Save Tonight

Six days later

The hardest part, Cooper would remember later, was the way Maxie's eyes looked at the airport. Strong but empty, as if he was dying instead of going off to war, as if there was very little chance he could come back to her again.

Life had taught her not to hope. She seemed scared of that particular emotion. To fight that fear she lashed out at every target she could find...but on the day he left there had been none. Just Georgie and Logan standing there trying so hard to say all the right things to Cooper- how they knew he would be home in no time, how they were both sure.

But Maxie is really the only person he saw in that moment. Her eyes begging him to stay, and his heart desperate to be able to.

"Sky Airlines flight 1150 Port Charles to San Diego is now boarding at gate 2."

"That's me," Cooper said.

Logan shook his hand and said "Take care, buddy. Shoot them before they shoot you. Please."

Cooper pulled him into a quick hug. "You got it. I'll keep that one in mind."

Georgie told him "I'm really proud to know someone who would sign up to risk his life for this country. I'll be praying for you."

"Thank you." He hugged Georgie and whispered in her ear "Take care of them for me."

She nodded.

Cooper stepped close to Maxie. She murmured "It can't be time already..."

The last week had flown by, as they spent every second together that they could, trying to make up for all the time that would be lost, and knowing they simply could not.

He cupped her face with his hands. "So beautiful."

She started to cry- loud, broken sobs, not caring who heard.

Cooper told her "This last year...its been the best of my life. You made it that. I'll think of you everyday...I'll remember every single thing."

(If I had no more time
No more time left to be here

Would you cherish what we had?
Was it everything that you were looking for
?) (Alicia Keyes)

Cooper went on, " And when I can...I'll come home to you. Wherever you are...that's where my home is now."

"I need you here...I"m horrible without you. Don't you know that? Ask anyone!"

"No one knows you. And what they think...that isn't you. You never needed me to make you anything...sane, healthy, were always magnificent, underneath, you just had to let it show."

"No one could see it but you. Please, please, please...just don't die! Promise you won't. Promise, Cooper. Promise me!"

Seeing her sister, screaming and crying, sent tears streaming down Georgie's face. Logan gruffly took her in his arms, doing his best to keep his own tears from falling.

Instead of answering her, Cooper kissed Maxie.

(Hold me like this is the last time.

Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again.

Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time.

Promise that you'll love me
Love me like you'll never see me again)

Into her ear he whispered "Just a pause. Our love will go on."

He stepped back, she reached out and grabbed his hand. Georgie moved out of Logan's arms. She put an arm around her sister. Cooper let go of Maxie's hand.

(Touch me like this is the last time-
see everyday we never know.

Promise that you'll love me-
I want you to promise me.Love me like you'll never see me again-
like you'll never see me again.)

He started to walk away. Maxie's eyes were locked on him. Georgie said "Let's go..."

"No, no, no...Cooper!" Maxie ran after him. He turned around and scooped her into his arms. She kissed him again. "I love you! Write me. Call me. Don't love anyone else but me."

"I never could."

He set her down.

Maxie said "Well, good. Cause there is no way in hell I am letting the army ruin my relationship. Who do they think they are? Really?'re still mine. But I guess they can borrow you for a little while...since they are being so pigheaded and stubborn about it and all. You just hurry back, okay! Hurry..."

One last kiss. One last moment where their love was perfect.

Then he had to walk away, with his heart and head and soul praying that he would one day be able to walk back into Maxie's arms again. She thought that he made her a better person, that he saved her from herself. But Cooper knew it was Maxie who made his world better. Before her, he was selfish, he was greedy, he was eager to get something for nothing, he was a criminal. She never saw any of that though. Because from the moment he fell for her in that vault, he left all that behind.

That night saved his life. This woman he loved, saved him from being an average everyday loser working in a crew with a bunch of other losers. She made his life extraordinary, if only for the span of one short year.

It was a year of love and loss. Perfect in its own imperfect way. It was the year Cooper Harlan Barret fell in love for the last time in his life.

(Love me like you'll never see me again
like you'll never see me again...)