In a flash two stunners, a bone shattering hex, and the killing curse were sent his way. Dodgeing harry grabbed his daggers out of their sheaths, throwing one and lodgeing it in the center of a death eaters forehead, killing him instantly.
The other dagger was used to slash the into the throat of the other death eater ,the dagger ripped open his neck tearing at the jugular vein. Blood spattered onto harry's face, disgusting him, he was thankfull at the very least that they kept theit masks on for it kept them from being human from being people in his mind, people with families, wives, children/ lovers... fore with the masks they were just death eaters and deserved whatever they got.

Reaching down harry jerked the frst dagger out of where it was lodged in the death eaters forehead, causing blood to ooze out of the crack in the mask where the wound originated and run down to meet his was oddly beautiful in a way sort of like a crimson river flowing down to become a trickling stream.
Turning away from the two bodies Harry let out a soft sigh, they were two more deaths he was responsible for, and he still had two more to go before he was free to go after Ol'Moldy shorts. Hearing manicle laughter somewhere behind him he turned seeing a laughing figure. Harry raised an eyebrow at the quivering form of the deatheater, who in turn removed her mask, revealing the gaunt face and manic eyes of Bellatrix Le'strange.
"well, well, well, if it iss't itty bitty baby potter come to avenge his fellows,but it seems baby potter has learned some new tricks...too bad they wont save him, but don't worry baby potter you'll be seeing them all soon anyhow, and can say fsorry for being such a failure to you godmutt and friends.." bellatrix crooned sickeningly.

Harry stared at her for a second before chuckling cruely. "oh Bellatrix my lady, how are...wait dont answer that, as mad as always it seems I do so feel bad about what happened to your dealy departed husband, but then agian your not really missing anything its not like you were faithful to you husband, i made sure to let him know what a whore you've been for your lords pleasure." his voice clearly stating he couldn't care otherwise, and a cold mirth reflecting in his eyes.
Belllatrix stood frozen cold glaring pure hatred at harry, before launching herself at him taking out some daggers of her own apparently coated in a rather poent poisen and screaming " You'll die for that Potter"

Harry snickered and stepped out of her path, turning quickly to draw his wand, already preparing a spell to end her life in the most painfull of ways.
"Ah, but my dear lady that is where you are mistaken,fore i will be doing no dieing today, but you and your hypocrytical half-blood lord shall be having that honor"
arry said with a cruel little smile on his face and giving her a mock bow of respect as he whispered Peski'flail(1) causing bellatrix to stop moving and fall to the ground screaming as her flesh peeled itself from her ody of its own violation, and her blood boiled burning her from the inside out. Harry watched dispassionately with impassive eyes as she died. "three down two to go." was his whispered words before he turned round to face hogwarts...


A/N: R&R please,

(1) its a spell i came up with cause im to lazy to look up lating PESKI'FLAIL: Peel Skin Flaim Internal) yeah not very creative i know, basically the spell peels off all the skin of the outer body while slowly boiling the blood to a point it cooks the body inside out

A/N: hope you guys injoyed this! the next shall be coming soon

Lots O' Luv M-C the more reviews the quicker im likely to update wink wink