A/N okay so I've redone my Profile, and my Freewebs site. I'm hoping to get back into the writing thing. I've been so blocked the past few weeks... months... whatevs. Anyway, I took the 'journal' off my profile, it's just going to be on my freewebs. I also need to work on my quizilla stuff, that's my next thing I'm going to do. But I digress, this is my newest story and yeah, comments are loved, flames are laughed at, as nine times out of ten they make no sense anyway.

Chapter one


"Yes, and this will be your homeroom." I stared at the man blankly as a sucked every last drop from my juice box. "You'll love it here at East High."

"I somehow doubt that." I smiled, opening the door. Everyone went silent and turned to look at me. Wow... talk about weird.

Well, I guess it happens when you're the new kid, especially when said new kid is holding a juice box and in the last stages of a black eye. No, my parents don't beat me, I got in a might and got expelled. That's why I was transferred to East High. I cleared my throat and walked over to the teacher, tossing my juice box in the trash.

"Here." I handed her the paper with my information on it and headed for an empty seat.

"Demitra Maddox?" The lady looked at me.

"Demi." I corrected. Demitra was too... Addams family in my opinion. I could very well be looking too far into it.

"I'm Mrs. Jeffers." The teacher smiled. "Feel free to ask any questions about the school and I'm sure anyone would be thrilled to answer them."

"I bet they would." I raised an eyebrow, looking around. They turned away from me, probably avoiding the black eye... well more of a yellowish eye now, but whatever. I crossed my legs and looked down at the desk. Someone had etched 'GM luvs TB' in the plastic desk. It made me curious. Who was GM and did TB love her back? Maybe it was GM's way of letting out a crush. I stared at it, marvelling in the possiblitites until the bell rang. I grabbed my messenger bag and headed out to my next class.

Something that could be said about East High, the had school spirit, they had school spirit out the wazoo... well they would if I knew what a wzoo was, but I digress, red and white everywhere. Big creepy giant poster of the basketball team. Though I couldn't help but stare at the guy in the front. His blue eyes were expressive, his mouth formed into a smile. Like someone had said something funny when the took his picture.

Then I ran into a wall.

I got to first period Adv Chem with seconds to spare, taking a seat towards the back. The teacher took roll and after a minute looked at me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Demitra Maddox, Demi." I answered.

"What happened to your eye?"

"Fight at my old school." I shrugged, I hadn't even started it. I just... won. The teacher shrugged and started talking about Stoich. I already went through Adv Chem in my other school. Yes, I'm scary smart when it comes to math and science. I twirled my pencil in my finger until I realized the teacher was saying my name.

"Miss Maddox, since you don't feel you need to pay attention, why don't you show us how to do number three?" There was a paper in front of my with problems on it. I got up, taking the paper with me and quickly did the problem.

"23.47 Mols." I went back to my table, leaving the teacher to stare after me wide eyed. I sat down on the stool, crossing my legs again.

Finally it was lunch time. There I could eat my pretzals in peace. I got to the cafeteria and sighed, defeated, of course they had clique seating. As the new girl I didn't have a place to sit. I made a face and looked around until I head someone shout my name. I turned, shocked that anyone remembered the four letters. There, waving at me, was a girl with black and pink hair. I smiled and walked over.

"Hey I saw you in homeroom, nice shiner." She scooted over so I could sit down.

"Thanks... I think... I got in a fight, that why I transferred here , got expelled." I shrugged, pulling out my bag o' pretzal twists.

"What'd you get in a fight over?" a boy with bleach blonde hair asked.

"It was a lot of stuff, but it ended with a can of paint and a ruined stage." I took a bite of pretzal.

"Wow. Well I'm Stacey, this is Axe, Juni and Spinner." Axe was the blonde boy, Juni had blonde and green dreadlocks and Spinner had a flopped over mohawk. Stacey was, of course, the girl with black and pink hair.

"Demi." I nodded to the people that didn't know me yet.

They were the four coolest people I'd ever met, in any life, past or present. The best part, Axe had a car and said he'd drive me to school. Turns out Spinner's gay and Axe totally had the hotts for Stacey, not that he actually said anything, I could just tell, because it was completly freaking obvious.

"See ya Demi." Stacey waved as she and Axe headed to their next class. I had Gym, oh joy. Nothing better than gym. I headed for the locker room and the PE teacher gave me a uniform, saying I didn't have to dress out today, but I did have to participate the best I could. That made me wish I had gone for the skirt this morning and gotten out of it. Turns out boys and girl's gym is pretty much mixed. Oh, even better.

I walked out with the other girls, but instead of the red and white outfit I had on a tee shirt over a camisole and ripped skinny jeans with converse.

"Okay, to refresh your memories, and to catch Miss Maddox up, we are playing basketball." The teacher, Mr. Sweeney boomed, pacing back and forth. "Danforth, Bolton, you're the captains, start picking." A boy with wild curls and a boy with messy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, both from the big poster, stepped forward.

"Jason." Blue Eyes pointed, and so it began. In the end it was me, a girl with auburn hair and glasses, and a short boy with a black bowl cut.

"Kelsi." Curly nodded. The girl smiled and ran over. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot. They didn't even know how much I sucked and I was still picked last. Go figure. Blue Eyes pointed and said,

"New girl." It took me a minute to realize he was talking to me.

"New girl..." the blond girl behind him snapped. Even then I hadn't noticed.

"Demi." I looked up, frowning at them, they were staring.

"What?" I asked.

"He picked you." a hispanic girl smiled.

"Seriously?" I was shocked. I got picked before someone else... I nearly died from shock. I walked over and Little Bowl Boy went with Curly.

I got picked!