In the Right Direction

In the Right Direction

Author's note: I know it has been years since I have last updated, but life throws curveballs and sometimes you just can't get out of the way in time. In layman's terms: softball, job, car crash…man drama. So here it is. I'm going to be better about updating, and this story is almost over.

Chapter 7

"Well, Dr. uh…uh"

"Cameron, Dr. Alison Cameron." she stated, annunciating each syllable so harshly the words seemed to cut through the muted white noise of the busy hospital.

"Right of course. I'm going to be hanging around for the next week or so, making sure everything is in order before my departure."

Dr. Henderson, the then almost holographic head of immunology spoke so slowly that by the time he finally finished a thought, Cameron had already forgotten what he had been trying to convey in the first place. Cameron grimaced at the thought of having to shadow Henderson around for the next week, although she tried to hide her annoyance with an overtly fake smile. Then she realized that he was so old, and his eyesight was so poor he probably couldn't discern between her facial features anyway.

"Let's see here, almost three years working for Dr. House, quite a feat, various internships, Dr. Cameron, you seem to be the most qualified applicant for the position, I believe you have the job."

Cameron smiled and gave herself an internal 'woohoo.'

"I'm sure there are various forms that must be completed and signed by myself and Dr. Cuddy, I'll just head down to her office an-"

"You know what Dr. Henderson," Cameron interjected, "I was just on my way downstairs, and I'd be happy to bring you all the necessary forms myself." Cameron was not going to wait the good twenty-five minutes it would take Henderson to shuffle his venerable self down the three floors to Cuddy's office and then back up to his own office, which would soon become hers anyway.

Cameron spent the rest of the afternoon filling out paperwork and checking on her remaining ER patients. When the end of the day neared, Cameron traveled upstairs to the diagnostics office, hoping she hadn't already missed House. As she approached she saw Foreman packing up for the day.

"Hey, do you know if House is still here?" She asked as Foreman saw her entering the glass conference room.

"He actually took off a little early today," Cameron and Foreman shared a look of understanding.

"It was a good one, patient had complications from William's disease, hadn't seen that one before." Foreman said as he cleaned off the white board then grabbed his coat and headed for the door,

"See you later Cameron." A simple 'bye' was all Cameron could say. Head of immunology was obviously a step up for her, and she was thankful to get out of the ER, but as she sat alone in her old domain, she realized how much she truly missed solving the puzzles, being part of a team, and working with House. At first, he would tell her about interesting cases and she feigned indifference; not wanting to show him how deeply she missed the differential diagnosis sessions. After a while, she suspected that House noticed her reaction because he began only mentioning cases when he needed her input. Cameron tapped the pads of her fingers against the cool glass of the conference room table; remembering long nights pouring over files, numerous cups of coffee, and the tension, most of the time sexual, that would pass silently through stares between herself and House. Glancing through the dividing wall into House's office she saw that his jacket and backpack were indeed both gone. With a sigh, she pushed through the office door and walked down the hall; a last look lingering over her shoulder.

House had been home for a while. He was already on the couch; feet propped up, glass of something to dull the pain conveniently not on a coaster. The TV was on. It served only as a way to discern his thoughts and think clearly. To a man whose mind never stops working, the television allowed one part of his mind focus on it, while the rest of his mind was free to either obsess about something else, or submit to the mind-numbing abyss that was cable programming and disconnect altogether. Then again, sometimes he really just wanted to watch white trash getting arrested on Cops.

And people say he's self-destructive.

Tonight, the TV was serving as a mediator. Work was the same, interesting cases, clinic duty; bisexual innuendos. The leg pain was still a dull, aching, constant reminder of a previous lifetime, but something was different. A week ago, waking up in a bed warmed by another body, a body that cared whether or not his leg hurt, a body whose emotions were altered by his actions, made him realize he was responsible for Cameron's happiness; a thought that both simultaneously surprised and scared him. He had felt content that morning. This only confused him further. He had based his entire adult existence on being miserable, and in a way in kind of worked for him. It allowed him the no strings attached medical prowess that made him a successful doctor. While misery was the catalyst for his genius, it was also the antagonist in his internal struggle to remain a version, albeit a tattered version of his former self. Then, he heard the door unlock and the object of his musings stepped through the doorway.

