-1Summary: Here you meet Hermione's son….

Disclaimer: I do not own any of this… except Landon

Chapter 1: Meeting Landon

Hermione laid on her stomach upon her bed looking threw an old photo album she flipped threw the pages seeing old photos of her and her boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend Draco Malfoy. The reason for her break up was beyond her, all she could remember was watching him on their last day of school walk off with his father without a good bye or anything. She could feel a tear drop run down her face she quickly wiped the tear
away with the back of her hand before anyone saw her.

"Mommy!" yelled a little boy from outside her room. She quickly shut the photo album and set it on her beside table and slipped off her bed walking over to her bedroom door "mommy where are you?!" he yelled again. Hermione opened the door seeing a young blonde boy before her like an exact replica of Draco.

"I'm right here sweetie" she said softly as she walked over to him picking him up into her arms kissing his forehead softly "what does my baby want?" she asked softly

"I'm hungry" he said wrapping his little arms around her neck laying his head on her shoulder

"Oh yeah want do you want to eat?" she asked curiously as she carried the little five year old to the kitchen setting him down on the counter.

He tapped one of his baby index finger against his chin as if thinking of something which reminded Hermione so much of Draco making a smile appear upon her face "I want..." he looked at his mommy his baby blue eyes looking into her brown ones "...pancakes" he said with a bright smile upon his face.

"Ok sweetie if that's what you want" she said smiling softly kissing his forehead lightly before gathering the ingredients needed to make the pancakes "you want blue berry pancakes or just regular ones?" she asked looking over at her son

"Uh... no blue berries mommy that's yucky" he said making a face as if disgusted by the blue berries which made Hermione laugh softly as she left the blue berries alone.

"Ok no blue berries then" she said as she began making it "Wanna help mommy?" she asks carrying the bowl of ingredients over to where he son was sitting

"Yeah!" he said with a big bright smile

Hermione laid the bowl down next to him as she handed him the wooden mixing spoon "ok stir it sweetie" she said kissing his cheek as she stood next to him watching him stir the ingredients together.

After breakfast Hermione let Landon watch TV while she cleaned up the kitchen. Luckily it didn't take her long she walked into the living room leaning against the door frame as she crossed her arms across her chest looking over at her son with a small smile upon her face.

Landon turned his head and looked over at his mom "mommy?" he asked curiously

"Yes sweetie?"

"Can we go to the park?" he asked as he stood up on the couch facing her his little hands placed upon the back of the couch holding himself up "puhleeaaasseeee?" he asked looking at her giving her his little puppy dog eyes

"Yes sweetie we can but that means you gotta get ready now... come on"

Landon nodded his head and got off the couch running over to his mommy right into her arms. Hermione picked him up and carried him to the bathroom setting him on top of the counter as she ran his bath water.

Once she was done giving Landon a bath she dressed him in his little basketball shorts and a white t-shirt "mommy spike up my hair" he said pointing at his hair as he looked at his mommy

"Sweetie your hair is to long to do that now" she said as she picked him up and brushed his hair. He had hair just like his father "god you are so much like him" she said softly

"Like daddy?"

Hermione nodded her head "yes like daddy" she said softly as she grabbed her purse and her keys she carried her son and headed out to the front door as she opened the door...