Here I am again, with a real-live proper fanfiction! dance

So, Naruto belongs to Kishimoto and In Your Honour belongs to the Foo Fighters. It's an awesome song and goes well with Hidan.

Incidentally, He happens to be the subject of this fic, along with Dei-Dei. Enjoy!

Mine is yours,

Yours is mine

I will sacrifice

In your honour

I would die tonight

A scream of pain cut through the darkness. Make that two screams, laced with maniacal laughter. Hidan was never a quiet person. With that kind of power, you didn't need to sneak around. In Hidan's case, he didn't think that it was worth looking for others. They could only try to kill him for so long before they got bored. Or dead.

That was probably why Akatsuki had been able to track him this far, after all, he was no good to them dead and by now they knew it was pointless to even try. Nevertheless, Pein wasn't going to let an opportunity like this go to waste, and if Hidan couldn't be brought round to Akatsuki's way of thinking, then they'd just have to recruit him by more… forcible means.

Click.The scope whirred back into place.

"He's… actually pretty good. You sure you don't want him as a partner?" This first voice sounded carefree, the kind of person who took risks just because they could. Anyone listening carefully would have noticed that there was a slight tic at the end of his speech, so that he made a kind of 'hm' sound. There was a sigh, and the sound of someone being slapped.

"This is no time for making jokes, brat. You're only here as backup, and it's not as if we can't say you jumped over a cliff or something." The second voice was harsher, somehow cold and unconcerned. There was silence for a few moments, and a mutter of:

"Well at least I didn't get a humour-ectomy while I was screwing with my internal organs…"

"What internal organs would these be? Yet another extra mouth? Where's this one, your appendix?"

"Shut it, it's not my fault my art is foolproof!"

"Oh how cute, the brat is trying to be cultured again…"

"Will you two just shut up for one minute?" This new voice hissed angrily. It fell silent again. "I could have managed this myself in the time you've wasted bickering!"

In the distance, there was more screaming. With a sigh, the speakers stepped forward.

"Let's go get the newbie." The first speaker said, taking some clay and beginning to mould it into a shape.

"Don't get too trigger-happy, Deidara. Remember what happened last time?" The… creature on the ground looked at the blonde, who winced at the memory.

"Can we please get on with this?" The third speaker was hard to see in the gloom, only a pair of bright green eyes were showing.

The three began to move towards the source of the screaming, and three identical red and black designs disappeared into shadow.

Hidan was lying on the ground, covered in blood (not all his own, either). He was vaguely aware of somebody screaming, but the moment was gone. He wished they'd just hurry up and die, because he was getting a headache.

They stopped. Silently, Hidan thanked Jashin for shutting his latest victim up at last.

"Hm, guess we got here to late, un." A voice sighed, somewhere above him. Hidan opened his eyes and the speaker stepped back quickly. "My mistake…" they muttered.

Hidan stood up, shaking a little. Almost dying did that to a person, but it was always almost. Jashin forbid that he get what he actually wanted, for once.

"If you're here to kill me, you can't, so go away!" That got a laugh from the short one. Hidan wasn't sure because of the mask, but it looked like the guy with the creepy eyes was smirking. Asshole.

"Fucking leave me alone, alright?" The laughter stopped. Apparently it was time for the serious part.

"We can't do that, Hidan." The short one stepped forward. What was he, some kind of tortoise-man? Hidan rolled his eyes. Now it would probably attack him, then he could kill it, and if he was lucky, the other two would be spooked enough to leave.

"We're here to take you with us." Oh, that was new. He'd never been a kidnap victim before. Ought to be fun, if this guy would just hurry up and run at him. There was a pause. Did they want a response?

"Is it somewhere I can die?" Hidan asked. The blonde one smiled and said something to the one with the mask, who didn't reply. By now Hidan was getting pretty pissed off. What the hell was going on?

"I'll cut to the chase. We're Akatsuki. We want you to join us." The thing spoke calmly, as if it thought that was the end of the matter.

'Not fucking likely' Hidan thought. It was his turn to burst out laughing. "Me? Join you losers? You're kidding!" Hidan turned to walk away. "I've had enough of people dying on me."

There was the sound of a weapon being drawn. Hidan kept walking. What were they going to do, kill him? Hah. He readied himself for being stabbed in the back. Sure, it would hurt, but any effort was useless. Something was behind him now. A sneak attack? These guys really were idiots. Hidan stepped forward, or at least, he tried. And again. Looking down, he saw a kind of rope wrapped around his foot. He followed it back to the creepy guy. Next to him, Blondie was still smirking. Fuck that.

Hidan carefully lifted a scythe. Maybe if they saw he had a weapon…

The rope-thing got tighter and Hidan struggled to keep from falling over. When he regained balance, the blonde one was holding back laughter. Well, if they wanted him, closer, they only had to say…

Hidan jumped before they could react, spinning through the air and slicing through the rope. He seemed to pause as he landed, before taking another leap towards Blondie. She looked like she wasn't going anywhere. Hidan spun again, hoping he'd hit. The blonde had ducked, but not quite fast enough. She looked up. Did she know what was happening?

"Uh… Sasori no Dana?" The blonde said, risking a glance at the tortoise-thing. Hidan stepped back, surprised. So Blondie was male, and the thing had a name. Although why Blondie was referring to it as master was beyond him. It wouldn't matter in a minute, he thought, lapping up the droplets of blood on the scythe.

"Do you believe in anything, Blondie?" He asked, grinning.

"What the hell did you call me, un?" Hidan drew a circle on the ground at his feet.

"Answer the question…" He warned, adding a line.

"I believe in my art, and it's better than whatever you have!" The blonde threw something towards Hidan. A bug?

"Oh, scary. Well, too bad, 'cause I might just have spared you." Hidan drew in the last line as his skin began to change. Within a few minutes, he looked like some kind of demonic skeleton.

"Deidara… this is going to hurt." The thing said. Hidan could have sworn it was smiling, too.

While he was distracted, more of the ropes had appeared, entwining themselves so it was hard to move. Hidan cut through a few of them, but he wasn't really interested. There was a sudden pain in his side. The blond yelled something.

"Danna, what the hell, un?!" He was staring at the wound that had appeared in his side. Hidan risked a look down.

There was some kind of metal contraption stuck in his side. As in, very stuck. Hidan pulled at it. Why was it hurting this much?

"You know what's funny?" Hidan glared at the creature, or at least, he tried to. His vision was going fuzzy.

"You can't die from this, can you?" Hidan didn't answer. There was a click, and the blade withdrew. "Are you going to come with us now, or do we have to make this worse?"

Hidan shook his head. He could hardly talk anymore, which he had to admit was a first. He could survive poison, it would just hurt a little… He stumbled away from the circle, towards the tortoise-thing. He could kill it with his bare hands if he had to.

There was an irritated sigh from the creature.

"Deidara?" It looked towards the blonde, who was doubled over in agony. "Go for it."

The blonde made a hand sign and half-managed a cry of 'Katsu' before collapsing on the ground.

Hidan didn't see any of this, because what was left of him was hurtling through the still-smoky air. It stopped suddenly and Hidan opened his eyes to see a pair of bright green ones.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki, Hidan." Their owner said.

Okay, I'm done now. Review please? Even if you hated it, it's nice to know that you read it first...

Oh, and I'm planning to continue this, if y'all say you like it. It's my pitiful attempt at a backstory for Hidan.