Summary: Ita/Kaka Kakashi tries to run but Itachi keeps finding him.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Which would probably be a good thing.

A/N : I should be able to post the next chapter by the end of the weekend. Oh and that will be a lemon too because I know you want it to be. Read and enjoy please, and leave a review if you can.

Chapter six replaced.


The clone attacks. Kakashi, having pretended being distracted throws the kunai with as much force as he can. The clone tackles him, sending them both down but the jounin is the only one who hits the ground, the clone having disappeared.

Ignoring the pain coming from his ribs he jumps up, barely dodging an attack coming from the real Uchiha. The boy cries in frustration, enraged when something pierces his shoulder, the knife Kakashi had thrown at him. His prey doesn't flee from him, instead he receives a firm punch to his face. With his adrenaline rush still going the jounin punches again, but his arm is grabbed and he is flung over the younger male's shoulder.

He hits the ground in the wrong angle, feeling his neck snap. The excruciating sting runs down his spine and he can only watch through a teary eye as the boy moves closer.


"I am furious…" He can sound dangerous when he speaks with a flat tone of voice. But now, I think I heard his voice shake. He is so pissed his voice is shaking. That's not good… I'll be aching for a few days, that's for sure. But if it's up to him ill be hurting a lot longer.

At least I'm not the only one suffering from ache and fatigue. And there will be plenty more whoop ass where that came from, so don't you dare come closer to me.

Oh right…

I can barely move…

So no more whoop ass…

Better not move … there is something stuck in my left shoulder. I can spot the handle of the kunai he threw back at me. I can't remember getting stung by it when he threw it back. Or by the one in my leg… That one doesn't hurt so much though. Itachi reaches for it.


There you go. Back in the safe, sane hands of Itachi. Ha sane… I'm so funny…

"I swear to God if you are having fun down there…"

His voice still shakes. He looks like he's going to lose it.

"What if I am?" I think he's going to kill me, might as well make fun of him while I can. I wish my voice wasn't this hoarse and painful… then I could mock him. Just one last time… say something about his girly face.

Better not. I bet he gets mocked all the time because of it. He must be immune to it now. Then what is there to mock him with?

His black nails?

No, those are just some extra angst. It's pretty cool if you can paint your nails and still look scary as hell. Those things look sharp. He can rip flesh from bone if he would want to. I've never been scratched by nails before. How would it feel? Those nails digging into my skin as he tears through it. And if he would bite me when we…


I am going to die and that is what I think about? That's it I lost it, relief me from my misery now I still don't care about dying. Hurry before I start to have second thoughts.

"So you rather die now?" As if he would let me. He must be able to read my thoughts or something. Or did I just say it out loud?

There is a knot in the bottom of my stomach. And it feels as though my heart keeps skipping beats. There is slime in my lungs, my breath is becoming rigid. Must be the exhaustion… and the anxiety. Stop staring at me like that. Both of you. My vision is getting worse.

I hope I die from blood loss…



I don't want to die… I want to live…

Damn these second thoughts. Stay away from me. You too you sick little creep.


"I am so… so sick and tired of your clones."

Just one more reason for me to admire him. When a ninja makes a clone, be it one or more, I can still, somehow tell the difference. If you know a man long enough, or in my case obsessed about someone long enough you really get to know them. But not in Kakashi's case.

His clones are as real as he is, their fear, their hate, the way they move and talk are perfect.

Too perfect, because Kakashi isn't perfect. Not yet. He whimpers when I come to straddle his hips, out of desperation. I bind his wrists to the ground, I don't want him to run again. I love this technique…

There was a moment where he was ready to die, moments ago.


Now he doesn't want to die any more, he wants to fight back again.

"I am sorry." The first time in my life I truly feel sorry.

"Wh… what?" He doesn't even try to hide his confusion and surprise. He even stops struggling for a moment.

"For not tying you down, and getting so upset with you leaving. That was my own fault." I lean down on his chest, he moans again. Eagerly I pull his mask down, he protests by snapping at my fingers, such actions will not be tolerated anymore. I punch him and he yelps in surprise.

"That's a bad Kakashi." My jounin glares up, his lip cut and bleeding a little. I can feel my hunger for him grow, I want more.

"I won't make that mistake again." He needs to be thought boundaries. If you release a dog in the forest and it runs away, how can you be upset when it runs further then you want it to. And if it doesn't return when you call after it, it means you haven't taught it well enough. He needs to learn his own limitations. Ninja will keep going. They just do, even in a fight, like lions they won't stop until the other is dead. It is best if I start simple.

"Rule number one. You are no longer allowed to backtalk me. Do I make myself clear?"

He looks up at me as if I am crazy. I am, in a way I suppose. But I cannot be blamed. I have had him last night and I will have him again, after I punished him for his actions of betrayal.

"What makes you think I will obey you?" That pure defiance. As he speaks I can feel a shudder crawl down my spine. Almost perfect.

"Do you understand?"

"You fucker." I punch him again, harder this time. He is a smart man, my Kakashi, and he knows what I wish for, and what he did wrong. I can feel his legs kick the muddy ground softly, surely he isn't planning an escape?

This is not the time nor the place to get hard, but he just twists me in ways. His ragged breath, his shaking form. How he manages to look absolutely gorgeous now matter what. How perfect he looks with the sheer look of malice in his eye. He collects his bravery and spits in my face.

I cannot, I will not let him think he is safe from me, not for a moment. I will break him, and he will be mine eventually.


The Uchiha punches as a reply, the man beneath him coughs. The boy leans in again, his hand eagerly gripping at the kunai sticking out of Kakashi's chest.

"No more back talking. Do…" His grip tightens around the hilt. "… you …" The jounin knows what's coming and tries to move away, not succeeding. "… understand?" Kakashi screams when he twists at it.

Don't give in

It hurt so bad, the knife is imbedded deeply.

Fight… do something…

The pain outmatches all the other pain he can feel in his body. He writhes beneath the youngster, it hurts so damn much. The boy kisses the Jounin beneath him, unable to resist his urges any longer. The white haired male mewls frightfully when the boy grabs the kunai again and turns it slightly. He groans now, Itachi purring with him. He decides he want more and twists the blade with force making Kakashi scream against his mouth. So good, so beautiful, such bliss this is.

The jounin bites the male's lower lip only turning the male straddling him on. He's screwed, he knows he is. And he's going to be that's for sure. He moans again, pathetically, so tired he wants to sleep. His turn to mewl when Itachi bites back.

If only he could go to sleep, maybe he could wake up from this nightmare.