Cameron entered the apartment to find House twisting to look at her from over the back of the couch. She offered him a weak smile as a greeting. He nodded. She peeled off her coat and dropped her bag to the floor. She plopped herself down on the couch next to House but not close enough to touch. His eyes didn't even leave the TV. They weren't a touchy couple. Cameron found it slightly amusing that it was possible for a man to be so intimately familiar with her body and capable of satisfying her desires in ways no other man could, and yet still be awkward around her. It was almost like they were more comfortable sleeping together than they were conversing.

"I got the immunology spot." Cameron said on an exhale. This got his eyes turned towards her.

"Good." House said with a nod. Cameron couldn't help but feel disappointed in his lack of response. But what was she expecting? She was about to get up to find something to eat when House's arm came around the back of the couch and landed on her shoulder. He applied enough pressure to pull her towards his body. Then his lips connected with her temple. He closed his eyes and let his lips linger, he inhaled the scent of her shampoo, and his hand moved in lazy circles over her arm. Cameron was taken by surprise. The scrape of his stubble balanced with the softness of his lips. This rare token of affection was completely House: unexpected, completely consuming, and infused with more meaning than could be contemplated.

After a moment he pulled away from her face but left his arm around her shoulders, he turned back to the TV like nothing had ever happened. Cameron scanned his features. Something was up. He was acting a little…different. She decided it was time to talk, reconnect, and how did these two communicate? Intimacy. She leaned over and placed one blatantly sexual kiss on the corner of his mouth. He just raised his eyebrows at her.

Cameron had been working with Dr. Henderson for an entire week, and it was finally time for the geezer to hit the fan. His retirement couldn't come a moment too soon. From his geriatric smell, to his languid movements, Cameron had just about had enough.

Cameron unlocked the door to the apartment and stepped inside. As soon as she shut the door she fell back against it with a sigh. She was both exhausted and relieved. Taking on a new job was always hard, but not even Cameron could have anticipated that being a department head would be so much work, besides, House was one. Pushing off the front door, she wandered deeper into the apartment wondering where a certain man was dwelling.

"House? You Home?" Cameron called as she checked the kitchen and bedroom. From down the hall she heard a reply muffled by the closed bathroom door.

"Yeah in here."

Cameron opened the bathroom door to find House, lounging in the bathtub, book in hand; frameless glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Cameron swore the temperature rose a couple degrees. As she entered the bathroom, his eyes scanned her form as she placed a hand on the pedestal sink for balance while she removed her heels; his eyes returned to the book within his grasp. Cameron continued to disrobe, making short comments about how awful her week had been until she stood completely naked before him.

"Make room," she said even as she was stepping into the tub, ignoring the annoyed grunt coming from House. Despite his annoyance, he did move back and bend his legs allowing Cameron to slide in front of him, after all she was naked. When she was settled in the tub, she let out a pleased noise and House continued reading. After a moment, Cameron began running her hands up and down House's thighs.

"You know, I was trying to read and now I can't."

"Why can't you?" Cameron was trying for innocence. House set down his book on the side of the tub and wrapped his arms around her, pressing her body closer to his. Cameron readied herself for his touch.

"My glasses are fogged up." House teased into her ear. Cameron smirked. So that was how he wanted to play it.

"Must be hell getting old; anatomy failing." The pun completely intended. She grabbed one of his now free hands and drew a finger into her mouth. House squeezed his eyes shut, but his voice remained more or less normal.

"That's what you get for involving yourself with an older man." He patted her shoulders,

"Up," Cameron reluctantly exited the tub with House not far behind. He took off his glasses and threw them onto the vanity.

"Maybe I should get contacts." Cameron hated the idea of anything masking his eyes; however, she shrugged giving off a noncommittal vibe,

"I like the glasses. You look like the sexy professor I never had." In fact Cameron actually got off on his signs of age. Instead of flaws she saw them as defining characteristics that made him who he was.

"So department head not exactly what you'd hoped for?" House questioned her as they readied themselves for bed.

"It's more paperwork than patients at this point. I'm hoping it picks up later on. A little excitement would be nice. I would ask you for suggestions but I'm pretty sure it would just end up with me topless, 13 nearby, and you with some recording device," Cameron only half-joked. House replied,

"Look at it this way, it might convince me to make it to a board meeting."