A/N: This is the rewrite to Stan's chapter. I hated it so much I decided to redo it. I'm sorry it took so long to put it up. I just didn't want to write anymore on it. You know what I've discovered? It makes me want to write on it if I've watched a marathon of South Park.
A quick side note? I'm watching 28 Days Later.
Love Hurts – Stan's P.O.V.
"You make me high! You make me real! You make me cry! Now you know the way I feel. Love is all around you. Your universe is full. But in my world, there is only you." - My World (SR-71)
I smiled, finishing the letter to Wendy I was writing. We had been together for a week now. I'm determined to make it work this time. It needs to work. I don't have Kyle to talk to anymore so I give all my attention to Wendy.
I looked up as Kenny was looking around the room. Not wanting to talk to him, I looked back down at my letter to make it look like I was busy. He always left me alone when it came to things dealing with Wendy.
I love Kenny, I really do. But Wendy doesn't. She doesn't want me around him now because he comes from a "bad family". And what Wendy wants, Wendy gets. So I wont be. I'll keep my distance. I'll ignore him, brush him off. I'll pretend I don't see his hurt expression. Pretend I don't notice how much he's been missing school lately.
I stand up and walk over to Wendy as the bell rings.
"Hey. You want me to walk you to class?"
She looked uncomfortable.
"What? What is it?"
"Stan...This isn't working out."
He frowned. He thought their relationship had been fine...
"I'm sorry Stan."
Sorry? She was sorry? He had been ignoring one of his best friends for her and she's SORRY?!
At that moment Clyde came up and wrapped a arm around her waist. "Hey Babe." She giggled and kissed his cheek. Stan felt sick as he watched them walk out the door together.
Glaring and feeling hurt, he stormed down the hallway and out the school doors not even realizing he had passed Cartman and Kyle.
A/N: I like this one more then the first one.