked without a glance to his mother.
Bulma shrugged slightly before she sunk into the couch, next to him. She placed a hand upon his knee and gave it a small squeeze. She said truthfully:
"I honestly don't know of any people, on this planet with as strange a marking as that girl's."
"It could just be a birth mark," Trunks offered.
"A yellow birth mark so flawlessly shaped?" Bulma critisized. "I doubt that much."
"So what? You think she's some lost alien child?"
"Well she wouldn't be the first to land here..."
Dear Reader,
Okay, so once again I've started a new story. I needed something easier
to concentrate on, something familiar. I'm very used to writing DBZ/ SM crossovers and
so decided this would give me the creative boost I'd need. My goal for this story? Well, to
make it a good one and finish it, of course.
As for what I have in mind for the storyline?
Well, for those of you who look for a romantic pairing I'm sorry to say that I have not
made a decision upon that. I would like to make a pairing, but then everyone gets
sooo hooked up on who's getting with who the story gets lost somewhere in
the process. For now, I may hint of romance, but it is not the focus. The story is.
If something happens, then something happens. I'll let the story write itself, and it'll only do
that if you give it some feed back. After all I'm a very comment motivated person.
How can I be motivated to write more, if I don't know if people like or don't like what I write.
Ya know? So please review.
Always & Forever!
-Moonlit Memories
P.S. Chapter One is Already written, I just have to proof read it, and edit it. So.
A little reviewing might just give me the incentive to do those things a little faster. -wink wink-