Disclaimer: characters belong to J.K. Rowling!!!

Hermione leaped into his strong arms. "Ron's being a nasty git!" she sobbed. But they both knew he wasn't. "I'll kick his bloody arse for you," Draco said in her ear. But they both knew he wouldn't. They'd be together until Hermione felt comforted enough, or Draco got too exhausted, whichever came first. Then she'd leave and come back the next day, just to start the whole cycle again. They were both married, not to each other, but it didn't matter. He was her air; she was his life.

They had been together since Hermione had literally run into him nineteen years after Hogwarts. She was married to Ron Weasley and had two children. Draco was also married and had one son. He had seen her happy with Ron, and, feeling a bit jealous for a reason unknown to him, he had snuck away from his wife. Hermione had also grown tired of looking after the children and needed some time for herself. She had walked alone in the train station 9 ¾. It brought back many memories, and suddenly, she hit something hard and would have fallen backwards if a hand hadn't caught her wrist. She looked into the grey eyes of Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy?" she asked, hesitantly. He smiled at her. They were both greatly changed. She had laughed. "Wow, you've changed a lot!" He grinned at her again and pulled her up.

"You've changed too. For the better," he had said, and she had blushed. They had talked for half an hour before she heard Ron calling for her.

"I've got to go," she said, and he grinned at her.

"I'll see you soon," he replied, before planting a quick kiss on her lips. Hermione had been stunned, and it had started her heart thumping wildly in her chest, like never before. After that, they had met more than once, first just as friends, then as lovers. They never met at night; it would be too suspicious. It just happened that he would stay home every Tuesday while his wife would work, and the same would happen with Hermione. In their minds, they were married to two different people, yet they truly loved only one. For the greater good, they stayed with their spouses. For their greatest good, they stayed with each other.