Ichigo and Uryuu's turn at Valentine's Day, another first time pair for me.

It's the last of the Valentine's drabble's series, a week later but hope you've enjoyed and stay tuned for some replies to the answered/unfinished drabbles. As My Clingy Valentine, this piece has some themes that some people might not enjoy. So read at your own risk. And my deepest apologies for any damaged caused to your sanity. It's a dead give away if you've read the ficlet mentioned.XD

Enjoy and don't be shy, leave your thoughts, corrections and/or suggestions.

My Crooked Valentine

Ichigo entered the classroom and smiled widely as he spotted Uryuu, sitting on his desk, looking out the window with a thoughtful expression, his right hand lightly scratching his stomach. The substitute shinigami walked over and sat at the desk in front of the Quincy's. Getting his attention, he greeted, "Mornin'."

Ishida nodded to Ichigo's greeting, but said nothing.

Unfazed and accustomed by Uryuu's usual aloofness in the mornings, Ichigo leaned closer and placed his hands around Ishida's neck. "Here…" he said, while trying to get the shirt's collar straight as well as the tie.

"What are you doin'?" Ishida complained, trying to move away.

"Will ya stop squirmin'?"

"I will, if you'll let go of me."

"I'm just trying to get yer tie straight. It's crooked," Ichigo stated, still trying to work the tie.

"I can do it myself. Thank you." Ishida huffed.

"I'd like to see ya do that without a mirror!" Ichigo smirked. "Don't fret; I'm just tryin' to help ya." The orange-haired boy pulled the shirt's collar in place, a finger escaping the cloth and caressing the white skin, Ichigo grinned as he felt Ishida shiver and his skin getting all irregular with goosebumps.

"Stop that, we're in school."

"Will ya relax? There's no one here." Ichigo finished setting the tie straight and lightly kissed Ishida, handing the Quincy a wrapped, red package to deflect his attention from the kiss.

"What's this?" Uryuu asked, surprised.

"Open it and ya'll see."

Under Ichigo's scrutinizing stare, Uryuu unwrapped the present to discover a pair of yellow, woolen baby boots. He looked up at Ichigo, even more surprised.

"Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry it isn't some homemade chocolate or the likes but since I burn the rice and everything else every time I try to cook, the girls have banned me from the kitchen. I also think this is more appropriate for our state," Ichigo said nervously waiting for Uryuu's reaction.

Ishida's lips quirked up a bit and Ichigo felt relieved.

"I did try to get Yuzu to give me some of her own chocolates but I didn't succeed in convincing her."

Ishida's lips raised some more. "The point is for you to have some work while trying to get the present for your Valentine." Ishida blushed deeply and cleared his throat.

"Well I went all the way to that fancy store in the mall."

"Very hard-working." Ishida chuckled and turned to his desk to retrieve something from his schoolbag.

Ichigo looked over Uryuu's shoulder, curious of what the other boy was doing, placing his hands on either side of the boy for support and to get a little closer. Ishida turned in the embrace, blushing at the closeness but bearing it for the moment and pressed a knitted box, with a delicious smell of chocolate, to Ichigo's chest.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"

"For me?" Ichigo asked, surprised.

Ishida raised his eyebrow. "Who else?"

Ichigo grabbed the box, bringing it close to his nose, it smelled divinely. "Well, of course… it's just… I didn't think you'd…" He looked at Uryuu's annoyed expression and concluded, with a quick peck to the lips, "thanks."

But that kiss seemed too little, so Ichigo moved in again, kissing Uryuu again; lips pressed against lips, a small suckling of the Quincy's lower lip, a snaking tongue entering Ichigo's' mouth, hands getting frantic on their chests.

The noise of arriving students sounded in the hallway and the next moment they are apart.

"We really shouldn't do this at school." Uryuu panted, while pushing Ichigo away.

"We'll continue at home." Ichigo suggested from his seat.

Ishida shrugged but Ichigo could see his upturned lips and a soothing hand placed in his stomach, scratching lightly. Ichigo smiled contently, too.
