Disclaimer: No i don't own NE thing only in my dreams i do.


Souta and Kagome – 10; Souta is older by a few minutes.

Naruto and Sasuke – 12

Kakashi – 26

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade – 36 (Yes, they are a lot younger here. Deal with it.)

Itachi – 18

Sesshoumaru – 19

The rest of rookie nin- 12

Lee, Tenten, Neji- 13

Shisui - 19

Pairings are as follows

Kagome and Sasuke

Souta and Hinata

Naruto and Ino

Lee and Tenten

Other's are undecided as of yet.

Chapter 5

Sesshoumaru looked at the gates before him.


Leaping into a branch in a high tree he scanned the village only stopping when he found out he was looking for.

Kagome and Souta.

The two were talking with two other kids a bit older than they were.

Nodding his head and glad the two was alright he turned and leaped out of the tree and vanished into the shadows of the forest his words flowed from his lips and drifted on the wind to caress the ears of the two Hakumei Kitsunes.

Kagome and Souta stopped and looked up, their ears twitching.

'Take care Souta, Kagome and remember we will come and visit soon'

The twins looked and each other and grinned. "Sesshoumaru-nii-sama!" they called

Naruto and Sasuke blinked at them curiously but shrugged.

"So father tells me that the two are you are entering the chunin exams also."

"Yeah, though he said he was going to find someohe else that would fill the the third position on our team." called Souta

"I wonder who it's going to be?" whispered Sasuke

"T hope his strong enough to keep up with us!" called Kagome

"Yay." agreed Souta

"Don't worry knowing father he is going to have someone that is strong enough to keep up with you guys, no doubt about that." called Naruto with a smile

"Did he say when we would be able to meet this mysterious male because the exams begin in less than two weeks?" questioned Kagome as she tilted her head to the side.

Naruto shrugged, "He said he'll let you guys know in a day or two. He wanted the best to be paired with you, one he knew would work well with you two."

"Well..." Kagome started

"What do you guys want to do now?" finished Souta

"Let's get some ramen!" called Naruto

"Do you ever eat anything besides ramen, Naruto." called Kagome with a raised brow,

"NO!" called Sasuke glancing the blond who had opened his mouth only to clse it and pouted when his best friend ruined his would be lie to Kagome.

Shaking his head Sasuke regarded Narto with a raised brow, "She would have smelt your bluntant lie, dobe."

"Teme!" scowled Naruto

Kagome sighed while Souta shook his head at the two, if he didn't know that Sasuke liked his sister or that Naruto had a girlfriend he would have said something about their behavior, and how it reminded him of how people who like each other acted.

By teasing or making fun of the other!

Snorting at that thought Souta shook his head when Kagome glanced at him in confusion wondering about what was going through his head.

Smiling Souta told her it was nothing, he was just thiking about something funny.

Shrugging her shoulder Kagome didn't bother to press the issue, knowing Souta wouldn't tell her anything anyways.

"So, are we going to eat?" called Kagome

Souta smiled when Naruto froze in mid argue and turn to face his sister.

"Of course we are, dattebayo! Let's go!" he called

"We are not going to eat ramen, Naruto-kun. Besides Souta and I have to meet the others at the Tama resturant and you two are coming with us."

"We are?" questiond Sasuke and Naruto with raised eyebrows.

Kagome nodded her head and took both boys by their arms. "After we bathe and get changed, We don't have to be their till 2:00 and right nows almost one."

Smiling at his sisters antics Souta followed behind her.

Sasuke remained quiet knowing btter than to argue with Kagome once she made up her mind, beside eating at Tama was better than having ramen...again.

Even though he wanted ramen, Naruto agreed to go home and get ready to go to Tama instead, after all he could always get ramen after they left Tama.

Read this it is important:

My updates are going to be slow...I have the blue tooth wireless keyboard and mouse and it all of a suddently died on me almost a week ago, so I can't get onto my computer to download any of my work. I am using my brother's lap top right now posting this chapter because it was the only one that was finish being written up. So until I get the money to purchase mw another key baord and mouse, updates are going to be slow or none existent...fpr now anyways.

I am so sorry!!

Well I hope you liked this so far, I didn't really care for it,

But please review, NO FLAMES...

