Judge Turpin's Tuesday Planner
7:30 Wake up
7:35 get ready
8:00 spy on Johanna while changing
8:30 Eat breakfast
9:00 go to job that messes up peoples lives
1:50 eat lunch
2:30 buy smokes and a patch
3:00 go to black market and buy drugs
4:40 go home
5:00 ask for lemon tea
5:10 completely flip out about how bitter the tea is and slap maid
5:20 start to rant about random things
6:00 rape maid
7:00 spy on Johanna
8:00 get high on crack
8:30 if high put on patch
9:00 if still high eat patch and if the maid comes in at the same moment flip out again then slap her.
10:00 drink till you black out